
Revision as of 07:01, 20 July 2021 by Kommuniski (talk | contribs) (yesmore)
Technocratic Republic of Ginsukyo
Anthem Forward unto tomorrow
Capital Eientai
Major Cities Ogodoshima
Related Countries
Demonym Ginsukyan
Head of State Miyata Asuka
Ruling party Ginsukyan Technocratic Movement Party
Most Recent Election 2494 XY
Languages Ginsukyan


Ethnicities Ginsukyan
Population 639,417,516
GDP $862,053,779,576
GDP per capita $22,914
Currency Alaxian
Driving Side Right
Armed Forces Ginsukyan Armed Forces
Naval Forces Ginsukyan Naval Forces
Air Forces Ginsukyan Air Force
Nuclear Arsenal

This article is about the Technocratic Republic of Ginsukyo

Ginsukyo (Ginsukyan: ギンスキョ, Ginsukyo, Ginsukyan pronunciation: [Gi'n'su'kjo]), or The Technocratic Republic of Ginsukyo is a Country located in the Eulean Peninsula. Around 568 Million People live in the coast of Ginsukyo which is where the major cities is placed while the rest, 134 million people live in the mainland. the country covers a total area of 290,776 km² (112,269 sq mi) and shares land borders with Alantia, Thraxia, Sinkaja, Jimaria. The Nation recently gained independence by the Imperialist fazarian rule by the 40s and early 50s it later replaced the Fazarian Monarch with a ginsukyan president.

In the beginning of the 25th Century, Ginsukyo was a poor, unindustrialized area and usually a colonial possession or a member of an eulean union. After gaining it's independence from the Fazarian Imperialists and replacing the Fazarian Monarch, It later followed an explosive period of growth, from a below 100B GDP in 47, in 83 Ginsukyan GDP was approaching 300b, almost quadrupling. Ginsukyo later formed a world class Consumer electronics Industry, alongside Shipbuilding and Automatives, Creating High efficient Natural Gas Vehicles sold to the world during the oil crisis, dominating the game console industry with a total of 165 million Ginsukyan Consoles of all types sold so far.

It's has known to be a scientific hub of Alaxia, with many advances and making many significant contributions to scientific research and technology in the Country later creating the Largest Particle Accelerator in the world Operated by the Ginsukyan Research Company, Geki (げき) It is ranked very high in the Human Development Index, with a universal healthcare system, and a free university education. Ginsukyo's economy is the world's Seventeenth-largest by nominal GDP. The culture of Ginsukyo is well known around the world, including its art, cuisine, music, and popular culture, which encompasses prominent comic, animation and video game industries.


The name Ginsukyo is written using the katakana カタカナ. Before it was adopted, in the early 1st century the country was known as the republic of thaigh. The term Ginsukyo Derived from a thaigh Legend where the promised land that the thaiqh people, the children of gods, will forge and create themselves in the planet of earth. The Characters "ギンスキョ" mean "Promised land"

The standard way to refer to the citizens of Ginsukyo is "Ginsukyans" in English. There are two words in Ginsukyan which are commonly translated into English as "Ginsukyans"—one is "ギンスキャン" (Ginsukyan), which most often refers to ethnic Ginsukyan—and the other is "ギンスキャネ" (Ginsukyane), which refers to the citizens of Ginsukyo, regardless of ethnicity


Main Article: History of Ginsukyo

Early History

One of the first modern human bones of over 40,000 years old were found in South Ginsukyo, in the villages of eisahira and Boshio situated on the banks of the Furo River. Nomadic pastoralism developed in the Pontic–Caspian steppe beginning in the Chalcolithic. Remnants of these steppe civilizations were discovered in places such as Eientai, Yohizen, Sakamo, and moienda, which bear the earliest known traces of horses in warfare

Ginsukyo first appears in written Legend in the thaighn Book of Shi, completed in 57 XY. Bokanism was introduced to Ginsukyo in the 14th century, but the development of Ginsukyan Bokanism was primarily influenced by Azyeri. Despite early resistance, Bokanism was promoted by the ruling class