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==== The Majestics (2503) ====
==== Majestics Two : Glass (2504) ====
==== Majestics Three : Ruby (2508) ====
=== Phase One (2501-2504) ===
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==== Fire-Beetle 2 (2503) ====
Guernico Jonas, now in his first year of college, continues to fight crime in his free-time, finally having reached a balance between his identities. Life would remain stable, until he found Veneça Eta, while an ordinary girl to anybody, she was special to Guernico, as he fell over her at first sight. Due to his efforts to win Veneça over, he would see himself overburdened by his secondary identity as Fire-Beetle. Guernico eventually sees himself forced to choose between his life and continuing to fight crime as Fire-Beetle, to which he forfeits his secondary identity completely. As he is in a date with Veneça his life seems finally perfect, as he sees himself without any issues or responsibilities, until Veneça is shot in the left arm by a mafioso. Guernico leaves in fury, and in just 30 minutes brings the whole Mafia Institution down. As everything seemed lost, Veneça sees herself survive, but having to amputate her arm. Guernico while finding stability once again, sees himself guilty for having Veneça lose her arm, and promises to never leave crime-fighting again.
To be determined.
'''Post-Credit Scene:''' Fire-Beetle sees himself ready to establish a crime-fighting organization to further cement his stability in life. Angelica with the information of her organization discovers such out, and reaches out to Fire-Beetle through a phone-call, where we only hear one line: "So are you committed to this?"
==== Austeriy (2504) ====
The villain will survive.
==== Luçero and the Legend of Anternia (2504) ====
Luçero is sick of the life as a God amongst the heavens. He often looks down at the people below him that look so similar and wishes to live amongst them. His sister Madalena tells him not to as it is dangerous to intervene, and against the wishes of their grandmother Sabrina, the godess of Love. After an explosive arguement with her, he flees and escapes to the land below. He blesses the people with godly looks, and characteristics of the Anternian bloodlings. He created a new city, Lucero, which would feed the mortals and create the most ideal life.
The gods were furious over Luçero being so selfish to defy the rules, especially of his own grandmother. Treste, the God of Death, orders his sister Madalena to come down and destroy the city and kill Luçero for his treason. The two siblings would fight in an epic battle in which Madalena would seemingly win. The people would try to fight for Luçero but fail. The landscape was transformed back to mere tribes and caused ruin. It would see that Luçero escaped but had to live a life of secrecy, only helping out the people in small deeds.
'''Post credit scene:''' Luçero in the modern day helping out with small miracles in Lucero every now and then. Eventually, when a tragedy occurs, he steps in once again to help out the people of Luçero again. Treste realised that Madalena did not kill him and comes to Earth himself to destroy Luçero (To be continued, in The Mighty Part One : Gods Amongst Men)
==== The Mighty - Gods Amongst Men (2504) ====
Line 69 ⟶ 75:
White Rose and Angelica have taken up key roles to repair the city, and Empherias, of the horrible battles against the god. Investigations conducted show that many robotic spies may be living in the poverty stricken labour camps throughout the capital. Angelica is sent in to learn more but is captured by an elite squad of Robocta. New rebellions and a surge in anti-hero protests empowers the Robocta who decide now to stage an invasion. Many rebels welcome the new alien overlords while others find them repulsing that they would accept new overlordship. As the Robocta peacefully settle and get comfortably, they betray their armies of militia and wipe out many almost instantly. Angelica works from the inside to quell the invasion with the destruction of equipment and key figures controlling the robots, while other White Rose members would team up with freedom fighters to stop the invasion on the outskirts which involves a small romantic sub-plot. The aftermath sees public opinion shift to the requirement of heroes to defeat worse enemies.
==== Night-Knight: Life of Martin Lois (2506) ====
Whilst a completely normal man at first sight, Martin Lois is actually diagnosed with schizophrenia. One of his personalities eventually forced him to turn into a masked vigilante at night by the name of Night-Knight. Martin, despite having no powers, had a large amount of capital which enabled him to continue the fight no matter the loses - as well as sporting extremely high technology. He would meet with one of his greatest enemies: himself. He eventually defeats his evil persona at the cost of his whole home.
Line 76 ⟶ 82:
==== General Alaxia (2507) ====
Being found by Angelica in an underground capsule, General Alaxia would be reintroduced into a modern society. She had originally been forced into eternal sleep by Cralasian scientists in the 2400s but she now focuses on uncovering the plot Cralasian scientists, who discovered immortality and were infiltrating the government of the HKA, and defeats them.
==== The Mighty - The Fire That Rages (2507) ====
Fire-Beetle has discovered a new element and gains a massive untapped power source. This is quickly stolen by corporate spies working for the massive Sutonese corporation, NangTo Inc. - a military technology company who is using the new element to make an AI capable of defending the world. The AI goes rogue and takes over every single operation in the nation, so the Mighty assemble once more and fight against them and eventually win.
=== Phase Three (2508-2510) ===
==== The New Majestics (2508) ====
With the massive radiation brought upon by the explosions of the Battle of Suton and the implications of this new element, people everywhere are infected with the Power Gene. Problems occur all over the planet as people are now seeing themselves become mutated and super-powered, as some even transform into Lovecraftian-like begins. The Majestics Jimarian family, all infected with the Power Gene, would be highlighted as they fight alongside newly powered villains in the city.
==== Fire-Beetle 3 (2508) ====
Crumbling upon his own mental health, Fire-Beetle begins to fight his own demons as he has to balance his personal life with the life of a superhero. As the leader of a super-hero initiative, his identity is revealed to the public and the life of his parents is threatened. Furthermore, his poor health is impacting his super-powers, which begin to fail. After his mother's death to a Powered, his guilt of causing it would collapse him. In once last battle, he is able to spare his life and defeat the Powered but declares that he will no longer be a superhero.
==== Platinum Patriot (2509) ====
A military experiment by the Meerkats had begun in the High Kingdoms to create a superpowered piece of armour to allow for battle against the Powered. A man by the name of Raul Maiorka would infiltrate the military facility and take the armour prototype, becoming the Platinum Patriot. He would fight not for the state but for the people. General Konstanco of the High Kingdoms army would then take charge to take back the armour but Raul would destroy their forces.
==== Angelica 4 (2509) ====
The evil God of Mestelek wants to torment Angelica, who he sees as having wrecked havoc and leading the terrorist organisation of the Mighty. He summons her worst enemies - Toxa and Interweb - to fight her and bring her down to justice. Toxa, a cyborg like hybrid who basks in electricity and control it to his whim and Interweb, an insane megalomaniac who is trying to subdue humans to work for her sick and weird fantasies, would try to overwhelm Angelica together. Music (and Interweb) would be played by popstar Malenei. Angelica, who is juggling the role at White Rose and the mentoring of a new assistant, is stripped of time. The pair, alongside White Rose, manage to defeat both Toxa and Interweb, but all three of them escape and vow to destroy them once and for all.
==== Ultra-Sapient (2510) ====
As the Powered continue to grow in numbers, a mysterious entity from the magmatic region of Empherias appears. He is able to hide anywhere he wants and transform into any sapient creature. He begins to learn about the local culture and becomes involved in abolishing crime syndicates from the inside, eventually moving to the city of Inysta where he would meet crime-boss Brainteaser. He lost control of his own mind but in the end, defeated the villain.
==== The Mighty - Mestelek Strikes (2510) ====
As the Mighty see themselves fractured (with the resignation of Fire-Beetle, and the Powered beginning to bring society in Oikia to chaos), Mestelek sees it as the time to attack. Despite having no physical presence, he warps the minds of those around him and implant the ideas of Powered Superiority and for a battle to commence across the sapient population. Terrorist groups form on both sides and a civil war breaks out. The Mighty assemble, introducing the Platinum Patriot and Ultra-Sapient for a representative from both sides. Mestelek would eventually see himself so angry at the Mighty that he would manifest a physical form and fight himself. Fortunately, he was defeated but escapes through a portal to some unknown place. Angelica tragically dies from injuries of the fighting where she sacrifices herself for the greater good.
Phase Two:
<code>-1. Angelica Revolution
- Starting Phase Two with a familiar face, detailing how life has changed after the horrible battles of the past film, film details fight against societies new rebellions and surge in anti-hero protests, post-credit scene allures to sequel;
-2. Angelica Rift in Time
- After the events of the previous film, Angelica finds that one of the main scientists in the planet, Lukas Kadiea, was in the process of discovering Time-travel in small scale, this means being able to rewind and fast-forward objects in space, rather than the space itself. Lukas Kadiea's invention is taken by [Insert Angelica Villain], and she has to fight against him, eventually winning. Post-Credit scene allures to the finding of General Alaxia.
-3. General Alaxia
- Being found by Angelica, in an underground capsule, General Alaxia had been in an eternal sleep, forced onto her by the Cralasian Scientists of the 2400s. General Alaxia would then be reintroduced into modern society, focusing on uncovering the plot of Cralasian scientists, who discovered immortality and were now infiltrated in the HKA's government. She defeats them.
-4. Star-Kick
- After being stuck in the secret magical jungle village of Karkantar, in Kiavar, Star-Kick with his vast knowledge of the martial arts, and his deep connection with the spirits. Would embark in a journey to Inysta, as his main villain, Plero, a martial arts master capable of copying any move with just his sight. Star-kick would eventually stay in Inysta as he was invited to the Mighty.
-5. Martin Lois
- A completely normal man at first sight, Martin Lois is actually diagnosed with schizophrenia. One of his personalities eventually forced him to turn into a masked vigilante at night by the name of Night-knight. Martin despite having no powers, had a large amount of capital which enabled him to continue is fight no matter the losses, as well as sporting extremely high technology. He would meet with one of his greatest enemies, himself. In which he would destroy his whole home and eventually, his evil persona.
-6. The Mighty - The fire that rages
- As Fire-Beetle discovers a new element, he also gains a massive untapped power source, which is quickly stolen by Sutonese corporate spies, who work for a massive corporation, NangTo Inc. a military tech company, who using the new element, makes an A.I. capable of defending the world. The A.I. goes rogue and takes over every single operation in the nation of Suton, so The Mighty assemble and fight against them, eventually winning.</code>
Phase Three:
<code>-1. The New Majestics
- With the massive radiation brought upon by the explosions of battle of Suton and the implications of the new element, people everywhere are infected with a gene, the Power Gene. Problems occur all over the planet, as now people are seeing themselves become mutated and super-powered, as some even transform into love-craftian like beings. A family comes into play, a family all infected with the Power Gene. The jimarian family, would now be highlighted in the nation, as they would fight alongside each other against the new powered villains in the city.
-2. Fire-Beetle 3
- Crumbling upon his own mental health, Fire-Beetle begins to fight his own demons, as he has to balance his super-powered life, with his personal life. Now being in a super-hero initiative, as its leader, as affected his personal life to the point, that he finally comes out the public. He would then have a super-power block, and unable to use super-powers in such a time, is incapable of protecting his parents. His mother would die tragically to a Powered, having the guilt of being both incapable of defending her and making such a villainous person powered, eventually collapses him to the point that only when his life is threathened is he able to fight back. Eventually he would win, he would declare that he would no longer be a super-hero or a mighty.
-3. Angelica 4
- The evil God of Mestelek wants to torment Angelica, who he sees as having wrecked havoc and leading the terrorist group of the Mighty. He summons her worst enemies - Toxa and Interweb - to fight her and bring her down to justice. Toxa, a cyborg like hybrid who basks in electricity and control it to his whim and Interweb, An insane megalomaniac who is trying to subdue humans to work for her in weird fantasies. The two would overwhelm Angelica, who is juggling the role at White Rose with the mentoring of a new assistant. The pair manage to defeat both Toxa and Interweb, but Mestelek escapes and vows to destroy the Mighty once and for all.
-4. Platinum Patriot
- A military experiment by the Meerkats had begun in the HKA, and as such a super-powered armor would be made so humans would have the possibility to fight against the Powered. A man by the name of Raúl Maiorka, would infiltrate the military facility, and take the armor prototype. He would then become the Platinum Patriot, fighting not for the state but for the people. General Konstanço, of the HKA Army, would then be in charge of taking the armor back, his efforts would be in vain, as Raúl would successfully destroy the forces trying to do so.
-5. Ultra-Sapient
- As the Powered continue to grow in numbers, a mysterious entity from the magmatic region of Empherias, being able to hide anywhere he wants, and transform into any sapient creature appears. Begins to learn about the Empherian culture, and suddenly becomes involved in abolishing crime syndicates from the inside, eventually moving to the city of Inysta, in which he would meet the crime-boss Brainteaser. He would suffer fighting against such, as he no longer had control of his own mind, but in the end superseded him.
-6. The Mighty - Mestelek Strikes
- As the mighty see themselves fractured, with the resignation of Fire-Beetle, and as the Powered begin to bring society in Oikia into chaos, Mestelek sees it as the time to attack, and while having no physical presence, he would begin to implant the ideas of Powered Superiority and a battle of Species onto the sapient population. As terrorist Powered and Sapient groups form, the Mighty assemble, introducing the Platinum Patriot and the Ultra-Sapient as both Powered and Human representatives in hopes of successfully winning against the terrorism of the world. Mestelek would eventually see himself angered at the Mighty to the point that he would manifest physicall and fight them all, he would fortunately lose, with the tragic death of Angelica, being a majort casualty.</code>
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center"
!Film name
Line 131 ⟶ 115:
! colspan="6" |Phase One
|17 October 2501
|[[Oskar Saria]]
|Oskar Saria and [[Vaneça Mariy]]
|''The Ravenous''
|10 April 2502
|''[[Angelica (2502 film)|Angelica]]''
|21 December 2502
|[[Julie Russell]]
|[[Liam Collins]] and [[Eliza Ryan]]
|[[ENTV]], [[Minek Pictures]] and [[DheviS Inc]]
|''Fire-Beetle II''
|15 July 2503
Line 138 ⟶ 145:
|''Luçero and the Legend of Anternia''
|8 February 2504
|''The Mighty Part One - Gods Amongst Men''
|29 September 2504
! colspan="6" |Phase Two
|''Angelica 2''
|''The Champions of Time''
Line 152 ⟶ 175:
|''Night-Knight: Life of Martin Lois''
Line 159 ⟶ 189:
|''General Alaxia''
|''The Mighty Part Two - The Fire That Rages''
Line 166 ⟶ 203:
! colspan="6" |Phase Three
|''The New Majestics''
|''Fire-Beetle III''
|''Platinum Patriot''
|''Angelica 3''
|''The Mighty Part Three - Mestelek Strikes''
! colspan="6" |Phase Four
|''Emmy and the Evil of Elphora''
|sequel to ''Star-Kick''
|''Wei Ju''
|sequel to ''Platinum Patriot''
|''Lily Florakis''
|sequel to ''General Alaxia''
|''The Mighty Part Four''
! colspan="6" |Phase Five
|''Emmy and the Witch Woods''
|''Agent Angelica - The Cult of Mortus''
|to be determined
|to be determined
|to be determined
|''Agent Angelica - Battle with Demonica''
|to be determined
|''The Mighty Part Five''
! colspan="6" |Phase Six
|to be determined
|''Agent Angelica - Toxa and the Toxettes''
|to be determined
|to be determined
|to be determined
|''Agent Angelica - The Insanity of Interweb''
|''The Mighty Part Six''
! colspan="6" |Phase Seven
|to be determined
|to be determined
|''Agent Angelica - The Final Showdown''
|to be determined
|to be determined
|''The Mighty Part Seven''