Empherias National Television
Empherias National Television (ENTV), formerly known as Empheri Broadcasting Corporation (EBC), is a government-run broadcaster that operates in Empherias and Grensalbourg. It operates exclusively in the Empheri language and is the largest television channel that operates as such. It is a subsidiary of the national broadcaster of the High Kingdoms of Alaxia, HKBC, which occasionally dub programs in Exteras and other regional languages to redistribute alongside aiding ENTV with extra funding. It produces a range of programmes for television and radio in Empheri such as entertainment, news, weather, and music channels.
It is the owner of two major Empheri record labels: Hyrette Label and ENRL which produce a variety of music and has a large amount of artists, the majority of which are sung in Exteras. A large portion of the budget comes from the selling of ENTV entertainment programmes such as The Mutants, Fraudsters and Angelica to foreign countries and in foreign languages.