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{{Infobox country| demonym=Ginsukyan|conventional_long_name=Ginsukyan Union|common_name=Ginsukyo|native_name={{GSc|ginsukiyo tihatu}} ([[Ginsukyan]])<br />{{small|''Ginsukiyo Gurintihatu''}}|image_flag=GinsukyoUnion(2524-).png|capital=[[Nyolenri]]|capital_type=|leader_title1=[[President of Ginsukyo|President]]|official_languages={{unbulleted list |[[Ginsukyan]] |[[Azarian]]}}|ethnic_groups={{unbulleted list |93% [[Turiko]] |3% [[Azarian]] |3% [[Atlantian People|Atlantian]] |1% others}}|drives_on=Right|image_map=Globe Ginsukyo.png||largest_city=Nyolenri|religion={{ublist|item_style=white-space:nowrap;
|4449.6% [[Bokanist Church|Bokanism]]
|3742.4% {{WPlink|Irreligion}}
|133.5% [[Sona Tokā]]
|4.5% others
}}|ethnic_groups_year=2522|government_type={{WPlink2|Unitary state|Unitary}} {{WPlink2|Presidential system|presidential}} {{WPlink|republic}}|leader_name1=[[Elin Paya]]|leader_title2=[[Vice President of Ginsukyo|Vice President]]|leader_name2=[[Yaki Chinaya]]|leader_title3=[[Speaker of the House of Representatives of Ginsukyo|Speaker]]|leader_name3=[[Teru Rinuto]]|legislature=[[National Assembly of Ginsukyo|National Assembly]]|upper_house=[[Senate of Ginsukyo|Senate]]|lower_house=[[House of Representatives of Ginsukyo|House of Representatives]]|established_date1=128|established_event2=[[Treaty of Remaba|Second Gurinary]]|established_date2=346|established_event3=[[First Partition|First Republic]]|established_date3=730|established_event1=[[Second Council of Nyolenri|Unification]]|established_event4=[[Peasants' War|Second Republic]]|established_date4=1314|established_event5=[[Beshway Invasion of Ginsukyo|Collapse]]|established_date5=1654|established_event6=[[Reformed Republic of Ginsukyo|Third Republic]]|established_date6=1896|established_event7=[[Ginsukyan Dark Age|Dark Age]]|established_date7=2156|established_event8=[[XXth Imperial Congress|Independence]]|established_date8=2448|recognized_regional_languages=[[Atlantian]]|area_km2=743,502.77|population_estimate={{DecreaseNeutral}} 35.75 million|population_estimate_year=2525|GDP_PPP={{IncreaseNeutral}} $801 billion|GDP_PPP_per_capita={{IncreaseNeutral}} $22,403|GDP_PPP_year=2525|GDP_nominal={{IncreaseNeutral}} $1.15 trillion|GDP_nominal_per_capita={{IncreaseNeutral}} $32,195|GDP_nominal_year=2525|currency=[[Ginsukyan Suki]]|time_zone=[[Time in Ginsukyo|GST]]||cctld=[[.gk]]|calling_code=[[Telephone numbers in Ginsukyo|+48]]|established_event9=[[Republic Act, 2454|Fourth Republic]]|established_date9=2454|established_event10=[[West Alaxian War|Fifth Republic]]|established_date10=2525}}
'''Ginsukyo''' (Ginsukyan: {{GSc|ginsukiyo}}),{{efn|''Ginsukiyo'', {{WPlink2|Help:IPA|[ɡinsɯˈkijo]}}|group=lower-alpha}} officially the '''Ginsukyan Union''' (Ginsukyan: ギンスキヨ{{GSc|ginsukiyo グリンtihatu}}),{{efn|''Ginsukyio Guriatihatu'', {{WPlink2|Help:IPA|[ɡinsɯˈkijo ˈɡɯʐinˈtihatɯ]}}|group=lower-alpha}} is a country located in [[West Alaxia]]. It is bordered by [[Fazarian Occupied Ginsukyo|Fazarian Ginsukyo]] and the [[Gateway Sea]] to the west, [[Sinkayya]] and [[Atlantia]] to the north, the [[Fazar|Fazarian]] state of [[Tuzal]] to the south, and [[Jimarian Occupied Ginsukyo|Jimarian Ginsukyo]] to the east. [[Nyolenri]] is the capital and largest city; other major cities are [[Ogodoshima]], [[Nyokeni]], [[Narono]], [[Yohizen]], and [[Ninamitame]].
Ginsukyo has been inhabited by humans since XXXXX BXY{{Efn|OOC: Ginsukyan Pre-History is a WIP|group=lower-alpha}}, later representing a distinct and indigenous [[Turiko]] culture. Later migrations by the [[Thasselene]] peoples from modern-day [[Atlantia]] influenced the Turiko significantly, introducing [[Tarani|written language]]. These upheavals resulted in the creation of proper city-states by ~100 BXY, and ushered in a [[City-states period|short but violent period]] in Ginsukyan history. A short moment of peace due to the [[First Council of Nyolenri]] was broken by [[Gurinary of Eientei|Eientei]] which moved to quickly unify the city-states, establishing the [[Gurinary of Turiko]] in 82 XY. After more conquests by the Gurinary, the [[Second Council of Nyolenri]] was convened, in which the [[Amperite of Ginsukyo]] was founded. It was also around this time that a [[Ginsukyan-Thraxian enmity|rivalry was brewing]] between Ginsukyans and [[Thraxian people|Thraxians]].
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Under the Union government, Ginsukyo has maintained a {{WPlink2|Unitary state|unitary}} {{WPlink2|Presidential system|presidential}} {{WPlink|republic}} with a {{WPlink|bicameral}} legislature, the [[National Assembly of Ginsukyo|National Assembly]]. Ginsukyo is a {{WPlink|developing country}} and a {{WPlink|middle power}}, once again experiencing [[Ginsukyan revitalization|rapid economic growth]]. A global leader in the [[Automotive industry in Ginsukyo|automotive]], [[Electronics industry in Ginsukyo|electronics]] and [[Shipbuilding in Ginsukyo|shipbuilding]] industries, the country has made important contributions to [[Science and Technology in Ginsukyo|science and technology]]. The [[Armed Forces of the Union]] is the successor to the [[Armed Forces of Ginsukyo]], and while small, it is considered highly trained.
Ginsukyo iswas considered a {{WPlinkWPlink2|cultural superpower|cultural power}}, mostly asfor the [[cultureprominence of Ginsukyo]] is well known around the world, especially thanks to its prominent [[Animation in Ginsukyo|animation]], [[Tonhai tani|comics]], [[Tourism in Ginsukyo|tourism]] and [[Video games in Ginsukyo|video game]] industries.
== Etymology ==
The word "Ginsukyo" is an {{WPlink|endonym}} from the [[Ginsukyan]] language, and was adopted in the 1st century. Before the term originated, most Ginsukyans used the term ''[[Turiko]]'' to refer to themselves. The first attestation of the word is in a verse from a [[Sona Tokā]] holy book, the [[Legend of Olar Kalarlar]] (P44-45):
{{Verse translation|
Olari{{GSc|olari Kalarilarikalarilari, kalako no toko, kuniko ko-yikoyi ichiiqi yunoko, dewateha kalako Yeni-yiyeniyi doyantoyan. Yeniyeni Ginsu-yaginsuya tazutasu, kanoro kanori, talani tona, shikashixikaxi, talani kono no Turikoturiko. Ginsuginsu tazitasi: Tamanatafana! Yeni-yiyeniyi no kiyo, tokātantoka-tan e kunihan no kiyo. '''Tinatina simisini masunasu, Ginsukiyoginsukiyo'''.}}
|Olar Kalarlar, a man of the [[Kalako|people of light eyes]], a man revered by many, he has truly abandoned his old Gods. He asks a new Goddess, Ginsu, pleading before her, for his prize, and the prize of all [[Turiko]]. Ginsu said: So it is! A Land of Gods, a Land of Faith and Prosperity. '''It will be named after me, Ginsukyo'''.
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=== Thasselene period (1000 – 100 BXY) ===
- Description of Ancient Turiko society, with power centered around a [[Li]]
- Details of the Migration
- Opposing theories on the Migration; some believe that the Kalako invaded the Turiko people and were engaged in violent conflict, others believe that the Kalako Migration was much more peaceful
- Development of [[Tarani]]
- Centralization
=== City States period (100 BXY – XY 82) ===
- Replacement of the traditional power structure and the development of power centered around an ''[[Yucili]]'' and its surrounding areas.
- Violent conflict between the Yuciliyi, and details into poems and religions
- Formation of a self aware cultural identity, the ''[[Kiyo no Turiko]]''
- [[First Council of Nyolenri]], and its short peace
- [[Conquest of Nyokeni]], establishment of the [[Gurinary of Turiko]].
=== First Gurinary (XY 82 – 128) ===
- The transformation and consolidation of the [[First Gurin]], as the three ''[[Li]]'' transform into two, and the ''Li'' become more political rather than familial.
- Development of steel
- [[Nyolenri]] and [[Eientei]] start developing further, construction results in the rapid rise of both cities
- The ''[[Shihunri]]'', a political schism inside the [[Kanso Li]], resulting in the creation of the [[Shimipaku Li]]
- Development of a navy
- The convening of the [[Second Council of Nyolenri]]
=== Amperite of Ginsukyo (XY 128 – 346) ===