2457 High Kingdoms education reforms

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The New Education Act 2457 was a law passed in the High Kingdoms of Alaxia in 2457.

Contents of the bill[edit | edit source]

The Curriculum of National Education, CNU is split into three forms. The three forms are: Stages - Stages are basic segments of learning seperated into 5 parts, or 5 schools.

-Stage 1: The Preschool, where the main themes are of growth. Children are allowed a great deal of flexibility and ability to interact among themselves without the hindrance of an adult. Stage 1 is based around ‘play’ wherein, formal education isn’t started. For the first two years, children will interact with others, learn to make their own decisions, control their emotions and impulses, see from others' perspectives, negotiate differences with others, and make friends. Another important aspect is working together, visual learning and the lack of grading or assessment. Children are encouraged, not instructed and taken at their own pace. They are advised to work harder and smarter and are rewarded for it. Communication, talking, listening, thinking, mathematical and logical awareness and analysis, knowledge and understanding of the world, physical health, play, teamwork, self-help, scientific thinking and literacy are also major aspects of Stage 1. While the first two years follow these too, the third year is the focus of these things. The final year cements these and starts systematic classes. They also learn dance and music.

-Stage 2: The Primary School, where the main themes are of adapting to the environment of a school. The main subjects are Language, Mathematics, Social Science and Science. Secondary subjects are Physical Education, reading and Music. Different Clubs are to be introduced gradually through stage 2, clubs like music, drama, book reading, chess and martial arts. While formal education will play an important part, assessment will also include variables like teamwork, assignments, research, group works. Students will be encouraged to help each other and work with each other. Students also help clean their rooms.

-Stage 3: Stage 3, also known as secondary School will expand on the core subjects on a theoretical and understanding level, building awareness, logical and analytical minds. Around this time, the students are encouraged to be more independent and help others. Their work expands, with added tutoring of Stage 1 students and mentorship programs to help students specialise. Physical Education and Martial Art classes expand and workshops of various higher studies are introduced. They start learning a secondary language. The main subjects include the aforementioned ones and Geography.

-Stage 4: Stage 4, known as Senior school will see the reduction of core subjects and introduction of choice based learning. Wherein, the core subjects will be Language, Mathematics, Sciences, their secondary language and choices between Business Studies or Social Sciences and History or Literature. Extracurricular Clubs are expanded with Sports, Journalism, Entrepreneurship and Debate. Students will have improved workshops and assessments that will include programs to help them learn time management, skills revolving around communication, expression, monetary value, cooking and social interactions. Other activities include physical education, scouts and martial arts.

-Stage 5: Stage 5, or College will see the students blossom into adults, helping in the process. The only main subjects are their first and secondary languages. They have a choice between; History or Literature, Chemistry or Accounting, Physics or Social Sciences, Biology or Business Studies. Mentorship programs are expanded and internships are introduced. Clubs are still prevalent, although reduced. Research and practical works are expanded with the arrangement of tours, expeditions and excursions. Workshops remain relatively the same, focusing on helping students polish themselves.

M1 - First Main Assesment of the student, passing into 'formal' schooling M2 - Second main assessment of the student, passing into Senior Schooling M3 - Third Main assessment, passing into College M4 - Fourth main Assessment, more of just preparing them for College. M5 - Final Main Assessment, implementing everything they have learned

Assessments aren't just about writing what you know in a piece of paper, it is about implementing them, using them and applying them.