History of the High Kingdoms of Alaxia: Difference between revisions

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Not much changed with the budget however apart from some vague administrative reforms to federal services, and extra funding to the military as requested and scientific investment. The budget vote was held on 30 March 2461 and passed 445–85 , with the government, the BVP, Cyn Serilin, Durbanar Jin, the Alliance party, Feriliye Jin, the Pink Daphnes, and Green party voting in favour; and the other conservatives, nationalists, JCPK, and Janvariye Jin voting against.
==== Democratic reform agenda and 2462 budget ====
On 1 June 2461, premier Isabella King would hold a speech in which she laid out her plan for her Democratic Reform Agenda (DRA). The first act of this plan was to increase the powers of the provinces established in the constitution to be fully functional based on the Ahitereiran model of province-power. The Provincial Government and Powers Act 2461 would pass on 8 October 2461 with votes 441–89. As an amendment to the constitution, it crossed the 356 threshold of seats and was passed into law by President Tyrpitz on 13 October 2461. This act did not state how any government would be elected or how the power procedure would go, but it would give existing councils extra powers. For example, the Wynnoa Assembly in Empherias which already had jurisdiction over the entire province of the same name would receive the new powers set by the federal government with their mayor becoming the new Governor of Wynnoa, but for other provinces where this was not the case, nothing would happen immediately. New powers would transfer on 1 November 2461.
On 30 October 2461, the government of Kiavalar launched a supreme court case to challenge the federal decision. The supreme court did not issue a ruling on the condition that the government would issue an amendment to the act granting some Kiavalari provinces a delay in implementing the new powers. Through loopholes, this allowed a certain few Kiavalari provinces, where governance with various internal kingdoms made provinces too powerful, to indefinitely delay the implementation of these powers forever.
The next part of this agenda was the Establishment for the Provinces a new Governorship and Assembly Act 2462 which would pass on 18 March 2462 with votes 423–107. This would provide the provinces with new identical governmental structures. It would apply to all provinces, although specifically for those provinces who did not receive new powers under the loophole, this new government would be elected but receive zero actual power with it all being ceremonial. The act specified that every province, alongside Esperiy, the Aether islands, and the island of Etherevar, would all receive a governor - a sort of head of state of each province - totalling 78 in all. They would be directly elected although through a run-off system similar to the President, where only two candidates run in the final elections. The act would also establish an elected chamber consisting of 50 elected representatives known as a State Assembly, elected using MMP (through 50% constituencies with FPTP, and 50% proportional representation). The constituencies of the State Assembly were not the same as those used in the House of Representatives, and would be drawn by an independent body with the ability to be challenged by the High Court if it showed political biases.
The budget vote was held on 29 March 2462 and passed 445–85 with the same vote as previous. The budget didn't include any specific thing but did commit $6 billion to regeneration in certain poverty stricken deprived areas as decided by the provinces they are allocated to. The budget also included an increase to federal minimum wage by the inflation rate of the last few years.
==== 2462 budget ====
The next piece would be to introduce by-elections for vacant seats in the House of Representatives. The Creation of Special Elections Act 2462 would pass 410–120 on 15 June 2462. Up until this point, if there was a vacancy in the house or a member was suspended, the party leadership of their party would replace that representative with somebody else, or in the case of independents (which never happened), a neutral MP would be chosen by the premier and approved of by 2/3rd of the House of Representatives. The new rules would be that if a suspension of over 21 days was given to a representative, or they resign or die in office, their seat would become vacant and a by-election would be called in that constituency as soon as possible to elect a new member. This would for the first time, alongside governor races, give the incumbent government mid-terms of some degree. The act would be in effect from 1 July 2462.
The first elections to the provinces state assemblies and governorships would take place in November 2462, two years before the legislative and presidential elections were to take place in late 2464. Governorship and State Assembly elections would take place every four years, with the next taking place in November 2466.
==== 2462 gubernatorial elections and by-elections ====
{{Main|2462 Arkegyll by-election|2462 High Kingdoms gubernatorial elections|2463 High Kingdoms February by-elections}}
The first test of the new democratic reforms were after a long-term People's Socialist Party Zack Sutts, representative for Arkegyll, passed away after a long illness on 23 October 2462. A by-election was scheduled alongside the gubernatorial elections all held on 9 November 2462. The by-election saw the Conservative party win, increasing the Tories in the House from 10 to 11 seats - and giving the Empheri conservatives their first seat ever. This was because the Nationalist party did not run due to funding issues, and the Liberal party did not run due to deadline and internal issues, allowing the Conservatives to sweep the right wing vote, while the PSP suffered lower turnout and votes going to the Green party candidate instead, who was well liked likely. However, all three candidates win over thirty percent of the vote making it a very tight race.
The gubernatorial elections saw pretty much expected results. Liberals and Socialists won the majority of province governorships with 29 and 23 respectively. The JCPK, Alliance, and BVP all won 5 governors tying for third, a very respectable number for minor parties. Janvariye Jin received 4 governors, the Conservatives and Nationalists received 2 governors, and Pink Daphnes won just the Vitoria province.
During the summer, two more representatives would die in office, both in Ahitereira and both in Inysta. The first was Zalaşar Joa of Zgjõplau who died in a freak accident on 19 December 2462, and the second was Diega Maneli of Gaupé who died of old age on 30 December 2462. Both by-elections were scheduled simultaneously for Thursday 15 February 2463, amid budget discussions. During these by-elections, Gaupé was held by the incumbent Liberals, but Zgjõplau was gained by the King's party, making it the second by-election to be won by a Conservative candidate in less than a year, and in fact the only party to win any by-election apart from an incumbent party.
==== 2463 budget ====