2395 Brekenreidkegt Brekepaine rebellion

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The 2395 Brekenreidkegt Brekepaine Rebellion was a rebellion that is widely believed to have sparked the 2395 Revolution of Empherias. Based off of the 2394 novel of the same name written by Lewis Rhommel, the rebellion broke out

Brekenreidkegt Brekepaine Rebellion
Part of 2395 Revolution of Empherias
Date25 January 2395
Result Rebel victory
* Eystaveil fleeing
* Rebels take control of Brekenreidkegt
* Start of the revolution
Empherias Populist rebels
Commanders and leaders
Rijkse James VII
Anerheim Eystaveil
Edgard Morrison
Lewis Rhommel
Felix D'laminet
Henry Alark
5 royal guards ~500 protesters
Casualties and losses
none 11 injured

Although the reasons for the rebellion had been growing or present for many years before, the Rhommel novel deeply exposed this discontent and advocated for change - proposing some alternatives. Furthermore, across the nation several activists for a liberalisation of the nation, would use this ammo to fuel more discontent and raised the appeal for a revolution. This rebellion would see the support of people would across the political spectrum although the Populist group formed specifically for advocates of social democracy. One thing that the novel had done very well was gain the support of many middle class people, and those living or working in the largest cities.

Brekenreidkegt, a town within Esthullen, was targeted specifically in the novel because of it's infamous local governor - Duke Anerheim Eystaveil - who was very vocal about his and his family immense power, and often used it to bully members of the community. Furthermore, the


The Brekenreidkegt Town Hall building was seized in the early morning at around half past four on 25 January 2395 by around five hundred middle class civilians, with hundreds of lit torches and common weapons such as cricket bats, fencing swords and cooking knives. However, the pure amount of people forced the doors to break under pressure and the people to swarm through the front gates. One of the leaders of this protest was Edgard Morrison, an avid populist, who wanted to convince Eystaveil in the area to free up voting regulations and allow people to vote and elect a new representative of the people. This was important as a new tax law, which would've raised taxes, was about to be passed by the government of the nation. Windows smashed, royal guards stabbed and killed, and the Duke fled the scene and declared an emergency to Rijkse James VII of Empherias.

A local populist man named Felix D'laminet was chosen by the local mass of people among popular opinion to replace the current duke in hiding. The overthrown Duke self-declared his exile, being rich enough to support himself elsewhere in the countryside and fearing a return. Felix had previously worked as an adviser to the Duke, trying to promote new and radical reforms and ideas. He was fired after not blending well and then started work at a local outspoken newspaper, the "Real People's Work" where he gained popularity amongst the classes. A cult of personality had formed around Felix D'laminet. He had formed the People's Populist Party (PPP) and hoped to challenge the ruling class in the upcoming elections under the Rijkse James VII. However, another popular man. Henry Alark was also popular amongst populists known for his more violent and militarist opinions. This extremist branch believed that they should remove the entire current Parliament by force in a revolution. These Alarkists began planning to take over.