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{{Nation|title=The Vamu|image= |anthem=N/A (No Anthem, but "Ueyitaki" exist)<br>Munaschiqay ("To Live")<br>Kuntur qasa ("The Condor Flies Above")<br>E hine e, hoki mai ra ("Oh girl, return to me")<br>Pa'kte Tar'azo ("Lullaby of Tarazo")<br>Ecalai Sautemu ("Intangible Melancholy")|capital=Qusqo|major cities=Cian Cian<br>Etaruzo<br>Hokiangena-rupa<br>Zamoca|demonym=Vamun|headofstate=Intivaw Qharunq the IIIrd
Full Name - Nanahuati Qharunq Ueyiayllu)|admin=The Tahuatlas|ruling=N/A (Monarchy)|mostrecent=N/A (Monarchy)|languages=Qusqi<br>Onani<br>Aimor<br>Chan-cha<br>Qimu<br>Mupundo <br>Rau'ri<br>Hokangi<br>Pokai<br>Zipa<br>Zaque<br>Xico <br>Supi<br>Tanto<br>Cholang<br>T'ae T'ae<br>T'mae<br>Q'ai<br>Q'moi<br>Phepi<br>Tiki<br>Tun'qa<br>Kozo<br>Xicawa|driving=Left Side|airforces=Vayun Awqaq Vamun|navalforces=Qucha Awqaq Vamun|armedforces=Allpa Awqaq Vamun|ethnicities=Kakanqui-Chupa<br>Uhuwara<br>Awai<br>Taiwo|currency=[[Tambo]] (External Trade Currency)|gdpcap=N/A (Not possible with current system)|gdp=$42,085,848,292
(Note - due to the lack of internal currency, GDP is measured in external trade)|population=32,365,227|religion=Cukuy
Taiwo native faith|nukes=None}}
== Out Of Character ==
The Vamu is a mix of real-world cultures, the predominant ones being - Inca (with heavy influence from Quechua and Aymara), Amazonian cultures (mainly on the Uhuwaran cultures), Ainu & Japonic Cultures (In the Taiwo), and lastly, Maori & Polynesian cultures (on the Awai). While initially I'd modelled it on the Inca Empire, later on I incorporated other cultures as I realized that there were other major terrains in my nation. The lack of a domestic currency was a choice based on the Inca Empire, which eventually led to possibly the most convoluted and confusing economy in the entirety of Xomni, incomprehensible to many and even I don't completely understand it.
The Vamu itself is also notorious for never being referred to correctly, always being called by it's old name, Qusqo, which I later amended to being the name of the capital after I realized that I was not a city-state sized nation but rather, one as large as modern day Germany. <s>Of course people not referring to it by it's proper name is only a me thing because I'm the most semantically sensitive hatstand you've ever seen but you don't need to read that.</s>{{Nation|title=The Vamu|image= |anthem=N/A (No Anthem, but "Ueyitaki" exist)
Munaschiqay ("To Live")
Kuntur qasa ("The Condor Flies Above")
E hine e, hoki mai ra ("Oh girl, return to me")
Pa'kte Tar'azo ("Lullaby of Tarazo")
Ecalai Sautemu ("Intangible Melancholy")|capital=Qusqo|major cities=Cian Cian
Zamoca|demonym=Vamun|headofstate=Intivaw Qharunq the IIIrd
Full Name - Nanahuati Qharunq Ueyiayllu)|admin=The Tahuatlas|ruling=N/A (Monarchy)|mostrecent=N/A (Monarchy)|languages=Qusqi
T'ae T'ae
Xicawa|driving=Left Side|airforces=Vayun Awqaq Vamun|navalforces=Qucha Awqaq Vamun|armedforces=Allpa Awqaq Vamun|ethnicities=Kakanqui-Chupa
Taiwo|currency=Tambo (External Trade Currency)|gdpcap=N/A (Not possible with current system)|gdp=$42,085,848,292
(Note - due to the lack of internal currency, GDP is measured in external trade)|population=32,365,227|religion=Cukuy
Taiwo native faith|nukes=None}}
== General Trivia ==
The Vamu, officially known as the Wayna Vamu (New Vamu) or simply as the Vamu internationally, is a nation in West [[Qatesh]], one of the states which marks the boundary between Qatesh and Alaxia. With a land area of ~400,000 square kilometres and a population of ~30 million, the Vamu is one of the smaller nations in the area. The Vamu has a large variety of climates for it's size, from the rolling Taiwo and Awai coastal plains in the east and north, to the dense Tembe jungle in the centre, to the sole mountain range in the nation, the Qulla range, adjacent to the narrow Chupa jungle of the west. The Vamu straddles the equator in the south. It lacks an oceanic coastline, but it has a large coastline on Lake Cayuga.