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Acceptably referred to as The General Assembly or The Assembly
Acceptably referred to as The General Assembly or The Assembly
The Assembly is composed of a seat for every member of the International Concord, being the only body in the IC with universal membership, and it decides, by a plurality vote:
The Assembly is composed of a seat for every member of the International Concord, being the only body in the IC with universal membership, and it decides, by a plurality vote:

- The Four (4) Temporary members of the Security Committee
- The Four (4) Temporary members of the Security Committee

- All of the members of the Other Committees
- All of the members of the Other Committees

- All of the judges in the International Court (With assent from the Security Committee)
- All of the judges in the International Court (With assent from the Security Committee)

- The Ratification of New Members
- The Ratification of New Members

- The Ratification of General Treaties and Measures
- The Ratification of General Treaties and Measures

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==== Subsection One: ====
==== Subsection One: ====
Any proposal or measure which has failed to be passed, either by veto or by losing a vote, may not be proposed again for a period of one year. This includes both proposals of identical wording, and those of wording as to produce the same outcome as the original proposal. The International Court will determine these later cases when applicable.
Any proposal or measure which has failed to be passed, either by veto or by losing a vote, may not be proposed again for a period of one year. This includes both proposals of identical wording, and those of wording as to produce the same outcome as the original proposal. The International Court will determine these later cases when applicable.

==== Subsection Two: ====
Sec. 4, Subsec. 1, Art. 1, which reads "The Four (4) Temporary members of the Security Committee" shall be considered void, as the General Assembly shall henceforth determine the Four (4) Temporary members of the Security Committee via Ranked Choice Voting.

'''Sec. 8, Subsec. 1: Approved, November 2503'''
'''Sec. 8, Subsec. 1: Approved, November 2503'''

== Controversies ==
'''Sec. 8, Subsec. 2: Approved, January 2506'''

=== Sections One and Two ===
In January of 2505, The [[Alsara|Alsaran]] Representative made a Petition to the [[International Concord International Court]] (ICIC), arguing on the grounds that Security Committee Resolution 2504-08-1 violated Sections One and Two of the International Concord Charter. The Judges ruled against Alsara, and allowed Resolution 2504-08-1 to stand, citing; "the functions and principles have never been grounds for prosecution" and adding "functions and principles are also not actual rights". The Alsaran Representative proceeded to attempt to pass Proposal 2505-02-1, which would have overruled the court's decision, however, this proposal failed to gain majority approval from the General Assembly.

After the failure of Proposal 2505-02-1, the speaker of the assembly noted, "the failure of this measure does not make these sections irrelevant, it merely shows a failure to change their relevancy."

=== Non-Amendment Changes ===
A number of De Facto changes to the Charter have also been ratified by the General Assembly and/or Security Committee, often opposed by outside observers and members who believe the charter should be strictly followed. These have largely arisen from the loose definition of "amendment" as is pertaining to the charter.

==== Expanding Powers of the Court ====
Resolution 2501-11-1, passed with 92.8% approval of the General Assembly, Granted the International Court the authority to begin investigations without direct General Assembly approval, requiring a Resolution to bar any investigation, as opposed to requiring one to start it. It also granted the court the authority to settle any cases between two or more sovereign nations.

Resolution 2502-02-2, passed with unanimous approval of the General Assembly, further expanded on the above, by creating the Court of Interstate Disputes, to settle conflicts between member states of the International Concord

Resolution 2505-05-1, passed with 75% approval of the Security Committee, made the Court the official interpreter of the Charter

Some have questioned the body's ability to make these changes without amending the charter's outlined powers of the Court.

==== Section Four ====
Resolution 2506-01-6, passed with 85.7% approval of the General Assembly, overrode Section Four, Subsection One, Article One, (which stated the General Assembly would determine the temporary members of the Security Committee via Plurality vote), making all future temporary ICSC votes use a Ranked Choice voting system. Despite this, it was not formally an amendment, which some have criticized.