Revolutionary period of Empherias: Difference between revisions

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Henry Alark would found the Navy of Empherias officially holding a massive ceremony on the Ewynn River. Following countless months of negotiations, Alice Rettels announced that a deal with the government of Ahitereira-Koresa had been signed on 1 July 2400, the [[Treaty of Nieuwbourg]] was ratified by both parties by 8 July 2400. This treaty would see a huge uptick in support for Ahitereira-Koresa as allies within the nation and would also see international trade being done with the world for the first time - however it would take time to create. Nieuwbourg became a 'political' exclave of Empherias on the mouth of the river to the ocean. Empherias workers imported would work alongside local workers to fill local unemployment to build a new port although this would be done with cheap materials in a quick time by November 2403. The port would have tariffs set directly by the Empherias government but the land the port is on would be rented, with $1,200,000 paid annually to Ahitereira-Koresa. Furthermore, 50% of all profits earned by the port would be given to Ahitereira-Koresa. Empherias and Koresan workers would also build three railways connecting the port to Vreimer for processing trade. Two would be cargo while one would be a passenger route and all would be owned by the Empherias government under several different small government-owned firms. Several other terms were signed but the governments were happy with the deal and led to an explosion in population for Vreimer.
==== Welfare State ====
Following pending legislation, the [[Empherias Healthcare Service|'''Empherias Healthcare Service''']] (EHCS) was established as a government body. Early government reports suggested paying for the service via an increase in traditional income taxes, but after consideration this idea was dropped in favour of a new national insurance system. National Insurance would cost 7% of your total earnings between 150 krones and 1100 krones per week, and then 0.5% on any earnings after 1100 krones per week.
=== Elisabeth Rose (Part One) ===