Flag of Sinkayya: Difference between revisions

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{{Unbulleted list|Rozédrafsa
|{{Sinkajji Script|Text=rozedrafsa}}
|Sinkajjahi Jihùriya Nayrozìh Haym’matajiyi Ňaràndrafsa
|{{Sinkajji Script|Text=sinkaçahi jihùriya nayrozìh haym’matajiyi Naràndrafsa}}
|asfardnáraN iyijatam'myah hízoryan ayirúhij ihaçaknis
|item2_style=font-family: SinkajjiRegular; font-size:18px
|item4_style=font-family: SinkajjiRegular; font-size:18px
|data2=Civil and stateState flag
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<br>14 February 2521; 5 years ago <small>(Official)</small>
The '''flag of Sinkayya''', also known as the '''Rozëdrafsa''' ([[Sinkajji]]: {{Sinkajji Script||Text=roseedrafsa}}), officially the '''National flag of the Nërozic Socialist Republic of Sinkayya''' ([[Sinkajji]]: {{Sinkajji Script|Text=sinkaçahi jihùriya nayrozìh haym'mataji}}), consists of a Širyan [[Suydeyzerš]] bearing a hammer and sickle on a red field.
== History ==
=== Second Republic ===
==== Original 2395 Proposals ====
File:si_first_republic.png|Flag hoisted over the government building in Širandèh.
==== 2400 Flag ====
=== Flags of the UNSR ===
==== 2417 flag proposals for the Union of Nërozic Socialist Republics ====
File:UNSR Flag Proposal "Miner" (2417).png
=== Flags for the State of Sinkayya (SFNSR) ===
File:Flag of Sinkayya (2400 - 2500).png|Flag of the SFNSR (2400 - 2500)
File:Flag of Sinkayya (2500 - 2511).png|Flag of the NSRS (2500 - 2511)
==== Later Adopted Flags ====
File:Sinkayya (2511 - 2520).png|Flag temporarily adopted in 2506 following the deposition of Maghisttariya's President [[Fêysil Alfith]]
=== Flags of the Third Republic ===
File:Sinkayya (2511 - 2520).png|Flag officially adopted in 2511 during the transition