Revolutionary period of Empherias: Difference between revisions

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The House of Parliament was moved from Esthullen to Wynnoa in 2436. The new capital was a renovated and expanded version of the former capital from before the revolution. Integrated dining halls, part of buildings nearby, would serve as cafeterias or meeting rooms. Other rooms, such as panic rooms and meetings rooms and ambassador rooms was converted from buildings nearby. The Prime Minister would live just outside parliament in the 'Top Longue', the pent house of a tower block. The building was on the side of the river Marnie, tributary to the Ewynn, and looked out to the borough Georgina and the new town on the opposing bank. It had easy port access and road access.
==References= Second term ===
{{See also|2440 Empherias general election}}
The 2440 general election took place on 24 September 2440. Incumbent Liberals went from 304 seats to 259 seats, a decrease of 45 seats, and bringing the party to a government minority, short 42 of an overall majority. The socialists, wanting to take a majority, went from 236 seats to 257 seats, an increase of 21 seats. This meant that the Socialists got less than half of the seats lost by the Liberals, and ending up in second place. For the Liberals to secure a majority, they'd need to form a coalition with the Nationalists, and a combination of either the BVP and Conservatives, Alliance and Conservatives, or Alliance and BVP. This would strain government policy and thus the Liberals chose to rule in a minority government. The biggest gain was the Green party, going from 7 seats to 35 seats, an increase of 28 (400% increase) which received most of the changing Liberal seats. However, the Socialists and Greens together could not form a coalition large enough to take power.
In late 2440, proposals to change Norsair's internal provincial autonomy sparked the 2440{{En dash}}2441 Norsairi protest and riots. The Liberals then abandoned all policy on this issue without enough support in parliament. Throughout 2441, deadlock in parliament meant no bills were passing without any government majority to support them. On 3 October 2441, the Socialists proposed a vote of no confidence in the government, and it passed 344{{En dash}}256, with 3 Liberals rebelling and all other parties stating their lack of confidence. Parliament dissolved, and new elections would be held in December.
== Katelyn Roberts' tenure (2441–2447) ==
{{See also|2441 Empherias general election}}
The 2441 general election took place on 21 December 2441. The incumbent Liberals, hoping to secure a majority, remained on 259 seats, gaining or losing none. The opposition Socialists however went from 257 seats to 288 seats, an increase of 31 seats, seeing them reach the plurality of seats. This gave Katelyn Roberts, leader of the Socialists, the opportunity to form a government with her as prime minister. The Green and Social Labour party (GSLP) received 20 seats, and they reached a supply and demand agreement to be able to form a government in January.
The Mitchell Report published in February 2442 found that the RPA mercenary group had been aiding the Norsairis during the protests and riots in the previous years. The Roberts administration already didn't approve of the RPA after they had supplied Palakkinen in the 2418 border crisis which was still living memory. They passed a bill that would ban all private military contractors from working in Empherias, or operating through Empherias (such as through the Ewynn), practically forcing RPA to continue business with Palakkinen through Hvede. However, after talks with RPA, they would allow for RPA to sell to governments (Empheri and Palakkine governments) but not private citizens or breakaway groups. In 2442, Empherias joined Kiavalar's commonwealth union.
=== Defence expansion ===
The Defence budget from 2442 to 2445 would be increased by 10%. The Ministry of Defence also announces new airforce projects, such as the development of the 'Aerowynn Fighter' based on Hveden, Kiavalari, and Ceironian designs. Production began in 2443 and 452 were produced by 2446. The Maeront Heavy Bomber would be developed based on former designs and had the capability to carry larger bombs. Production began in 2444 but only 24 were ever built due to technical errors. The product was retired in 2447. The armed forces expanded its reserve force to 110,000 people by 2445.
=== Death of Her Majesty, Rijkdottir Abigail I ===
{{Main|Abigail I of Empherias}}
On 29 December 2442, the Rijkdottir Abigail I died aged 68. Following two strokes on the 28th that made her essentially brain dead, she was injected with fatal medicine to end her life to prevent suffering. The government held a nation wide celebration made in her honour with a state funeral being held on 15 January 2443. A large celebration of her life in the form of a festival took place on 21 December 2443. Her eldest child, George, became Rijkse George IV, aged 48. There was some worry that he would not be fit as he was suffering from a liver disease and had been disabled since he was a teenager. George IV was supposed to be coronated in a private ceremony on 13 October 2444, but the ceremony was rescheduled due to urgent doctors appointments. Other dates, such as 3 March 2445, and late November 2445 were proposed, but George was never coronated officially. Princess Roxanne married the heir to the throne of the Hveden Federation, John, on 5 March 2444, her second marriage.
=== Death of His Majesty, Rijkse George IV ===
{{Main|George IV of Empherias|Roxanne I of Empherias}}
With harsh liver disease plaguing his last few years, George IV rarely was seen from the public. His wife, the Queen Anna Thorns, often made public visits and was well beloved by the people. During a public engagement in February 2446, George IV was seen vomiting blood before leaving the event early. He passed away on 24 April 2446 in his sleep, likely of internal bleeding or liver cancer. A state funeral was held on 25 May 2446 although the event was not as big as his mothers. Anna Thorns would become a great advocate for preventing alcoholism later in life. From the moment of his death, his eldest child Roxanne became Rijkdottir Roxanne I, aged 29. Having made various appearances previous, she was just simply known as Roxy by most and seen as very charismatic, outgoing and a partyer. Many believed she was not prepared for the role though. Some were concerned that since Roxanne was married to the heir to Hvede, that a personal union was looming.
== References ==
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