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{{Blockquote|text=''"The barbaric Durbinians defeated our people, spreading their filth over this land."''
- Ruiu César}}
With the Senate ignoring the demands of the Durbinians, relations had reached a boiling point. Durbinia declared war against Anternia, and in a quick turn of events, won. The might of the durbinian navy was simply greater and more experienced than anything the Anternians could devise, being the master merchants of the sea, Anternia never really had the chance.
Anternia's arrogance had gotten the better of them, and now they suffered for it. The Republic had now faced failure in one of the most important campaigns in their history. The senate goes into chaos, and many factions begin appearing in the senate with the purpose of using their radical ideas to fix the nation and others simply playing for their own interests.
WithDespite this the senate goes into chaos, as for the first time in a while, the republic failed in its mission, many factions begin appearing in the senate with the purpose of using their radical ideals to fix the nation, and in the middle of such chaos, a man appearsappeared, Ruiu César. Ruiu quickly came into the senate, with his authoritariandominative, charismatic idealspersona, and a quick and concise speachspeech, known as the Speech of Regeneration, and with a quick vote, became the leader of Anternia, declaring the Anternian Empire.
== Rise of Ruiu César ==
[[File:Antoninus Pius bust S2436 ancient agora museum Athens.jpg|left|thumb|391x391px|Bust of Ruiu César]]
The charismatic persona of Ruiu took the nation by storm, as he transformed the nation from a Republic into a Empire, but unlike many prophecised, the Speech of Regeneration wasn't the only thing that took Ruiu into the status of Emperor. In fact, Ruiu had a vast level of influence upon the institutions of the Republic, be it merchant guilds that he promised to appease, or the vast estate that he owned.
Ruiu was a grand military leader, that also held upon himself the management of the Third Division. The Third Division despite having a vast number of low class was one of the most successful, and this could be attributed to the grand leadership of Ruiu.
As a military leader, he had grand disdain over the Naval Leaders, which failed to successfully defend the lands of Anternia. He claimed they were too conservative on their naval strategy, had did few to innovate, and in a famous quote:
{{Blockquote|''"Fire won't defeat Fire, rather use Water."''}}
With this war, the relations with nearby powers was extremely negative, with this new envoys were ordered to be sent by Ruiu. This movement of envoys sent, was rather influential to the growth of Anternia as a nation, as it successfully managed to make nearby powers more wary of Durbinia as a power.
The negative relations had until now were simply a result of overconfidence by the senate, and Ruiu knew this perfectly well, resorting to not act confident but rather act like they're equal to every state, calling it a "necessary lie". Many of the members were disgusted at this, and saw it as "Cooperating with Barbarians". Ruiu in a way to consolidate power, also began to consolidate the Anter Pantheon, by assimilating other culture's gods under the same pantheon, claiming them as all being in the same divine existance.
As a way to appease the various nobles after the defeat with durbinia, Ruiu prepared various divisions and declared that the end of Cidoasia was near. Soon after, a declaration of war was at their doorstep.
== Cidoasian War ==
A war was declared agaisnt Cidoasia, and the Emperor showed himself as a competent leader once again, not only in his leadership of the nation but also in the conquering of others. His military might was soon understood and respected by most of the Senate. Even so the Emperor declared:
{{Blockquote|''"My objectives is yet to be completed, peace is not assured. ''
''Even winning, our strategic might and ability can only do so much. We cannot control the harsh terrains, their vast numbers, and their barbaric mindsets, so we prepare. ''
''No matter the struggle, the nation of Cidoasia will conform to the Anternian way of life."''}}
== "The War Basket" ==
[[File:Head of Marcus Cocceius Nerva in Museo Nazionale Romano.jpg|thumb|Bust of Fernando Maior]]
With the death of the Ruiu César, the Senate goes into a bit of distress, has no succession was ever set-up, but a quick solution was achieved by a member of the Plebian Council, National elections by the Senate and its Constituents to vote on a new emperor.
The man chosen for this job was Fernando Maior, one who appealed against the ideas of "The War Basket", saying that we shouldn't put all our eggs into war, and rather invest in the other factors of our state, in this case, the merchants and trade. Fernando was seen as a more liberal governor unlike Ruiu, which was seen as a tyrant and an absolutist.
Despite all of the talks, Fernando didn't much for Anternia, but rather sat quietly and invested in various road projects, despite this, he's still seen as formidable with the defense from the Azderyian Raids, a vast amount of raids made by the desert northeners who threathened to finish the Anternian way of life, and the conquering of the Northern Port, a series of Durbinian land in the Anternian coast.
Stability doesn't last forever however. So when the eastern Azdernyians and western Devniks attacked, the problems began again, when Fernando couldn't prepare an actual army to fight them off, and the war was lost. Fernando instead of fixing the problems of the nation, acted greedily and conquered the northern nation, this caused a economic crisis in the nation, and rapidily the Senate went against the emperor. This caused the Senate to create it's own Faction which sided for "Liberty and Freedom", and the Emperor, created it's own faction siding for "Centralization and Authority".
This Civil War ended in 8 months, as the Emperor faction completely decimated the Senate faction, as they had most of the population centers, and therefore the armies in their hand.
== End of the Senate ==
[[File:ImperatorePertinace.jpg|left|thumb|275x275px|Bust of Pietrone Enax]]
The emperor faction won the civil war, against the Senate Faction due to this the military factions and the Emperor had gained more power. Fernando decides that removing the senate would cause total disruption of the government and therefore, all he will do is create a new senate, but one that is more powerless and subservient to the emperor.
[[File:Pietrone Anternia.png|thumb|Anternia under the rule of Pietrone Enax]]
One year after the civil war, the Emperor Fernando dies, giving place to a new one, this time selected by not only the senate, but by the Senate, the Arms Assembly and the Plebian Council, making the power not focused on a single class of people when it comes to selecting a new emperor. The new emperor had the name of Pietrone Enax.
Pietrone successfully warded off various Azdernyian Raiders, and amassed influence, allowing him to choose the next emperor.
Despite that, Pietrone is still known for not doing much besides stabilizing the empire's structures. Merely maintaining the new Empire in constant unity and integration.
== Era of Júlio ==
[[File:Caryatids replicas at the Erectheum (2).jpg|thumb|Temple of Piernalia]]
Pietrone, had quickly decided on his successor, the great Júlio, a young general which had fought in the war against the Azderyian raiders. Júlio begins studying the arts of rule with Pietrone in his last days, to successfully rule the Empire of Anternia. This was in contrast to the other emperors, who simply had the rank willed upon them.
When Pietrone dies, in a tragic event, a temple is built in his honor, the Great Temple of Piernalia, the Great God of the Sun. This temple would be placed right in the capital, as one of the great monuments to the Emperor, this temple would end up surviving until the modern years, being a great tourist attraction in Fazar.
Júlio, in the next election for emperor, wins. He becomes the new great emperor, and being the spiritual "Son" of Pietrone, he was seen highly by the people. Júlio was the youngest emperor to ever be elected. Even young Júlio was one of the most knowledgeable leaders, being taught by the Pietrone himself.
In a weird turn of events, Júlio begins his ventures into the desert, descibring it as "a majestic place of complete brightness, where the sun never stops shining". Júlio had a belief that the desert held various mystic secrets, and that it was Anternia's objective to uncover such.
With this the senate goes into chaos, as for the first time in a while, the republic failed in its mission, many factions begin appearing in the senate with the purpose of using their radical ideals to fix the nation, and in the middle of such chaos, a man appears, Ruiu César. Ruiu quickly came into the senate, with his authoritarian ideals, and a quick and concise speach, and with a vote, became the leader of Anternia, declaring the Anternian Empire.