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Officially part of the IC as '''The Popular and Democratic Administration of Nusayah and the OsierianOsierang Archipelago''' (PDANOA) but also know in official capacity as the '''People's Republic of Malayah''' after the government it is a constituent part of, previously during [[OFN]] occupation and by most members of the GDI known as '''Nusayah''', and colloquially known as '''North Malayah''' is a country in East Acoria, off the coast of [[Lunidor]]. It is claimed by [[Lunidor]] and [[Ceironia]] to be part of the Lunidorian province of Reiyah-Nusayah.
===People's Republic (??? - 2440)===
===Exile (2440 - 2445)===
===Restoration and Modern History (2445 - Present)===