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== History ==
=== Initial rebellion (April 2513) ===
=== Main period of the Civil War (May 2513 {{En dash}} July 2514) ===
{{Main|Second Grensalbourg Civil War}}
=== Establishment of a stable government ===
==== TheEndrets FirstHeins's Presidencymilitary governorship (2514May 2513 {{En dash}}2518 February 2514) ====
==== TheAleksis SecondKimmen's Presidencypresidency (2518February 2514 {{En dash}}2520 December 2518) ====
==== FirstTaavetti GeneralKump's Electionpresidency to(December the2518 Republican{{En Assemblydash}} (MFRA)April (25182520) ====
==== SecondFirst periodGeneral ofElection to the CivilRepublican WarAssembly (2519{{EnMFRA) (27 December dash}}25232518) ====
=== Second period of the Civil War (March 2519 {{En dash}} June 2523) ===
==== Grensalbourgish Breszwynn offensive (2519) ====
==== Grensalbourgish Breszwynn offensive (March 2519 {{En dash}} September 2519) ====
==== Assassination of the Second President (2520) ====
==== TheAssassination Thirdof Presidencythe Second President (2520{{EnApril dash}}25212520) ====
==== BorderThe skirmishThird with EmpheriasPresidency (April 2520 {{En dash}} November 2521) ====
==== TheBorder Fourthskirmish Presidencywith Empherias (2521May 2520) ====
==== EmpheriThe bombardmentFourth fromPresidency the(November Ewynn2521 {{En dash}} December (2521) ====
==== MajorEmpheri bombingsbombardment offrom Mijguerthe civilian targetsEwynn (November 2521) ====
==== TheMajor Fifthbombings Presidencyof Mijguer civilian targets (2521{{EnDecember dash}}25222521) ====
==== RepublicanThe offensiveFifth towards LeseuriePresidency (December 2521 {{En dash}} June 2522) ====
==== AftermathRepublican ofoffensive Republicantowards terroristLeseurie attack(December in2521 Sistyn{{En dash}} April (2522) ====
==== GrensalbourgishAftermath offensiveof pushRepublican backterrorist FPRMattack toin theSistyn Breszwynn(June river (2522) ====
==== Grensalbourgish offensive push back FPRM to the Breszwynn river (June 2522 {{En dash}} October 2522) ====
==== The Sixth Presidency (2522) ====
==== DestructionThe ofSixth thePresidency Ewynn(June crossing2522 near{{En Tweiserdash}} October (2522) ====
==== Destruction of the Ewynn crossing near Tweiser (August 2522) ====
==== The Seventh Presidency (2522{{En dash}}2523) ====
==== MoreThe borderSeventh skirmishesPresidency with(October Empherias2522 {{En dash}} September (2523) ====
==== OfficialMore recognitionborder fromskirmishes Palakkinenwith Empherias (January 2523 {{En dash}} February 2523) ====
==== MajorOfficial bombingsrecognition overfrom BresznewPalakkinen (April 2523) ====
==== EndMajor ofbombings theover secondBresznew period(May of the Civil War (2523) ====
==== End of the second period of the Civil War (August 2523) ====
=== Recent stabilisation of the republic (2523{{En dash}}present) ===
==== The Eighth Presidency (September 2523 {{En dash}} present) ====
==== Meetings of the heads of state of Palakkinen and FPRM (December 2524) ====
==== Second general election to the Republican Assembly (MFRA) (28 December 2524) ====
==== Unofficial meetings with Grensalbourg (May 2525 {{En dash}} July 2525) ====
==== Rebuilding efforts in Mijguer begin (September 2525) ====
==== Official ceasefire with Grensalbourg but they still lay claim (October 2525) ====
==== Warning shots fired increase tension (June 2526) ====