2395 Aerogastnicht

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Aerogastnicht (English: Night of the Many Ghosts; Exteras: (INSERT HERE) was a night of murders of key autocratic figures in Empherias, and the storming of parliament on 24 January 2395. It led to the direct deaths of twelve members of parliament, three royal guards, thirteen councillors, twenty-five upper class nobles and approximately two other deaths. It also led to the Battle of Parliament (2395) the following day which lasted until 28 January 2395. Eventually, the direct consequences of the night was a large amount of arrests by the Prime Minister, Hayden Edward - notably, Henry Alark and Felix D'laminet. Furthermore, it allowed for Alarkists to consolidate forces and try again, and increased the support of the People's Populist Party nationwide as many saw violence as the only say to topple the corrupt regime.

Background[edit | edit source]

Following the revolt at Brekenreidkegt Brekepaine, Henry Alark moved to the small town of Skudbourg to regroup forces and rally his extremist troops. He prepared a militia of well trained ex-troops and fit volunteers armed with military grade equipment and prepared to storm the government. They marched to central Esthullen and began to storm parliament. Meanwhile, Alark had ordered several assassins or even regular volunteers to assassinate key government figures and rich people across the country.

Four months before the scheduled national elections, Henry Alark rallied his small extremists in the town of Scudbourg. They had used months of preparation, and many were armed with ex-military rifles ready to storm the government. They began at the King's Palace, the Parliament, the Main City Centre, and many rich manors around the city. They stormed the Parliament. Two hundred militia and Alark himself stormed in the doors and creating mass panic in the building. Only a dozen of MPs were there, but they were all slaughtered as they were defenceless. Immediately, the Royal Guards were called. The Prime Minister immediately sent Rijkse James VII to flee in Rommes, while he would rally the Royal Guards to attack and defeat the insurrection, and the PM himself would try and calm down the crowds. the Battle of Parliament was fought for three whole days, with the Royal Guards against the Militia until the militia was entirely unorganised, chaotic and leaderless. As Henry Alark fled, the Battle had claimed eighty lives, and many MPs had died.

Despite not taking part of inciting the insurrection, Felix D'laminet was arrested on charges of treason for defying the Duke, and being a pretender in a public position. The elitists tried to do this to curb the influence of the populists, but many of his supporters threatened another insurrection, but bigger this time. The Royal Guards were put on high alert. Felix D'laminet became a very well known figure across the country due to many newspapers of the event, and many sympathised with his cause. Applications to join the populist party skyrocketed in the next few weeks and months. On election day, the populists were not taking part, and the Conservatives had won the election, with many of the nobles and elite sympathising for their lost party members. the Alarkists prepared a march on Parliament again, this time with numbers of tens of thousands instead of a few hundred.