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|common_name=Grensal Republic|conventional_long_name=The Republic of Grensalbourg|calling_code=|drives_on=Left||legislature=[[Mijguer Town Hall|Grensal Republican Assembly (GRA)]]|flag_border=yes|image_map=[[File:Globe Grensalbourg.png|300px]]|leader_title2=|religion=|leader_name2=|leader_name1=|leader_title1=[[President of the Grensal Republic|President]]|area_rank=|area_km2=|established=2490|year_end=2491|year_start=2490|life_span=3 August 2490 {{En dash}} 25 July 2491|largest_city=capital|status=Defunct}}
'''Republic of Grensalbourg''', known primarily as the '''Grensal Republic''', and sometimes the '''Mijguer Republic''', is a defunct political entity that attemptedbroke toaway become the legitimate government overfrom [[Grensalbourg]] betweenin August 2490, before being invaded and dissolved in July 2491. Republican[[Anti-Empherism in Grensalbourg|Anti-Empher sentiment]] began in Grensalbourg from the country[[Palak causedminority tensionsgroup toin startGrensalbourg|minority overgroup of Palaks]], prevalent in some major cities, the loomingmountainous personalnorth, unionand withthe east near the [[Hveden FederationPalakkinen]] border. Furthermore, [[Republicanism in Empherias and Grensalbourg|Republican sentiment]] against the late[[Monarchy 2480s.of OnceEmpherias|Empheri royal family]], as well as the looming personal union beganwith the [[Hveden Federation]], saw the [[2489–24912489–2490 Grensalbourg personal union protests]] tookbegin, placefollowed acrossby the country[[First withGrensalbourg theCivil governmentWar|Grensalbourg unableCivil toWar]]. takeGovernment action duefrom toGrensalbourg was few because of a hung parliament. Theseand protestssome ledMPs tocausing amore near-seriouschaos attemptby towithdrawing establish athe republicchamber in theprotest. townThe ofGrensal [[Mijguer]],Republic was established on the opposite sidebank of the riverEwynn around the city of [[EwynnMijguer]], giving it's nickname. TheWith [[Liberalthe Partyelections of Grensalbourg|the Liberal]] party wonto the elections in Grensalbourg parliament in 2491, whichthe sawgovernment themfinally taketook firm action and dissolvesent thein breakawaymilitary statewith inaid Julyfrom the Hveden government.