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{{See also|2411 Empherias general election}}
{{See also|2411 Empherias general election}}

The 2411 general election saw a huge shift in politics for the first time since the revolution. Elizabeth Rose's socialist party rose 100 seats, up 16 percentage points, while the Populists under new leader Watford lost nearly 60 seats. Some chalked this up to Rose being a public figure for many years and popular, that D'laminet made people loyal not the Populist branding, and a want for a diversity of ideas. Nevertheless, the Socialists actually won 232 seats, the plurality, to the Populist's 220 seats. This made Elizabeth Rose the next Prime Minister with a minority Socialist government, short 69 seats of a majority. Ludwig Reimes was appointed as her Chancellor of the Exchequer. A supply and demand agreement, similar to the one the Populists-Socialists held previous, was signed with the roles reversed. Henry Watford became Deputy Prime Minister, with Robert Webber (his dual partner) becoming the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Rose looked to end the Military Technology Sharing Treaty with Hvede, worrying that Empherias could be dragged into involvement in the Great War, thus she met with the Prime Minister of the Hveden Federation to remove the clause of military access, sharing of army and naval technologies, and commitment to send volunteers during a war. However, many in parliament were angry at this move saying that Rose was pushing Empherias more isolationist and weak internationally - however Rose committed to closer co-operation with Hvede in peaceful means. Webber, who was staunchly pro-Hveden, considering his resignation as Foreign Affairs Minister after he was left out of meetings with Hveden Federation, but ultimately stayed.

In June 2411, the Lava Field and People Collaboration Missionary Act 2411 passed parliament and reached royal approval, which allowed for research into lava fields, the mining of resources, and research on habitation methods there and communications with the Basalites of the region. To further immigration to the country, universities were opened globally at the same rate as internally, while emigration was discouraged. Tax cuts were available for those with bigger families. Furthermore, the Equal Rights Act 2411 passed through parliament nearly unanimously which put all immigrants, races, peoples, etc, on the same part in law universally and protected discriminated classes in humans. Other species such as dwarves, nagani, skaven, or basalites, were not included in this clause.

It was during this term that embassies in Ahitereira-Koresa were established formally, while new ones were opened in Karkuss.

=== Henry Watford's first term ===
{{See also|2412 Empherias general election}}

After nearly a year in office, Henry Watford and the broader Populist top officials believed that it was time for a new general election to finally achieve a majority government and end the back and forth of minority governments - and more importantly restore a populist prime minister. Thus, the party pulled out of the supply and demand agreement in late February, and triggered a vote of confidence in the Parliament. With all parties bar the Socialists wanting another chance at an election, the house voted 364–232 for no confidence in the government. Parliament was dissolved and a new election was held on 18 April 2412.
