High Kingdoms Armed Forces: Difference between revisions

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Line 133:
|Kasr Vitoria, Vitoria, Ahitereira
|Conduct large scale military operations globally, often in support of other Regional Commands.
often in support of other Regional Commands.
Line 148 ⟶ 147:
|Kasr Perialor, Kiavalar
|Conduct logistics operations globally, in support of other Regional Commands.
in support of other Regional Commands.
Line 156 ⟶ 154:
|Titanwatch Base, Ahitereira
|Conduct nuclear deterrence and strike command, provide missile defense and global information, intelligence, command and control, communications and reconnaissance support.
provide missile defense and global information,
intelligence, command and control,
communications and reconnaissance support.
Line 173 ⟶ 168:
|Castlereagh Base, Kiavalar
|Develop and employ Special Forces and conduct Special Operations globally.
Special Operations globally.
Line 183 ⟶ 177:
|Brokenridge Base, Tiralia, Koresa
|Conduct military operations in South-Eastern Alaxia, and provide security to Ahitereira, Empherias and Koresa
and provide security to Ahitereira, Empherias and
Line 192 ⟶ 184:
|The Citadel, Anoriwan, Kiavalar
|Conduct military operations in North-Eastern Alaxia, and provide security to Peryzium and Kiavalar
and provide security to Peryzium and Kiavalar
Line 200 ⟶ 191:
|Easvall Base, Kaer Ethrenshirin
|Conduct military operations in East Alaxian Islands and Heboi
and Heboi
Line 208 ⟶ 198:
|Icespire Base, Karkuss
|Conduct military operations in Karkuss and the Alaxian south
Alaxian south
Line 218 ⟶ 207:
|Kasr Victariyan, Cralas
|Conduct military operations in North-East Qatesh and provide security to Cralas
and provide security to Cralas
Line 244 ⟶ 232:
|The Deluge, Saxuteela
|Conduct military operations in the Ciyugan Sea and North-West Alaxia and West-Central Qatesh, and provide security to Saxuteela and Vamu
North-West Alaxia and West-Central Qatesh, and
provide security to Saxuteela and Vamu
Line 253 ⟶ 239:
|Starlight Base, Lothern
|Conduct MIlitary Operations in South-West Alaxia, and provide security for Lothern
and provide security for Lothern
Line 263 ⟶ 248:
|World's Edge, Illuaq
|Conduct Military and Research Operations in North-West Qatesh, and security for Illuaq
North-West Qatesh, and security for Illuaq
Line 271 ⟶ 255:
|Kasr Stadthome, Nordleg
|Conduct military operations in Nordleg and North-East Acoria, and provide security for Nordleg
North-East Acoria, and provide security for Nordleg
Line 281 ⟶ 264:
|Stormwatch Base, Tupalei'i
|Conduct military operations in North-West Acoria, and provide security for Tupalei'i
and provide security for Tupalei'i