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{{HQ}}{{Infobox national military|name=High Kingdoms Armed Forces|founded=August 15th, 2448; 72 years ago|branches=* [[File:Flag of the High Kingdoms Navy.svg|25px]] [[H.K. Navy]]
The '''High Kingdoms Armed Forces''' are the military services responsible for the defence of the High Kingdoms of Alaxia. They also promote the wider interests of the union such as the support of international peacekeeping efforts and the providing of humanitarian aid.
* [[File:Flag of the High Kingdoms Army.svg|25px]] [[H.K. Grand Army]]
* [[File:Flag of the High Kingdoms Air Force.svg|25px]] [[H.K. Air Force]]
* [[File:Flag of the High Kingdoms National Guard.svg|25px]] [[H.K. National Guard]]|headquarters=[[Ministry of Defence Main Building|Ministry of Defence]], [[Esperiy]]
<!-- Leadership -->|commander-in-chief=[[King]] [[Albert I]]|commander-in-chief_title=Commander-in-Chief|chief minister=26-President|minister_title=Defense Minister|minister=26-DefenceMinister|chief minister_title=President|chief_of_staff_title=Chief of Defense Staff|chief_of_staff=26-Highmarshal|commander_title=Vice-Chief of Defense Staff|commander=26-Vice-Chief|age=16-17 with parental consent;
18 without parental consent|conscription=None|available=85 Million (2525)|active=355,000|reserve=500,000|deployed=35,600|manpower_age=18-25|image=[[File:Flag of the High Kingdoms Armed Forces.svg|200px]]|caption=Flag of the High Kingdoms Armed Forces|fit=50 Million (2525)|amount=$950 Billion (2525)|percent_GDP=2.51% (2526)|domestic_suppliers={{hidden
|''List of Kiavalari Suppliers''|
* Ashvan Charyce
* Galbirand-Ceriye
* Ishfarvan
* Shahazzen
* Virkin
* Windrunner
* Cardenfell
* Asavar Armaments
* Arpand-Aviers
* Averin
|''List of Ahitereiran Suppliers''|
* Alo!
* Cerio Armor
* Şõdete Corporation
* Marciel Protection Inc.
* Alvares Corporation
* Kaŗeş ESR
* Alerioş Inc.
* Klamer Corporation
* Şõdete Techcorps
|''List of Empherian Suppliers''|
* Royal Ordinance
* Wynnoa Arsenal
* Steijkar
* Cairns
* EmWare
* Laowynn
|''List of Koresan Suppliers''|
* Kinavotech
|''List of Peryziumite Suppliers''|
*Solavium Armaments
}}|foreign_suppliers=* CNIC
* WISE|imports=$12.092 Billion|exports=$55.610 Billion|history=[[Military History of the High Kingdoms of Alaxia]]|ranks={{plainlist|
* '''Officer ranks'''
** [[High Kingdoms Navy officer rank insignia|Navy]]
** [[High Kingdoms Army officer rank insignia|Grand Army]]
** [[High Kingdoms Air Force officer ranks|Air Force]]
** [[High Kingdoms National Guard officer ranks|National Guard]]
* '''Other ranks'''
** [[High Kingdoms Navy other rank insignia|Navy]]
** [[High Kingdoms Army other rank insignia|Grand Army]]
** [[High Kingdoms Air Force other ranks|Air Force]]
** [[High Kingdoms National Guard other ranks|National Guard]]
}}|motto="For the Union! By his will alone!"}}
The '''High Kingdoms Armed Forces''', also known as '''His Grace's Serene Armed Forces''', are the military services responsible for the defence of the [[High Kingdoms of Alaxia]]. They also promote the union's wider interests, such as supporting international peacekeeping efforts and providing humanitarian aid. Furthermore, it is one of the recognised nuclear powers in the world. The Armed Forces consist of four branches: the Grand Army, Navy, ]Air Force and National Guard. Each branch has a specific role within the High Kingdoms military apparatus and they each conduct operations in their designated domain. Additionally, the National Guard acts as a paramilitary force and a law enforcement force. Each of the branches are further separated into sub-branches and administrative formations.
While officially formed in 2448, the groundwork of the modern H.K.A. military framework was paved by the Inysta Conference of 2445. However, it took nearly a decade for the organisation, tactics, structure and traditions of the constituent nations to be properly reformed into a reliable and efficient military force. It has participated in numerous military conflicts, insurgencies and humanitarian missions since its formation. Chief amongst them is the Heboi conflict of the 2510s. The National Guard was founded in 2456 after the Inysta Straits Crisis.
The monarch of the High Kingdoms of Alaxia is the Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief. As of 2026, this is Albert I. However, constitutional convention allows for the delegation of de facto executive authority to the President of the High Kingdoms as the President is the representative of the monarchy and herald of the monarch. Some authority also resides in the Defense Minister as he or she is the highest ranking military official. The Defense Ministry handles all legislative and administrative duties of the Armed Forces, this includes enacting and enforcing the defence policy set by the President and his cabinet along with the Royal Defense Council.
The High Kingdoms is a permanent member of the International Concord Security Committee and one of the nuclear-armed states. It is also one of the founding and leading members of the IDDI.
{{Main|Military History of the High Kingdoms of Alaxia|Military History of Ahitereira-Koresa|Military History of Kiavalar|Military History of Empherias|Military History of Peryzium|History of the High Kingdoms Navy|History of the High Kingdoms Grand Army|History of the High Kingdoms Air Force|History of the High Kingdoms National Guard|l2=Ahitereira-Koresa|l3=Kiavalar|l4=Empherias|l5=Peryzium|l6=History of the Navy|l7=Grand Army|l8=Air Force|l9=National Guard}}
===The New Union Military ===
The origins of the H.K. Armed Forces begin with the Inysta Conference and later Esperiy Conference that outlined defense policies and funding respectively. What followed was an intermediate period of reorganisation where the individual armed forces of the constituent nations were merged and amalgamated into the its respective branches. During this period, the military was classified as the New Union Military. The first move towards a unified military was made during the Vreimer Conference of 2448. Here, various figures from the armed forces of the constituent nations came together to discuss the process of merger. By 2449, two factions had emerged between the high commands of the constituents. One proposed a unified military under the federal government with the various branches having their own independent commands. The other proposed that the constituents retain their armed forces but serve under a single high command. The government demanded a settlement of the dispute and internationally, conflict had been escalating in various parts of the world. Security concerns saw it imperative a conclusion be reached. Thus, in 2451, a middle ground was reached with a unified military under the federal government as well as a unified high command that oversees and coordinates with each branch. The following year, Henry Pershing was unanimously voted to be the head of the New Union Military. He led the force for around 5 years, much of it spent in streamlining the reorganisation process until in 2457, when he retired. In the immediate aftermath, the constitution was amended and the New Union Military was rebranded as the High Kingdoms Armed Forces, officially and alternatively called His Grace's Serene Armed Forces, marking the end to the reorganisation process.
The Sovereign of the High Kingdoms of Alaxia is the head of the armed forces. However, constitutional convention and royal prerogative enables the president to have de facto executive authority as the President is the representative of the monarchy and herald of the monarch. The President makes key decisions on behalf of the Sovereign with approval from the cabinet. Certain decisions such as those concerning budget is ultimately put forth by the Secretary of Defense and approved by the Premier and the House of Representatives. The Sovereign retains the ability to revoke or rescind decisions made by the President or government. Such scenarios are rare but not unheard of with major political and social ramifications. Usually, such decisions are made to prevent unconstitutional use of the Armed Forces.
The Ministry of Defense oversees defense policy and budget. It also coordinates between the various services and acts as the civilian oversight for the military. The Chief Secretary of Defense is the principle administrator of the Ministry, further assisted by the Secretary of Defense for Armed Forces, Secretary of Defense for Defense Procurement, Secretary of Defense for Veterans' Affairs and the Secretary of Defense for Military Relations. The services (Army, Navy, Air Force and National Guard) oversee the organisation, training and equipping its forces, actual operational authority and responsibility of management lies under the Royal Chief of Staff Committee and the Grand Defense Council of the Union as well as the four service boards.
==== The Grand Defense Council of the Union====
{{Main|Grand Defense Council of the Union}}
The supreme governing body of the High Kingdoms Armed Forces, the Grand Defense Council of the Union (GDCU) is composed of senior representatives from the various services and the ministry of defense. It is chaired by the Secretary of Defense who is the general administrator of all 'affairs of defense' with the High Kingdoms of Alaxia. It derives it's powers through delegation from the President. It has command and control authority over the armed forces and provides an equal platform between the government and the military.
Until 2471, the GDCU did not contain the heads of the four services. However, with the 'Powers Act' of 2471, this changed. The GDCU now contained the heads of the four service boards while a seperate Defense Management Board was established as a wing of the GDCU that had contained the heads of the Armed Forces along with Civil Service and Ministry of Defense representatives. This Board was response for the full range of Defense Business rather than operational conduct.
====The Royal Chief of Staff Committee====
{{Main|Royal Chief of Staff Committee}}
The senior-most body within the military, the Royal Chief of Staff Committee (RCSC) is a continuation of the Kiavalari service of the same name. It is composed of the most senior military personnel in the HIgh Kingdoms Armed Forces who advise on and coordinate military affairs. It is headed by the Chief of Defense Staff, styled as the Lord Highmarshal. It is the most senior rank in all of armed forces and held by a senior officer within the High Kingdoms Armed Forces. It also contains:
* Vice-Chief of Defense Staff, styled the Lord Marshal
*Chief of the Naval Staff, styled Lord Seamarshal
*Chief of the Army Staff, styled Lord Grandmarshal
*Chief of the Air Staff, styled Lord Airmarshal
*Chief of the National Guard, styled Lord Custodian
Both the Chief and Vice-Chief of Defense Staff retroactively act as the commander and coordinator of all Strategic Command, thereby controlling the joint capabilities of the four services.
====Command Regions and Forces====
[[File:High Kingdoms Strategic Command Regions.png|thumb|300x300px|The strategic command regions of the High Kingdoms of Alaxia. These are East Alaxia Command (Dark Blue), North-Eastern Command (Red), Central Command (Orange), North-Western Command (Light Blue), West Alaxia Command (Yellow), Far Western Command (Purple).]]
Chain of command descends from the King to the President and Secretary of Defense to the GDCU and RCSC and finally to the Office of Strategic Command Regions and Forces (OSCRF). It is the official posting of the Chief of Defense Staff and the Vice-Chief of Defense staff, styled as the Commander Strategic Regions and Vice-Commander Strategic Regions respectively. They manage the joint capabilities of the four services. The Command regions are areas of responsibility as well as different doctrinal systems, operational authorities and priorities. Under each Command Region is a Strategic Command Force which has a number of duties and responsibilites overseeing a certain region (or a certain aspect of defense in the case of the High Alaxian Commands). Operational Authority in the are falls under said Command Region and then the relevant Command Force. The High Alaxian Command is a doctrinal term used to describe Command Forces belonging to no single Command Region as they either provide global theatre support (for the case of the Expeditionary, Cyber Operations, Strategic Operations and Special Operations Forces) or interstellar support (for the case of the Frontier Command).
Each of the service components within a specific Command Force has specific doctrinal terms, they are:
*Joint Operations Naval Component
*Joint Operations Land Component
*Joint Operations Aerial Component
*Joint Operations Guard Component
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
|+High Kingdoms of Alaxia Strategic Command Forces
! Command Region
!Military Units
!Civillian Personnel
| rowspan="6" |
| rowspan="6" |High Alaxian Command
|Expeditionary Forces
|Kasr Vitoria, Vitoria, Ahitereira
|Conduct large scale military operations globally, often in support of other Regional Commands.
|Cyber Operations Forces
| Calvin Base, Empherias
|Conduct military cyber operations globally.
|Logistics Operations Forces
|Kasr Perialor, Kiavalar
|Conduct logistics operations globally, in support of other Regional Commands.
|Strategic Operations Forces
|Titanwatch Base, Ahitereira
|Conduct nuclear deterrence and strike command, provide missile defense and global information, intelligence, command and control, communications and reconnaissance support.
|Frontier Forces
| The Mountain, Empherias
|Conduct military operations in space.
|Special Operations Forces
|Castlereagh Base, Kiavalar
|Develop and employ Special Forces and conduct Special Operations globally.
| rowspan="4" |
| rowspan="4" |East Alaxian Command
|South Alaxian Forces
|Brokenridge Base, Tiralia, Koresa
|Conduct military operations in South-Eastern Alaxia, and provide security to Ahitereira, Empherias and Koresa
| Valar Forces
|The Citadel, Anoriwan, Kiavalar
|Conduct military operations in North-Eastern Alaxia, and provide security to Peryzium and Kiavalar
|Eastern Islands Forces
| Easvall Base, Kaer Ethrenshirin
| Conduct military operations in East Alaxian Islands and Heboi
|Southern Reaches Forces
| Icespire Base, Karkuss
|Conduct military operations in Karkuss and the Alaxian south
|North-Eastern Command
|Cralas Forces
| Kasr Victariyan, Cralas
|Conduct military operations in North-East Qatesh and provide security to Cralas
| rowspan="2" |
| rowspan="2" | Central Command
|Jungle Forces
|Blightwatch Base, Skuria
|Conduct military operations in Central Jungles
|Malassia Forces
|Markenriegt Base, Malassia
|Conduct military operations in Central Qatesh
| rowspan="2" |
| rowspan="2" |West Alaxian Command
|Ciyugan Forces
|The Deluge, Saxuteela
| Conduct military operations in the Ciyugan Sea and North-West Alaxia and West-Central Qatesh, and provide security to Saxuteela and Vamu
|Lothern Forces
|Starlight Base, Lothern
|Conduct MIlitary Operations in South-West Alaxia, and provide security for Lothern
| rowspan="2" |
| rowspan="2" |North-Western Command
|Arctic Forces
|World's Edge, Illuaq
|Conduct Military and Research Operations in North-West Qatesh, and security for Illuaq
| Nordleg Forces
|Kasr Stadthome, Nordleg
|Conduct military operations in Nordleg and North-East Acoria, and provide security for Nordleg
| rowspan="2" |
| rowspan="2" |Far Western Command
|Tupa Forces
|Stormwatch Base, Tupalei'i
|Conduct military operations in North-West Acoria, and provide security for Tupalei'i
|Ceironia Forces
|The Anvil, Ceironian Island
|Conduct military operations in Southern Acoria
==Service Branches==
Under the command of the RCSC, the Armed Forces includes four service branches who oversee training and arming of forces. These branches have specific roles and domains of responsibility. These are the Army, Navy, Air Force and National Guard
===High Kingdoms Grand Army===
The Grand Army of the High Kingdoms of Alaxia or more commonly known as the High Kingdoms Grand Army is the overland fighting force of the High Kingdoms. It is composed of the Army Regulars and the Army Reserve. The Grand Army is commanded by the Chief of Army Staff and administrated by the Ministry of Army. The H.K..A Army Forces are enabled to fight effectively independently at the Regiment level, with multiple regiments working in support of each other within their own as well as other battalions or brigades.
====Grand Army Branches====
The H.K.A. Grand Army is divided into various branches. Each Branch has a specific badge and insignia as well as colours. Enlisted soldiers can be a part of multiple branches after completing the specific training schools of those branches. The Branch badge is outfitted onto the righ shoulder. Army Branches can be either consisting of enlisted men, civilian professionals or a mix of the two.
{| class="wikitable"
|+High Kingdoms Army Branches
! colspan="7" |Military
!Insignia and Colour
! rowspan="9" |
!Insignia and Colour
|Infantry Corps
|[[File:High Kingdoms of Alaxia Infantry Corps Badge.svg|frameless|100x100px]]
|[[File:High Kingdoms of Alaxia Infantry Corps Insignia.svg|frameless|200x200px]]
|Gunnery Corps
|Armour Corps
|[[File:High Kingdoms of Alaxia Armour Corps Badge.svg|frameless|100x100px]]
|[[File:High Kingdoms of Alaxia Armour Corps Insignia.svg|frameless|200x200px]]
|Rocketry Corps
|Royal Alpine Corps
|[[File:High Kingdoms of Alaxia Royal Alpine Corps Badge.svg|frameless|100x100px]]
|[[File:High Kingdoms of Alaxia Royal Alpine Corps Insignia.svg|frameless|200x200px]]
|Signal Corps
|Royal Ranger Corps
|[[File:High Kingdoms of Alaxia Royal Ranger Corps Insignia.svg|frameless|200x200px]]
|Chaplainry Corps
|Airborne Corps
|Field Medical Corps
|Royal Household Corps
|Dental Corps
|Royal Engineering Corps
|Information Corps
|Royal Scout Corps
|Aviation Corps
! colspan="7" |Joint
!Insignia and Colour
! rowspan="6" |
!Insignia and Colour
|Royal Intelligence Corps
|Musical Corps
|Operations Corps
|Doctrine Corps
|Inspector General's Corps
|Training Corps
|Adjudicator General's Corps
|Medical Corps
|Military Police Corps
|Cyber Corps
! colspan="7" |Civillian
!Insignia and Colour
! rowspan="2" |
!Insignia and Colour
|Public Affairs Corps
|Acquisition Corps
===High Kingdoms Navy===
===Royal Alaxian Air Force===
==Ministry of Defence==
===Empherias Royal Guards===
===Role of women===
===Role of elves, skaven and dwarves===