Ceironian National Industrial Conglomerate: Difference between revisions

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The '''Ceironian National Industrial Conglomerate''' ('''CNIC'''), also known as the '''Ceironian Conglomerate''' ('''CC'''), is a corporation with its assets, employees, and headquarters being located almost entirely within the [[Ceironia|Ceironian Union]]. It consists of seven major subsidiary companies which are directly administered by the Conglomerate Financial Board and Executive Subsidiary Branch. Dozens of other companies are under the CNIC umbrella as lesser subsidiaries which generally include similar industries to the primary seven companies. It is the richest company in the world by revenue and asset value, making up a significant portion of the annual economic output of the Ceironian Union. The centre of operations for the CNIC is located within the Nimroy Tower in the city of Kashini, which serves as the location of many enterprises such as the Mass-Calculator Company, Kashini Extraterrestrial Kompany, Latango-Kashini Corporation and Nimroy-Hawkings Co. Within the state of KashimiKashini also lies the Casino city of Ceirdon, which Nimroy-Entertainment's casino and hotel sector operates within, whilst the filming studios are located in the outskirts of Kashini and Gorsk. Spania Aeronautical Company and Inron Armaments & Armoured Automobiles are both military-industrial companies which serve as the main force behind the military-industrial economy of Ceironia.
==Conglomerate History==
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|nukes= 70 Nuclear Warheads
Founded in 2427 during the merger of the Latango Arms Incorporated (now Latango-Kashini Corporation) and Spania General Arms (now Spania Aeronautical Company), the Ceironian National Industrial Conglomerate quickly became the largest Ceironian government military-industrial contractor. The CNIC prior to 2454 was known as the Ceironian National Arms Corporation (CNAC). Whilst currently serving as the head administrative and financial company within the CNIC, the Latango-Kashini Corporation used to be involved in the production of military equipment. However as of 2454 onward, those responsibilities were stripped and it became the conglomerate face. The SAC was merely renamed to a more suitable title due to it primarily serving within both the civilian and military aeronautics industries. Additional companies such as the Inron Arms Company and North Kashini Arms were renamed to Inron Armaments & Armoured Automobiles and the Kashini Extraterrestrial Kompany. The sudden change from arms to extraterrestrial is that the NKA evolved from being simply a missile production company, to a privatised space program innitativeinitiative, which heavily increased CNIC public standing during the Nimroy Era.
From May 2427 to June 2441, the CNAC was led by CEP Arthur L. Maliokov, under his Executive Premiership the two companies extended as the largest military-industrial entities within the Ceironian Union in both their professions of small arms, combat vehicles, utility trucks, attack and fighter aircraft production. Most manufactory facilities produced by the two companies lied within the cities of Latango, Spania, Horyuxia and Jacan, providing employment to several dozen thousand workers within the formerly mentioned cities. Maliokov during this time period was ahead of his time in terms of worker treatment, safety standards and environmental regulations if there were any. Unlike other businesses during the time period, neither Latango or Spania cut corners to evade cost cuts, didn't partake in scamming workers out of their labour, or offshoring to countries such as [[Thraxia]] or [[Ginsukyo]], which were common sources of offshoring by many Ceironian companies. This earnt the CNAC a reputation as being loyal to the nation and the people, with improved its reputation immensely despite being a war profiteer company, it also provided perks such as favourable taxes and and tax-cuts, which may have in turn allowed the CNAC to afford more and more lobbying abilities as a feedback loop. Maliokov in June of 2441 resigned from his Chief Executive President position having led the corporation from its founding, to the 2430s civilwarcivil-war where the company first saw a major uptake in influence as a result of supporting the Tarasovites. Later providing the Premiership to Anton Churchill, leading the corporation during the 2440s towards a starlit future.
CEP Anton Churchill, who led the CNAC from June 2441 to March 2451, played a key part in ensuring near monopolisation of the armament industries within the internal market of the Ceironian Union. The Inron Arms Company & North Kashini Arms during his premiership in were both integrated into the CNAC which further brought about their control over the nation's armament production industries. The NKA was also the primary producer of the Skybreaker and Dawnbreaker missiles, and produced enormous amounts of nuclear capable ballistic missiles during the 2440s and 2450s at the company's peak prior to alteration into the KEK. By the end of Churchill's reign, the corporation stood tall as the most significant developer for military hardware, naval vessels, aircrafts and missile building. During the late 2440s, Douglas Tiberius Nimroy, who by 2451 would be elected leader of the CNAC, was serving in the navy, quickly rising throughout the naval staff corps in despite only being in his twenties. At the point of the foundation of the Government-Business-Cooperative between the CNAC and Ceironian Tarasovian Government in March 2451, he was already a Rear-Admiral, and had heavy influence within the CNAC as the cousin of Churchill and was a key instrument in ensuring that the Latango Arms Inc. remained the dominant producer of Ceironian Navy vessels. Churchill upon the establishment of the GBC, resigned from his position and talks of providing the position to Nimroy was in the air. Throughout most of 2451, numerous associations within the financial board concluded that politically and economically, Nimroy being thwarted into the position was a great idea. What many would consider a risky move, resulted in a relatively positive outcome, Douglas T. Nimroy as a exceptionally qualified Rear-Admiral, was also an extremely competent Chief Executive President. During the 2450s his premiership would be no less beneficial to the corporation and Ceironia than the works and efforts of his predecessors.
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===Mass-Calculator Company===
==Cultural, Economic & Political Influences==
===Early 2480s Political DissarayDisarray===
===Motion Pictures & Literature===
===Ceironian Futurism===