2499 High Kingdoms presidential election

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The 2499 High Kingdoms presidential election was the 13th presidential election of the High Kingdoms of Alaxia. Endorsement voting took place across October and November 2499 before the final vote was held on Thursday, 12 November 2499. The left wing candidate was Peter Erikvier, representing the Red Bloq party. The right wing candidate was Çimon Valena of the Liberal party. This was the first time since the INSERT election that a Conservative candidate had not made the final vote. The election took place against the backdrop of increasing living standards nationwide, intermediate economic growth, further technological progression leading to discussions about it's potential use, exploitation and economic contribution.

A total of 9 parties had electors to endorse political candidates in the endorsement voting. In decreasing order of electors there were: 24 Socialists, 21 Liberals, 10 Janvariyes, 6 Carpiviyas, 4 Conservatives, 4 Bokanists, 3 Daphnes, 2 Greens, and 1 Nationalist. Furthermore, ten parties (all elector parties plus the Orderist party) put forward presidential candidates with four (Socialists, Liberals, Conservatives, and Janvariyes) having primaries to determine their candidate prior to the endorsement stage. Furthermore, 3 independent presidential candidates ran - most notably, future Empheri Labour politician Mark Twein - but none received any votes in the endorsement stage. By the end of the endorsement stage, all 24 Socialists, 6 Carpiviyas, 3 Daphnes, and 2 Greens endorsed Red Bloq candidate Peter Erikvier, giving him 35 total electors; while all 21 Liberals, 10 Janvariyes, 4 Conservatives, 4 Bokanists, and 1 Nationalist electors endorsed Liberal candidate Çimon Valena, giving him 40 total electors.

During the final stage of the vote, of the 71.5% eligible voting population, the election received a turnout of 93.1% thanks to compulsive voting. As the runner-up, Erikvier received 187 million (nearly 41%) of the popular vote to winner Valena's 258 million (approximately 56%) of the popular vote. Around 13 million or 3% of the votes were spoiled or abstained from voting for a preferred candidate.

Çimon Valena was elected the President of the High Kingdoms, taking office on 1 January 2500. He chose Kiavalari conservative politician Alesia R. Sarnel to be his vice-president - as an outspoken women's right activist, she was hoped to appeal to left wing Daphne voters, as well as Kiavalari citizens, and general Conservative politicians who backed his Liberal administration.



Simultaneous elections


Red Bloq party and primary

Conservative coalition and primary

Liberal party and primary

Janvariye party and primary

Carpiviya party nomination

Bokanist party nomination

Pink Daphne party nomination

Green party nomination

Nationalist party nomination

Orderist coalition nomination


Election campaigns

Election results

Endorsement Stage

Each devolved parliament would be converted into elector representation. For every 40 seats a party has in a regional government, they would gain an elector - with a maximum of 15 electors per country, for a total of 90 electors union-wide. After all available electors that have at least 40 seats have been given out, the parties with the highest remaining seats (for example, 37 seats) will be given an elector position until all 15 slots are filled. These electors would be attributed based on parliaments from 1 October 2499.


The most recent Ahitereiran parliamentary election took place in 2497. As of the elector attribution, the makeup of parliament was: the Liberals on 229 seats, the Pink Daphnes on 135 seats, the King's Party on 122 seats, the Red Bloq on 59 seats, the Orderist Coalition on 38 seats, the Bokanist Values Party on 9 seats, Ahitereiran Ankranks on 6 seats, the Ahitereiran Greens on 1 seat, the Centrists of Ahitereira on 1 seat. The Liberals had reached the threshold of 40 seats 5 times meaning they get 5 automatic electors, with a remainder of 29. The Pink Daphne's received 3 automatic electors with a remainder of 15; the King's Party received 3 automatic electors with a remainder of 2 seats; the Red Bloq received 1 automatic qualifier with a remainder of 19. With 12 automatic elector slots filled, three more had to given out with the remaining seats. With the most remaining, the Orderist Coalition (38) received an elector, alongside the Liberals (29) and the Red Bloq (19).

In total, the Liberals had 6 electors; the Pink Daphne's had 3 electors; the King's Party had 3 electors; the Red Bloq had 2 electors, and the Orderist Coalition had 1 elector.


The most recent Empheri parliamentary election took place on 2 September 2499, just a month prior to the elector attribution. At which, the makeup of the parliament was: the Socialists with 296 seats, the Liberals with 264 seats, the Nationalists with 25 seats, the Conservatives with 6 seats, the Centrists with 4 seats, the Greens with 2 seats, the Empheri Ankranks with 2 seats, and the Bokanists of Empherias with 1 seat. The Socialists had reached the threshold of 40 seats 7 times meaning they get 7 automatic electors, with a remainder of 16. The Liberals received 6 automatic electors with a remainder of 24. No other party reached the threshold which left 2 slots left open - 13 filled already. The highest remaining was the Nationalists with 25, and the Liberals with 24 - both parties received an extra elector.

In total, the Socialists had 7 electors, the Liberals had 7 electors, and the Nationalists had 1 elector.





Final Vote
