Revolutionary period of Empherias: Difference between revisions

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== Katelyn Roberts' tenure (2441–2447) ==
=== First term ===
{{See also|2441 Empherias general election}}
The 2441 general election took place on 21 December 2441. The incumbent Liberals, hoping to secure a majority, remained on 259 seats, gaining or losing none. The opposition Socialists however went from 257 seats to 288 seats, an increase of 31 seats, seeing them reach the plurality of seats. This gave Katelyn Roberts, leader of the Socialists, the opportunity to form a government with her as prime minister. The Green and Social Labour party (GSLP) received 20 seats, and they reached a supply and demand agreement to be able to form a government in January.
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The Mitchell Report published in February 2442 found that the RPA mercenary group had been aiding the Norsairis during the protests and riots in the previous years. The Roberts administration already didn't approve of the RPA after they had supplied Palakkinen in the 2418 border crisis which was still living memory. They passed a bill that would ban all private military contractors from working in Empherias, or operating through Empherias (such as through the Ewynn), practically forcing RPA to continue business with Palakkinen through Hvede. However, after talks with RPA, they would allow for RPA to sell to governments (Empheri and Palakkine governments) but not private citizens or breakaway groups. In 2442, Empherias joined Kiavalar's commonwealth union.
==== Defence expansion ====
The Defence budget from 2442 to 2445 would be increased by 10%. The Ministry of Defence also announces new airforce projects, such as the development of the 'Aerowynn Fighter' based on Hveden, Kiavalari, and Ceironian designs. Production began in 2443 and 452 were produced by 2446. The Maeront Heavy Bomber would be developed based on former designs and had the capability to carry larger bombs. Production began in 2444 but only 24 were ever built due to technical errors. The product was retired in 2447. The armed forces expanded its reserve force to 110,000 people by 2445.
==== Death of Her Majesty, Rijkdottir Abigail I ====
{{Main|Abigail I of Empherias}}
On 29 December 2442, the Rijkdottir Abigail I died aged 68. Following two strokes on the 28th that made her essentially brain dead, she was injected with fatal medicine to end her life to prevent suffering. The government held a nation wide celebration made in her honour with a state funeral being held on 15 January 2443. A large celebration of her life in the form of a festival took place on 21 December 2443. Her eldest child, George, became Rijkse George IV, aged 48. There was some worry that he would not be fit as he was suffering from a liver disease and had been disabled since he was a teenager. George IV was supposed to be coronated in a private ceremony on 13 October 2444, but the ceremony was rescheduled due to urgent doctors appointments. Other dates, such as 3 March 2445, and late November 2445 were proposed, but George was never coronated officially. Princess Roxanne married the heir to the throne of the Hveden Federation, John, on 5 March 2444, her second marriage.
=== Second term ===
=== Death of His Majesty, Rijkse George IV ===
{{See also|2445 Empherias general election}}
The 2445 general election took place on 8 September 2445. The incumbent Socialists got the majority they wanted going from 288 seats to 324 seats, a 48-seat majority and an increase of 36 seats. The Liberal party went from 259 seats to 207 seats, a loss of 52 seats and saw the Liberals get one of their worst results in recent times. Minor parties increased their seat count, notably the Conservatives going from 2 seats to 9 seats, while the Nationalists also saw an increase.
==== Death of His Majesty, Rijkse George IV ====
{{Main|George IV of Empherias|Roxanne I of Empherias}}
With harsh liver disease plaguing his last few years, George IV rarely was seen from the public. His wife, the Queen Anna Thorns, often made public visits and was well beloved by the people. During a public engagement in February 2446, George IV was seen vomiting blood before leaving the event early. He passed away on 24 April 2446 in his sleep, likely of internal bleeding or liver cancer. A state funeral was held on 25 May 2446 although the event was not as big as his mothers. Anna Thorns would become a great advocate for preventing alcoholism later in life. From the moment of his death, his eldest child Roxanne became Rijkdottir Roxanne I, aged 29. Having made various appearances previous, she was just simply known as Roxy by most and seen as very charismatic, outgoing and a partyer. Many believed she was not prepared for the role though. Some were concerned that since Roxanne was married to the heir to Hvede, that a personal union was looming.
Roxanne I gave birth in early 2447 to her first child with John of Hvede, whom she named Louise Edelgard Maria.
==== Rise of Pan-Kloresanism ====
During the later years of Roberts' tenure, the ideology of Pan-Kloresanism grew promoting union with Ahitereira and Koresa. Politicians within the Socialists wanted to create a new united state to promote socialism everywhere and create a new utopia. Lukas Knight, who had previously served in the cabinet, was a huge advocate for this, alongside the 20s generation group.
Katelyn Roberts resigned as leader of the Socialist party and as prime minister on 21 December 2447. A leadership election ensued and over ten candidates applied such as David Algarre, Charlotte Regel, and Lukas Knight. However, Sofia Hopkins won the contest with 66.3% against second place Lukas Knight, to become the next prime minister.
== Sofia Hopkins' first tenure (2447–2448) ==
=== Pan-Kloresanism captures party leadership ===
Vreimer, close to the Koresan border, became quickly a hotspot for Pro-Kloresanism ideals, and many newspapers spread the idea to the rest of the country. Local playwright James Delsby wrote and performed a new play called 'better together' which promoted this idea and the play went on tour and was recreated in theatres nationwide. All major newspapers promoted the idea in some ways, even very anti-Kloresan media still spread the idea to people who otherwise wouldn't know.
Sofia Hopkins at a statement at the annual Socialist party conference in January 2448 assured that no such unification would be considered with the newly formed High Kingdoms. Following this, Lukas Knight made a speech as the Palace of Wynnoa - a famous meeting grounds for protests - to make a long and well-acclaimed address promoting alaxian unity. This triggered upwards of 30 socialist MPs defecting from the party (leaving it as a minority government) and forming their own Alaxian Socialist Party (using the branding of the now defunct people's Populist party). By February, a further 77 socialist MPs defected to the ASP, allowing them to form a bloc of 105 members of parliament, leaving the Socialists with just 219, and the Liberals at 207. Knight would travel all across the country to all major cities and made speeches in person. Other prominent pro-kloresans did the same.
=== Fire at Nieuwbourg port ===
{{Main|2447 Nieuwbourg City fire}}
Following a major freak accident with gas, the port of Nieuwbourg erupted in flames causing nearly a hundred deaths, nearly a thousand injuries, and the evacuation of thousands more. Ahitereira-Koresa immediately opened their borders and sent $10 million in aid. Hveden Federation also sent $10 million in humanitarian aid. Kiavalar provided $12 million in financial aid. The Empheri government devoted $80 million to the Nieuwbourg city assembly. Refugees were relocated to Vreimer, and many decided to stay there instead. Port workers were given temporary accommodation on the outskirts, or in Koresa itself, while working on the rubble. An investigation was held and cleaning took 5 months. After some negotiations, Nieuwbourg was leased to the government of Empherias for 99 years (to expire in 2547), although many Ahitereirans say this was only ceremonial.
In the 2448 budget, Hopkins' mainline policy was quartering the Defence budget to spend elsewhere on infrastructure projects.
=== Coalition formed ===
With another twenty MPs switching allegiance from the Socialist PSP to the ASP, this left the Liberals with their 207 seats at the plurality. To prevent the Liberals getting into power, the PSP and ASP would form a parliamentary coalition to reach a parliamentary majority to pass left-wing consensus policies. Hopkins would head this coalition, with Knight would be the Deputy Prime Minister. However, Knight requested a snap general election to take place or he would end the coalition.
== Lukas Knight's tenure (2448–2453) ==
{{See also|2448 Empherias general election|High Kingdoms of Alaxia|2448 Empherias joining the High Kingdoms of Alaxia referendum}}
The 2448 general election took place on 26 May 2448. Prior to the election, to prevent a Liberal majority, both the PSP and ASP agreed that whichever Socialist party received more votes would become the primary party in a coalition with that leader becoming prime minister, and the smaller party supporting in a coalition. The ASP received 251 seats, and PSP just 104 seats. This meant Lukas Knight would comfortably become prime minister, and with support from the PSP would combined have 355 seats, a majority of 110 seats. It'd also be an increase of 31 seats from the previous election. The Liberals gained four seats, going from 207 to 211 from the last election.
In a victory speech, Knight excitedly announced that he would begin the formal process to join the High Kingdoms of Alaxia in June. However, some PSP socialists were unhappy that the ASP had won and had proposed backstabbing the ASP and voting down all motions in the house with the Liberals, and leaving Knight short 52 seats of a majority. In theory, a Liberal-PSP coalition could dethrone Knight and remove all of his ability to function. Therefore, on 8 June 2448, Knight begins the process of a legally binding referendum on joining the High Kingdoms of Alaxia.
=== Legally binding referendum on unification ===
Held on 1 July 2448, the referendum outcome saw the unionists win. The Liberals were very neutral on the issue, seeing the benefits to independence or joining. Because of this, the PSP with its dwindling popularity and the minor parties are forced to be the primary advocates for remaining independent. They barely advertise citing budget concerns and false confidence that the nation wouldn't want to join due to nationalism. Meanwhile, Knight campaigned as aggressive as he had previously and used media support and contacts at the 20s generation to get airtime on radio, in media newspapers and for the first time major political television adverts. 45.96% voted in favour of remaining independent, while 54.04% voted in favour of joining the High Kingdoms of Alaxia. On 3 July, Knight officially began writing into law the procedure to join the High Kingdoms of Alaxia, with Liberal support in the parliament.
== References ==