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{{HQ}}{{Infobox historical era
|name = Revolutionary period
|start = 2395
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|before = [[CampbellianEvergreen period of Empherias|CampbellianEvergreen period]]
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|after = [[Alaxian period of Empherias|Alaxian period]]
|monarch = {{Unbulleted list|[[Rijkse James VII of Empherias|James VII]]|[[Rijkdottir Abigail of Empherias|Abigail]]|[[Rijkse George IV of Empherias|George IV]]|[[Rijkdottir Roxanne of Empherias|Roxanne]]}}
|leaders = {{Unbulleted list|[[HaydenRussell GreyMontgomery]]|[[Maisie Zoey King]]|[[Felix D'laminet]]|[[Elizabeth Rose]]|[[Henry Watford]]|[[Robert Webber]]|[[Alice Rettels]]|[[Edward Broedesmore]]|[[Skylar Lawrence]]|[[Katelyn Roberts]]|[[Sofia Hopkins]]|[[Lukas Knight]]}}
The '''Revolutionary period''' was the era of [[Empherias]] [[History of Empherias|history]] between 2395 and 2448. The period began following the [[2395 revolution of Empherias|2395 revolution]], ending the [[Evergreen period of Empherias|Evergreen period]]. The period came to an end because of Empherias' unificationadmittance withto the [[High Kingdoms of Alaxia]], beginning the [[Alaxian period of Empherias|Alaxian period]].
=== Characteristics ===
=History by premiership=
== 2395 Revolution ==
{{main|2395 Revolution of Empherias}}
{{main|2395 Revolution of Empherias}}[[Abigail I of Empherias|Rijkdottir Abigail]] began finally began tweaking her government in December 2396, and invited Felix D'laminet to form a government as her Prime Minister on 1 January 2397.
=== Background ===
Decades of a general political shift towards right wing conservativism and [[Luceroanist Bokanism|luceroanism]] in elitist circles saw both major political parties, the [[Liberal Party of Empherias|Liberals]] and the [[Conservative Party of Empherias|Conservatives]], adopt further out of touch policies to appeal to the very few elites who could vote in elections. Because of intense corruption, a restricted electorate, and a biased electoral system, there were no major opposition beyond ankrankist parties who couldn't gain more than a very few amount of seats. This led to a consistent back and forth of Liberal to Conservative governments with no major policy shifts in the latter half of the 24th century. There were some members of the parties, such as in the Liberal party, who did want to push for more liberalisation. These were the Mellow Evergreens, formerly part of the dominant but since defunct political party of the early 2300s, but were not able to gain enough political favour across the Liberal elite to create much change. This was even more apparent after the assassination of former prime minister Spencer Young, and the death of many Evergreen thinkers in the 2350s and 2360s.
General unrest was beginning to grow across the late century especially with growing religious divides with the common selbyists being treated less so by luceroanist employers. A growth of luceroanist employers also saw heightened discrimination against women and gay people, and a trend of disliking the poor. The affect of the industrial revolution on living conditions also saw many of the lower classes completely fed up with their government. With rising excess deaths and overworking, trade unions became very popular and democratic values spread intensely. Trade unions would even begin to help those discriminated against fight for better treatment. In some areas of the country, trade unions were very much in control of local governance and were sometimes trusted more than the government. A lot of these trade unions and other movements for change are labelled loosely as 'populist movements'.
Some of these movements blamed capitalism as a systemic issue and advocated for a more communal trade union approach. Others liked the ideas of their local trade union and would wish of a larger trade union for the entire country with a big government. Some were just dissatisfied with the most recent prime ministers - Jack Kaur and Russell Montgomery, who were brothers and benefited from nepotism and were considerably incompetent - and thought it was time for another shift back to the Liberal party. Some believed it was the royal family, or sometimes just incumbent rijkse James VII who was tyrannical. Many favoured a republic. But many agreed on the base ideas of necessary electoral reform and democratic values to be introduced, as well as regulations for working people. General strikes would begin across the late 2380s and 2390s, with the largest being a large shutdown to the Alexandria region of Wynnoa for 5 weeks across August and September 2391. However, the government would try and curb trade union powers in 2392 after at first promising some reform. They would also begin forcibly disbanding large trade unions who were governing towns and replacing them with unitary authorities ran by local nobility. One such town: [[Brekenreidkegt]], in [[Esthullen]], whose governing trade union, the [[Union of Brekenreidkegt]], was disbanded in October 2392 and replaced by an authority ran by the [[Anerheim Eystaveil, Duke of Brekenreidkegt|Duke Anerheim Eystaveil]]. This happened to many other smaller towns across the country, but mostly on the Ewynn nearer larger cities. Strikes would continue across the 2390s in different varieties, with some trade unions even hiring well paid militia and having standoffs with the government. In some places far removed from the capital such as the far north, the largest trade unions were de-facto running independently of the government.
=== Brekenreidkegt Brekepaine rebellion ===
{{main|2395 Brekenreidkegt Brekepaine Rebellion}}
The Brekenreidkegt Brekepaine is widely regarded to be the spark for the full-scale revolution. The name is based off of the 2394 [[Brekenreidkegt Brekepaine (novel)|novel]] of the same name written by [[Lewis Rhommel]]. Rhommel had been a follower of populism in the country for many years and lived in Brekenreidkegt, one of the towns affected by the trade union crackdown. He wrote of his experiences in the two years and urged the public for action. He named prominent populist figures and urged for power to consolidate around them as ring leaders for a coming push to reform. Furthermore, across the nation several activists for a liberalisation of the nation, would use this ammo to fuel more discontent and raised the appeal for a revolution. The novel became one of the best selling of all time but was quickly outlawed - but remained alive due to underground selling. The novel also gained the support of many middle class people who were usually selbyist still and were feeling for the poorer or worse off than them. Although maybe some middle class people supported the movement because they felt the tide swinging and wanted to be on the right side. Some supported the movement because they believed that with the elite overthrown, they were next in the hierarchy to take over their roles.
After weeks of smaller scale protests, the Brekenreidkegt Town Hall building was seized in the early morning at around half past four on 25 January 2395 by around five hundred middle class civilians, with hundreds of lit torches and common weapons such as cricket bats, fencing swords and cooking knives. However, the pure amount of people forced the doors to break under pressure and the people to swarm through the front gates. One of the leaders of this protest was [[Edgard Morrison]], an avid populist, who wanted to convince Eystaveil in the area to free up voting regulations and allow people to vote and elect a new representative of the people. This was important as a new tax law, which would've raised taxes, was about to be passed by the government. With windows smashed, royal guards stabbed and killed, the Duke fled the scene and declared an emergency to James VII and the prime minister. Brekenreidkegt is located very closely to Esthullen, the administrative capital, and so he was housed safely with the king and word spread quick. In total, there were 44 people killed in the rebellion, with 19 of those being royal guards, and the other 25 being civilians and protestors. Morrison would make a speech at the scene known as the Hopeful Declaration, declaring a 'new democratic age for our country and our people'. Morrison would establish a 'State of Brekenreidkegt' on 27 January 2395.
=== Aerogastnicht and other civil unrest ===
{{main|2395 Aerogastnicht|The Black Year}}
What followed was massive civil unrest, worse than ever before, across the country known as the Black Year. There were large numbers of protests in almost every town and city imaginable with government members in. In some areas, while the idea of independence hadn't been thrown around, dominant trade unions increased their militia and ordered the arrest of all government officials in the area. The government pushed for an expansion to the military to put down wide scale riots, such as the Georgina Riot on 3 February 2395, where 258 rioters were arrested, and 8 died.
Henry Alark, a former army lieutenant who was well known within the movement for his radical and militarist approach, led a large faction known as the Alarkists. In early February, he officially formed the Alark Corps with backing from a local trade union in Zerwynn and pushed to start a violent revolution to overthrow the king.
The Aergoastnicht took place on 28 March 2395. It was a night of murders of key autocratic figures leading to the death of twelve members of parliament, three royal guards, thirteen councillors, twenty-five upper class nobles, and two other deaths, with the attempted murder or serious injury of another 55. It had been planned in an underground newspaper and violent group for weeks and targeted people from across the country. Some spies did discover some of the plots for the government, leading to some plots being ousted in advance. The night allowed for the prime minister to begin major profile arrests under the guise of public safety concerns, notably the arresting of Felix D'laminet - a former civil servant and famous populist journalist.
=== The Storming of Parliament ===
{{main|Battle of Parliament (2395)}}
Since February, Henry Alark had been planning an attempted coup. He moved to the small town of Skeulbourg to rally his troops and even recruit former troops of the national army. He armed his troops with military grade equipment and prepared to storm the government in April. Beginning at the King's Palace, five hundred troops and Alark himself stormed the capital which created mass panic in the city. The king had since fled to Rommes, while the prime minister had promptly left parliament after hearing about the incoming attack from intelligence. The national guard had been alerted and 1,000 troops from the army came to confront the Alarkists, believing that it was enough to 'destroy the malnourished'. During the seizure, Alark gained another 195 in milita-men and captured several rich manors, the parliament, and occupied the central town. In the parliament in particular, three members of parliaments and another 8 nobles were brutally slaughtered by members of Alark's militia. Some eyewitnesses saw famous local politicians on pikes around the city. Hoping to siege the city rather than engage, the royal guards were forced to confront Alark's troops after hearing of the brutal crimes being committed and fearing that the populists could claim themselves as the legitimate government. The government was also worried of other militias coming to Alark's defence and encircling the royal guards. Therefore, the Royal Guards engaged Alark's forces in a large park near the central town and an urban battle began on 26 April, a week into the populist occupation.
After eight hours of urban warfare, Alark's forces were forced to retreat due to the superior firepower and higher manpower of the army. Towards the battle's conclusion, several of the militia on the populist side fled and the side became incredibly disorganised while the army maintained organisation. Alark fled the city alongside prominent members, and many in Alark's forces were arrested and put on trial for treason. 201 were executed across May and June, with the rest in prison or escaped. Ultimately, the government had won the battle and managed to re-control the capital. They believed that they could now take control and end the revolution. The government would again arrest many prominent populists after their display of force. Edgard Morrison was captured after the government invaded the Brekenreidkegt state on 2 May 2395 where he was then sent to a detention centre in Vreimer. Morrison was executed on 5 May 2395 and became a martyr.
Protests and general strikes would continue less frequently throughout May and June with some fearing of the government's latest effective crackdown - although many still believed the government was weak after they lost the capital for 7 days. Winter would come and it would be quite brutal across June, July, and August. During the winter, D'laminet managed to create a network despite his imprisonment to distribute articles for newspapers to stir tension. Despite panic from the government that D’laminet was dangerous, some were concerned that his execution could lead to a similar fate as Morrison’s which could see more protests occur. Instead, the government continued to relocate him, and managed to intercept some letters, but many guards and even government officials allowed him to continue out of sympathy and loyalty to the movement.
=== The Princess Coup ===
{{main|The Princess Coup}}
James VII's government, fearful of the damage that these spreading ideas could have, clamped down on any free speech and brought on draconian measures. Mock executions on insignificant populists took place and the government sent disloyal army officials to re-education centres. In many towns and cities further away from the central government, some of these rules were ignored who believed that they were unjustified. Populist takeovers of towns, similar to that of Brekenreidkegt, took place - especially in the southeast and northwest. National strikes took place once again during the summer, with a major one occurring on 7 September 2395. Trade unions in particular would play a crucial part in weakening government control. Upwards of 90% of all towns in the modern day province of the North were completely controlled by independent trade unions who had began implementing some reforms already. Trade unions even grow in places where the government would ordinarily have great control, such as south of the Ewynn, in Palarya, and even some parts of Wynnoa.
With growing confidence, Henry Alark again recruited people, this time from several trade unions, and formed a new army of 2,500 troops. They were equipped with stolen army barracks after several raids in September and October. They laid low in November and sent out disinformation through known spies instead of imprisoning them. Then, when the time came, the spies were purged and Alark marched on Rommes to the King's residence on 29 December 2395. Aided by several loyal trade union-controlled towns on the way, Alark reached the royal palace with little resistance and little notice to the royal guards. Furthermore, the eldest daughter and heir to the throne Crown Princess Abigail, had been in correspondence with many populist figures since as early as 2393 and sympathised with their cause, and had been spreading disinformation to the king herself as one of his trusted members of the courts. Abigail had never liked her father, but didn't want to be disowned, and many believed she gained her position as an anti-establishment figure with liberal and socialist beliefs during her upbringing where her family was absent.
Alark was ultimately successful and defeated a contingent of 300 royal guards with ease and captured the palace. The King narrowly escaped in a small convoy and fled to the neighbouring country of the [[Hveden Federation]], where their monarchy had only recently been re-established in 2390. Before fleeing to Hvede, the King was keen to try and remain in the country, but his small convoy encountered trade union militias in any major town they went - and thus they choose to go to a safe third option.
Abigail had moved to a safe undisclosed location in Vreimer just hours before the storm of the palace, but was quick to express her support for the revolution. Once her father had fled in early 2396, she took control and declared that James VII had de-facto abdicated by leaving the country. She was declared the Rijkdottir Abigail I on 11 January 2396.
She pardoned and released Felix D’laminet, and other populists persecuted for their ideology, from prison. She dissolved the corrupt parliament and installed her friend, Maisie Zoey King, as an interim Prime Minister. D’laminet met with Abigail many times and D’laminet used his influence over the populist movement to show support for the monarchy under Abigail, while she agreed to remove more powers from the monarchy - which she wished to do regardless. She was quick to remove all influence of her father and his noble allies across the country. She made frequent addresses assuring her citizens and both the army and now the populists embraced their new ruler.
The interim government pushed to immediately be more radical to gain the favour of the general public. They initially wanted to execute all former Conservative prime ministers on the basis they committed treason against the Empheri people. Of the surviving, the incumbent Prime Minister Russell Montgomery, the 2nd Lord Grey, was arrested and sentenced to death; his brother and former PM Jack Kaur, the 1st Lord Grey, had his titles stripped after he fled to Ahitereira; and Thomas Wright, Baron of Stonegrave was arrested but died of natural causes in custody. Former Liberal prime minister Wigfred Marksdottir would be put on house arrest until 2405, and would die in 2428 of natural causes aged 98.
[[Abigail I of Empherias|Rijkdottir Abigail]] began finally began tweaking her government in December 2396, and invited Felix D'laminet to form a government as her [[Prime Minister of Empherias|prime minister]] on 1 January 2397.
==Felix D'laminet's tenure (2397–2411)==
{{See also|Provisional Government of Empherias|Second D'laminet administration of Empherias|Third D'laminet administration of Empherias}}
=== D'laminet's First term ===
[[Felix D'laminet]] as Prime[[wikipedia:prime Ministerminister|prime minister]] didn't have much direct experience running the country, so he wanted to get as much talent as he could to run the [[wikipedia:Government|government]]. Furthermore, he was aware that the country needed stability as well as the [[Populism in Empherias|Populist movement]]. He needed to include all branches of the populist ideology to appease everybody - including the violent [[Alarkist movementAlarkism|Alarkist]] movement. One of D'laminet's key objectives was to modernise the state and finally finish the [[wikipedia:Industrial revolution|industrialisation]] process. But, he was still worried about the new faction of [[Frankist movement|Frankists]] which had congregated and wished to restore the [[Monarchy of Empherias|monarchy]] to power under the previous monarch, [[James VII of Empherias|James VII]]. Many nobles and monarchists ''had'' fled to neighbouring countries though and D'laminet wished to put the violent Alarkists into a department that could handle any insurgency attempt. Therefore, one of the first departments that the Prime Minister created was the [[Department of War and Civil Obedience (Empherias)|Department of War and Civil Obedience]]. He then appointed [[Henry Alark]] as it's [[Minister of War and Civil Obedience (Empherias)|Ministerminister]], and appointed many of his allies to key posts as parliamentary undersecretaries to the department, heads of the civil service, or into the [[Armed Forces of Empherias]].
==== Noble Insurgency ====
Henry Alark, the newly appointed Minister of DefenceWar, would be tasked with turning the {{WPlink|military}} into a formidable force able to fend off against a noble insurgency if it happened. General [[William Weslington]] was made [[Chief of the Armed Forces of Empherias|Chief of the Armed Forces]] and would begin rigorous army officer training with appointments based on a {{WPlink|meritocracy}} rather than birth-right. The [[National Army of Empherias]] would be reformatted from the previous monarchist rule and would be indoctrinated into new democratic values and taught at their military schools the negatives of monarchist rule. Elite troops would be inducted into the Royal Guards which would hold permanent standings in major cities and train lower ranked troops and officers. Various militia would be made up of volunteers and would begin training of two years - although there was fear in government that they didn't have that time.
The Battle of Priscei Cathedral broke out as noblemen rose up in the city of Priscei on 7 September 2397 and capture the city without resistance. Using local farms and food stores, they held in the town for two weeks as they were surrounded by the Empherias Army. Henry Alark personally. The noblemen, Lord Peter Rindelburg, had around 5000 militia although they were poorly trained and armed following restrictions on gun usage. The army surrounding the city was made up of 600 royal guards, and 15,000 national army troops. They laid a blockade which lowered the supplies of the nobles until 14 September. The following day, Alark ordered a siege and barraged the city from all sides. Due to superior training and morale, the Populist suffered just 800 casualties while the poor morale of the noblemen troops (because they fought out of obligation not genuine agreement) led to 4300 casualties, wiping out nearly the whole army from injuries, death or prisoners of war. Henry Alark had won the battle within just a week. Lord Peter was captured, had his titles stripped and was put on trial as a regular man in the Court of Wynnoa where he was found guilty of treason and sentenced to death.
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=== Henry Watford's term ===
{{See also|2412 Empherias general election}}[[File:Empheri-Hvede railway map 1.png|{{Color box|2E1833}} Empherias<br>{{Color box|999999}} Hveden Federation<br>{{Color box|ff0000}} Railway Line, Palarya -> Vaiyeins (1410km)|alt=Railway Line, Palarya -> Vaiyeins|thumb]]After nearly a year in office, Henry Watford and the broader Populist top officials believed that it was time for a new general election to finally achieve a majority government and end the back and forth of minority governments - and more importantly restore a populist prime minister. Thus, the party pulled out of the supply and demand agreement in late February, and triggered a vote of confidence in the Parliament. With all parties bar the Socialists wanting another chance at an election, the house voted 364–232 for no confidence in the government. Parliament was dissolved and a new election was held on 18 April 2412.
While the election saw little movement for the Socialists, it did allow for the Populists to regain some seats, mainly from Conservatives worried that the Socialists would sour Hveden-Empheri relations. The final saw the Populists regain the plurality, though not a majority, of 251 seats - short 50 for a majority - while the Socialists ended on 239, a technical seat increase. With Watford now the Prime Minister, Robert Webber was appointed his Chancellor of the Exchequer and Deputy Prime Minister. They hoped that they could count once again on the Socialists in a supply and demand agreement, but nothing official was ever signed and some of the Socialist cabinet were angry at the Populists for the no confidence vote.
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Kiavalar kindly donated large swatches of military equipment in 2430 to Empherias for free. These included 50 metal body planes, 200 other planes, 15 medium tanks, 100 light tanks, 200 heavy tanks, and 200 armoured cars. By 2435, Empherias maintained a tank count of 335. Furthermore, two military officers (one armed expert and one naval admiral) went to Empherias to help modernise the military.
==References= Third term ===
{{See also|2429 Empherias general election}}
The 2429 general election took place on 1 September 2429. Generally, Rettels had improved the country's economic situation and handled the position of the country internationally after the Great War. Therefore, her approval rating was high and thus the People's Socialist Party succeeded well in the general election, gaining 27 seats from 351 won in 2425 to 378 won this time. This increased the government's majority from 102 to 156. The opposition's Liberal party lost 16 seats going from 179 to 163, and all minor parties excluding the Greens lost seats. Alice Rettels was re-elected prime minister.
Following months of ill health, being signed off from the army due to sickness, Henry Alark had wanted to return to his post as quickly as possible. This quick return however worsened his health and in late 2439, he suffered a stroke. He recovered and continued to work as Minister of Defence off and on throughout 2430, sometimes working from home. On 7 October 2430, after months of this practice, he suffered another stroke and on 8 October, a third stroke. He entered end of life care and passed away on 12 October 2430, aged 92. He was celebrated by some by insisting he remain in government despite ill health. William Weslington, a famous army general and Chief of the Armed Forces, took over as Defence minister. In 2430, Rettels' administration banned carrying weapons in public in order to create a safer environment following an uptick in crime in Georgina. Peoples could receive fines or prison time for carrying blunt or sharp objects to harm without a reasonable purpose.
=== Fourth term ===
{{See also|2432 Empherias general election}}
The 2432 general election took place on 25 May 2432. The Socialists went from 378 seats to 343 seats, a decrease of 35 seats but maintaining an overall majority. The Liberals increased their vote share going from 163 seats to 188 seats, an increase of 25 seats. Right wing parties see a combined rise of 7 seats, while the Democratic Centrists also rise 7 seats.
Daughter to the heir to the throne, 17 year old Princess Roxanne married famous newspaper editor and friend 24 year old James John Boulevard. They spent the day out of media attention with a private ceremony in Marnie Green in January 2433. However, after just a year of their quickly arranged marriage, domestic abuse allegations came out against Boulevard and the couple divorced in September 2434. Roxanne would later write a book of her experience as a late teen and her domestic violence victim stories released in 2440 which became quickly beloved. Boulevard went to court in November 2434 as allegations that he cheated on the princess during their relationship and had previously abused three other women, and he faced a large sentence in prison.
Alice Rettels announced her intention to resign on 2 April 2433 after nine years in office. A leadership election would take place in September to October, with the winner taking over on 1 November 2433. The remaining four candidates of the leadership election saw three long term cabinet members: Charlotte Regel, Edward Broedesmore, and Ludwig Reimes up against relative new timer 28 year old Katelyn Roberts. Katelyn came second while Edward Broedesmore won the election, having served as a Financial Adviser for the last twenty years.
== Edward Broedesmore's tenure (2433–2435) ==
Many socialists saw this as a bad move by the upper party management as Broedesmore was very divisive, had links to corruption, and had suggested some weird policy in the past. He was also 71 years old, making him the oldest prime minister since Isaac Campbell entered his final term in the 2230s, over 200 years ago. The image that the Socialists had cultivated was of youthful energy and ideas and this turned off many people, alongside Empherias' cosmetic and attractiveness bias made Broedesmore unappealing. Nevertheless, Edward Broedesmore became prime minister on 1 November 2433.
A government study published in 2434 found that leisure magazine sales had increased ten fold, if not more, in the past ten years. Magazines would have huge cultural impacts ranging from sports, to fashion, to trends, to even politics. The Rechtjucke magazine began in late 2431 for example saw the trend of women wearing shorter mini skirts, while the Spasstensrijk magazine created a massive boost in footballing popularity, beginning many new amateur clubs. Football overtook fencing in numbers of players by 2435, mainly due to the convenience and better exercise potential.
== Skylar Lawrence's tenure (2435–2441) ==
=== First term ===
{{See also|2435 Empherias general election}}
The 2435 general election took place on 18 September 2435. The socialists under Broedesmore went from 343 seats to 236 seats, a decrease of 107 seats, and taking the socialists back to opposition for the first time in twenty years. The Liberals, under Skylar Lawrence, went from 188 seats to 304 seats, a rise of 116 seats and brought the Liberals a 8 seat majority, very flimsy. Lawrence benefitted from some right wing parties loosing around 9 seats to the Liberals and so relying on parties like the Conservatives or the Nationalists was tough because of their much lower seat count. Skylar Lawrence became the first Liberal prime minister since Wigfred Marksdottir left office in 2386.
A lower minimum wage was introduced in 2436 to allow businesses to employ more people to lower unemployment. Minimum wage was considered to be removed, but then it was decided to reduce it by 60%. Income tax was also decreased from 20% to 18% on all tax brackets, and to 16% on higher income tax brackets. Many elites liked this move as the gap between the poor and the rich began to widen. However, these decisions were used by the Socialists as propaganda to paint the Liberals as enemies of the people.
The government established the Government Company and Interests Foundation (GKIF) which would give grants to business start-ups who obliged by the government's guidelines, and agree to operate exclusively in Empherias for the first ten business years. They also created the Government International Company Association (GIKA) which aims at bringing in business and companies from other countries to operate in Empherias by giving them grants, loans, dibs on some land, lower rent prices. Corporate tax was lowered from 30% to 25%.
==== Justice reform ====
In 2436, the Liberals announced a justice system reformation. The new system would include three separate supreme courts: the Government Court headed by individuals expert in law by the current party in the government (the Liberals at the moment); the Opposition Court headed by individuals expert in law by the current party in the opposition; and the Supreme Court headed by individuals appointed for eternity until death or resignation who were expert in law and would be legally required to be politically neutral. Usually, these were chosen as longest serving court members with 11 judges to avoid ties. A law sent to the 'upper courts' would require all three to agree for full execution, while if two agreed then a partial amendment would be considered.
Prisons were to be scaled down in severity with less severe sentences and concrete sentences on different types of offences. This would be to free up the prison system. Many criminals could face multiple charges however that would increase possible prison sentences. These reforms were pushed through parliament without votes due to executive action but were forced to enter parliament in 2437. They passed with a plurality, not majority, of the vote. The death penalty was abolished in 2437, some people speculate nobles lobbied for it.
==== Entertainment ====
The Empheri Football League was established in 2436 (but would later be dissolved in 2448 to make way for the Leagua die Ewynn) as a domestic league outside of the Ahitereiran system. This was to make up for the massive explosion in popularity
Large scale fashion shows advertised by magazines became increasing in both popularity, scale, and number showcasing new trendy fashion for men and women. An increase in popularity to up-tempo music, instruments such as grand pianos, flutes, and violins, have made more diverse music. Concerts began hosting larger venues. A new musical competition known as [[Empheriaseingen]] where many different artists would perform in a concert in Georgina with voting to decide the winner, and smaller awards given out to popular music.
The House of Parliament was moved from Esthullen to Wynnoa in 2436. The new capital was a renovated and expanded version of the former capital from before the revolution. Integrated dining halls, part of buildings nearby, would serve as cafeterias or meeting rooms. Other rooms, such as panic rooms and meetings rooms and ambassador rooms was converted from buildings nearby. The Prime Minister would live just outside parliament in the 'Top Longue', the pent house of a tower block. The building was on the side of the river Marnie, tributary to the Ewynn, and looked out to the borough Georgina and the new town on the opposing bank. It had easy port access and road access.
=== Second term ===
{{See also|2440 Empherias general election}}
The 2440 general election took place on 24 September 2440. Incumbent Liberals went from 304 seats to 259 seats, a decrease of 45 seats, and bringing the party to a government minority, short 42 of an overall majority. The socialists, wanting to take a majority, went from 236 seats to 257 seats, an increase of 21 seats. This meant that the Socialists got less than half of the seats lost by the Liberals, and ending up in second place. For the Liberals to secure a majority, they'd need to form a coalition with the Nationalists, and a combination of either the BVP and Conservatives, Alliance and Conservatives, or Alliance and BVP. This would strain government policy and thus the Liberals chose to rule in a minority government. The biggest gain was the Green party, going from 7 seats to 35 seats, an increase of 28 (400% increase) which received most of the changing Liberal seats. However, the Socialists and Greens together could not form a coalition large enough to take power.
In late 2440, proposals to change Norsair's internal provincial autonomy sparked the 2440{{En dash}}2441 Norsairi protest and riots. The Liberals then abandoned all policy on this issue without enough support in parliament. Throughout 2441, deadlock in parliament meant no bills were passing without any government majority to support them. On 3 October 2441, the Socialists proposed a vote of no confidence in the government, and it passed 344{{En dash}}256, with 3 Liberals rebelling and all other parties stating their lack of confidence. Parliament dissolved, and new elections would be held in December.
== Katelyn Roberts' tenure (2441–2447) ==
=== First term ===
{{See also|2441 Empherias general election}}
The 2441 general election took place on 21 December 2441. The incumbent Liberals, hoping to secure a majority, remained on 259 seats, gaining or losing none. The opposition Socialists however went from 257 seats to 288 seats, an increase of 31 seats, seeing them reach the plurality of seats. This gave Katelyn Roberts, leader of the Socialists, the opportunity to form a government with her as prime minister. The Green and Social Labour party (GSLP) received 20 seats, and they reached a supply and demand agreement to be able to form a government in January.
The Mitchell Report published in February 2442 found that the RPA mercenary group had been aiding the Norsairis during the protests and riots in the previous years. The Roberts administration already didn't approve of the RPA after they had supplied Palakkinen in the 2418 border crisis which was still living memory. They passed a bill that would ban all private military contractors from working in Empherias, or operating through Empherias (such as through the Ewynn), practically forcing RPA to continue business with Palakkinen through Hvede. However, after talks with RPA, they would allow for RPA to sell to governments (Empheri and Palakkine governments) but not private citizens or breakaway groups. In 2442, Empherias joined Kiavalar's commonwealth union.
==== Defence expansion ====
The Defence budget from 2442 to 2445 would be increased by 10%. The Ministry of Defence also announces new airforce projects, such as the development of the 'Aerowynn Fighter' based on Hveden, Kiavalari, and Ceironian designs. Production began in 2443 and 452 were produced by 2446. The Maeront Heavy Bomber would be developed based on former designs and had the capability to carry larger bombs. Production began in 2444 but only 24 were ever built due to technical errors. The product was retired in 2447. The armed forces expanded its reserve force to 110,000 people by 2445.
==== Death of Her Majesty, Rijkdottir Abigail I ====
{{Main|Abigail I of Empherias}}
On 29 December 2442, the Rijkdottir Abigail I died aged 68. Following two strokes on the 28th that made her essentially brain dead, she was injected with fatal medicine to end her life to prevent suffering. The government held a nation wide celebration made in her honour with a state funeral being held on 15 January 2443. A large celebration of her life in the form of a festival took place on 21 December 2443. Her eldest child, George, became Rijkse George IV, aged 48. There was some worry that he would not be fit as he was suffering from a liver disease and had been disabled since he was a teenager. George IV was supposed to be coronated in a private ceremony on 13 October 2444, but the ceremony was rescheduled due to urgent doctors appointments. Other dates, such as 3 March 2445, and late November 2445 were proposed, but George was never coronated officially. Princess Roxanne married the heir to the throne of the Hveden Federation, John, on 5 March 2444, her second marriage.
=== Second term ===
{{See also|2445 Empherias general election}}
The 2445 general election took place on 8 September 2445. The incumbent Socialists got the majority they wanted going from 288 seats to 324 seats, a 48-seat majority and an increase of 36 seats. The Liberal party went from 259 seats to 207 seats, a loss of 52 seats and saw the Liberals get one of their worst results in recent times. Minor parties increased their seat count, notably the Conservatives going from 2 seats to 9 seats, while the Nationalists also saw an increase.
==== Death of His Majesty, Rijkse George IV ====
{{Main|George IV of Empherias|Roxanne I of Empherias}}
With harsh liver disease plaguing his last few years, George IV rarely was seen from the public. His wife, the Queen Anna Thorns, often made public visits and was well beloved by the people. During a public engagement in February 2446, George IV was seen vomiting blood before leaving the event early. He passed away on 24 April 2446 in his sleep, likely of internal bleeding or liver cancer. A state funeral was held on 25 May 2446 although the event was not as big as his mothers. Anna Thorns would become a great advocate for preventing alcoholism later in life. From the moment of his death, his eldest child Roxanne became Rijkdottir Roxanne I, aged 29. Having made various appearances previous, she was just simply known as Roxy by most and seen as very charismatic, outgoing and a partyer. Many believed she was not prepared for the role though. Some were concerned that since Roxanne was married to the heir to Hvede, that a personal union was looming.
Roxanne I gave birth in early 2447 to her first child with John of Hvede, whom she named Louise Edelgard Maria.
==== Rise of Pan-Kloresanism ====
During the later years of Roberts' tenure, the ideology of Pan-Kloresanism grew promoting union with Ahitereira and Koresa. Politicians within the Socialists wanted to create a new united state to promote socialism everywhere and create a new utopia. Lukas Knight, who had previously served in the cabinet, was a huge advocate for this, alongside the 20s generation group.
Katelyn Roberts resigned as leader of the Socialist party and as prime minister on 21 December 2447. A leadership election ensued and over ten candidates applied such as David Algarre, Charlotte Regel, and Lukas Knight. However, Sofia Hopkins won the contest with 66.3% against second place Lukas Knight, to become the next prime minister.
== Sofia Hopkins' first tenure (2447–2448) ==
=== Pan-Kloresanism captures party leadership ===
Vreimer, close to the Koresan border, became quickly a hotspot for Pro-Kloresanism ideals, and many newspapers spread the idea to the rest of the country. Local playwright James Delsby wrote and performed a new play called 'better together' which promoted this idea and the play went on tour and was recreated in theatres nationwide. All major newspapers promoted the idea in some ways, even very anti-Kloresan media still spread the idea to people who otherwise wouldn't know.
Sofia Hopkins at a statement at the annual Socialist party conference in January 2448 assured that no such unification would be considered with the newly formed High Kingdoms. Following this, Lukas Knight made a speech as the Palace of Wynnoa - a famous meeting grounds for protests - to make a long and well-acclaimed address promoting alaxian unity. This triggered upwards of 30 socialist MPs defecting from the party (leaving it as a minority government) and forming their own Alaxian Socialist Party (using the branding of the now defunct people's Populist party). By February, a further 77 socialist MPs defected to the ASP, allowing them to form a bloc of 105 members of parliament, leaving the Socialists with just 219, and the Liberals at 207. Knight would travel all across the country to all major cities and made speeches in person. Other prominent pro-kloresans did the same.
=== Fire at Nieuwbourg port ===
{{Main|2447 Nieuwbourg City fire}}
Following a major freak accident with gas, the port of Nieuwbourg erupted in flames causing nearly a hundred deaths, nearly a thousand injuries, and the evacuation of thousands more. Ahitereira-Koresa immediately opened their borders and sent $10 million in aid. Hveden Federation also sent $10 million in humanitarian aid. Kiavalar provided $12 million in financial aid. The Empheri government devoted $80 million to the Nieuwbourg city assembly. Refugees were relocated to Vreimer, and many decided to stay there instead. Port workers were given temporary accommodation on the outskirts, or in Koresa itself, while working on the rubble. An investigation was held and cleaning took 5 months. After some negotiations, Nieuwbourg was leased to the government of Empherias for 99 years (to expire in 2547), although many Ahitereirans say this was only ceremonial.
In the 2448 budget, Hopkins' mainline policy was quartering the Defence budget to spend elsewhere on infrastructure projects.
=== Coalition formed ===
With another twenty MPs switching allegiance from the Socialist PSP to the ASP, this left the Liberals with their 207 seats at the plurality. To prevent the Liberals getting into power, the PSP and ASP would form a parliamentary coalition to reach a parliamentary majority to pass left-wing consensus policies. Hopkins would head this coalition, with Knight would be the Deputy Prime Minister. However, Knight requested a snap general election to take place or he would end the coalition.
== Lukas Knight's tenure (2448–2453) ==
{{See also|2448 Empherias general election|High Kingdoms of Alaxia|2448 Empherias joining the High Kingdoms of Alaxia referendum}}
The [[2448 Empherias general election|2448 general election]] took place on 26 May 2448. Prior to the election, to prevent a Liberal majority, both the PSP and ASP agreed that whichever Socialist party received more votes would become the primary party in a coalition with that leader becoming prime minister, and the smaller party supporting in a coalition. The ASP received 251 seats, and PSP just 104 seats. This meant Lukas Knight would comfortably become prime minister, and with support from the PSP would combined have 355 seats, a majority of 110 seats. It'd also be an increase of 31 seats from the previous election. The Liberals gained four seats, going from 207 to 211 from the last election.
In a victory speech, Knight excitedly announced that he would begin the formal process to join the High Kingdoms of Alaxia in June. However, some PSP socialists were unhappy that the ASP had won and had proposed backstabbing the ASP and voting down all motions in the house with the Liberals, and leaving Knight short 52 seats of a majority. In theory, a Liberal-PSP coalition could dethrone Knight and remove all of his ability to function. Therefore, on 8 June 2448, Knight begins the process of a legally binding referendum on joining the High Kingdoms of Alaxia.
=== Legally binding referendum on unification ===
Held on 1 July 2448, the referendum outcome saw the unionists win. The Liberals were very neutral on the issue, seeing the benefits to independence or joining. Because of this, the PSP with its dwindling popularity and the minor parties are forced to be the primary advocates for remaining independent. They barely advertise citing budget concerns and false confidence that the nation wouldn't want to join due to nationalism. Meanwhile, Knight campaigned as aggressive as he had previously and used media support and contacts at the 20s generation to get airtime on radio, in media newspapers and for the first time major political television adverts. 45.96% voted in favour of remaining independent, while 54.04% voted in favour of joining the High Kingdoms of Alaxia. On 3 July, Knight officially began writing into law the procedure to join the High Kingdoms of Alaxia, with Liberal support in the parliament.
== See also ==
{{See also|Alaxian period of Empherias}}
== References ==
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