ˣʷʳʳ/Filyipì Jjúrayì

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Filyipì Jjúrayì was the Second Leader of the Order of the Black Knights of Saint Adjača, Fourth Leader of the Order overall and the First Leader of the State of the OBK (Sinkajji:Velšvantenna Svanta-Adjačayi Vehriyasfàbariyi Svantennakašraharkatyi Šatr ).

He rose through the ranks as a capable and competent general; He led his knights against several incursions by other holy orders and took crucial part in the incursions on the central plains.

His early victories would end up with him being proclaimed by the then LO, Lyoniyyi Sanjjùr, as his protégée.

Following the death of the former he'd be proclaimed by the joint clerical-knightly