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Throughout the early 15th century, the fiefs of the Mishak Kingdom would suffer through various financial troubles, due to some bad agricultural practices imposed by the royals. Meanwhile, Kentronik kept increasing its output and economic power. By 1480, the economic growth in the country, allowed Frezar to impose a marriage with the Queen of Mishak, this way incorporating the Mishak Kingdom into Kentronik. Frezar would change the capital of the Kingdom to the more prestigious, and populous Inysta, in turn signaling his intent of uniting all of Anternia.
The [[Atomagna|Atomagnan monarchy]] quickly saw the personal union as an attack, taking Frezar's claims as a threat, further aggravated when Kentronik nobles not only celebrated the marriage with festivals but also then quickly moved their army east, through Mishalik, and towards the neighboring [[Grenard]]. The union then established would implement a new system of royal coastal protection, growing a larger and stronger fleet, constructing various harbors and ports, and establishing piracy protection services as a way to cut the growing [[Piracy in the Gulf of Kloresa|piracy crisis]] of the 1400s. This expansion would be the foundations for the vast network of the Kentronik Merchant Guilds, as they would also receive protections from "excessive taxation" as part of the Kentronik Tax Code. These merchant guilds would enable the various Kentronik merchants to access international markets as well, bolstering the value of Kentronik goods in the Eastern Sea.
Nearing the late 14th Century, three different states, of three different religions, wanted to unite Anternia. Fazar, a non-Anternian successor state, with the objective of legitimizing Bokanism in East Alaxia and spreading the faith; Kentronik, an Anternian successor state, with the [[Luceroanism|Luceroanist]] belief of the empire with the objective of bringing back the old powers; and Atomagna, an Anternian successor state, in the process of converting themselves to the Karkussian [[Vixoumara|Vixoumaran]] religion.