Beletharian Wars

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The Beletharian Wars (2242–2294) were a series of conflicts fought between the Grand Republic of Lothyran under Chancellor Beleth, and an array of Alaxian coalitions.

Beletharian Wars

Height of the Grand Republic of Lothyran, c. 2289
  •   Lothyran
      Lothyran vassals
G.R. Lothyran
Atlantian rebels (from 2282)

Supported by:
RPA mercenary group
First coalition:

Second coalition:

Grand Justiciar Beleth had consolidated power throughout 2240 and 2241, and the Emperor of Lothyran was executed on 3 March 2241. The first troops crossed the borders, beginning the Bordo Campaign, in 2242.


The Empire of Lothyran had recently been defeated by Azyeri, and this political vacuum saw Grand Justiciar Beleth von Kaladriel seize power in a coup d'etat against the emperor. His political agenda was to free all surrounding countries of their monarchies and free the people of Alaxia.


First coalition

Re-annexation of Bordo

Following the declaration of the Grand Republic, Justiciar Beleth raised an army of 650,000 men and marched into the previous Lothyran territory of Bordo to the south. Bordo was conquered within two weeks and was annexed back into the Grand Republic of Lothyran. Beleth's grand army was welcomed with roses and flower petals as they occupied major cities and various ports. The native peoples of Bordo believed that them and Lothyran were the same and only the oppressive upper class had separated them.

Invasion of Urbaxia

After securing this land, the Grand Army began marching up north into surrounding states in order to seize large gold deposits to fund rebellions across Alaxia - haste was emphasised with artillery and charges used more than usual. Special regiments of shock troopers were utilised with cavalry used to secure less protected strategic points. The government of Lothyran refused to acknowledge international treaties - as they were signed by authoritarians. The campaign into 'foreign' nations would begin in 2243.


King of Azyeri Shalleum I led negotiations with other countries to try and curb the republican and revolutionary ideals of the new Lothyran republic, as well as stop any foreign invasions they might attempt. Eventually, Azyeri and the countries of Theon, Tempest, Urbaxia (also known as Burgundia), Quadi, and Ahitereira, formed the First Coalition in 2253. These countries began mobilising a united response but this was slow to coordinate, while Lothyran marched on Burgundia.

The Adeptus Militarum in Lothyran rapidly began increasing war propaganda to both Lothyran citizens and the peoples of conquered lands. Recruiters went to Lothyran villages and encouraged many men to join the army. As a result, manpower increased from inland and the conquered lands of Bordo and Sapran. The ministry's slogan was 'Free the people! protect our liberty! do not let the despots of enemies destroy our liberty! we are the righteous ambassador of liberty! for the republic!'. Throughout 2258, this recruited 80,000 soldiers from the Bordo, and 20,000 soldiers from the Sapran. Bordo troops were trained at Lothyran training centres, and were stationed to protect the capital of Lothyran. Women were encouraged to work as they were equal citizens of the republic.

The Grand Kana of Azar


With Ionaean and Sutonese neo-colonialism spreading further, mass mutinies in the Feclarian Army, and the threat of the Lothyran Grand Republic, the Grand Kana of Azar was established. Politicians in Azyeri would relentlessly protest for the young spinelass King Shalleum to abdicate his throne in favour of his fifth cousin, the King of Quadi. The Kingdom of Lazar would later join in hopes of turning the tides in the war against Lothyran. In 2261, the empire formed, allowing for the amassing of a huge army with men from across the 3 empires.

By 2280, Beleth's army of 690,000 men would defeat a coalition force of 650,000 men in the Second Battle of Bashekh Desert - the largest battle in history. The Lothyrans went on to trash a further 300,000 Quad-Lazarian men to secure victory. In June 2285, Lothyran would declare victory against the first coalition - ending the first phase of the Belegarian Wars - and the coalition dissolved.

Aftermath of the First Coalition War

The grand republic of Lothyran had acquired tremendous profits and riches as war reparations from the victory against the first coalition. However, while the peoples of Lothyran walked the glorious and blood-full paths of liberty and victory, the Lothyran Congress discovered corruption amongst bureaucrats and administrators. To stabilise the country, Congress declared the mass recruitment of new administrators.

New technology obtained from the war allowed for new developments to restore civilian infrastructure and bring enormous productive revolutions to the industries of the republic. An industrial complex began being built where the heavily concentrated iron deposits and rivers laid. New and advanced machinery increased production efficiency tremendously such as steam engines, advanced forge, and streamrolling mechanisms. An extreme amount of steel and iron was produced for both civilian and military needs. Obtained capitals from their victory were used to expand industrial complexes that specialised in productions of steel and iron such as at the capital city Lothyran in the military state of Eatain, and Hoeth, within Osterion, the economic and administrative hub. Meanwhile, in order to mass produce clothes for the citizens, textile complexes at Sapran and Bordo were established. Investment was made from government budgets towards the ports and textile workshops of Thraxia.

In the Arstotzka (Savaja), Sinkajjan, and Zarinmero regions, the Lothyran government budgets invested to expand the gold and silver mines under Lothyran control, with the profits being divided equally in half. The grand republic started to educate people living in protectorate regions too through established public academias and public universities for all living in Sinkajja and Arstotzka. Furthermore, a special military production complex called Arsenal at the Eatain, Bordo, Sapran, and Osterion states, was built to increase military armament productions. The government established official research teams to focus on development of military and advancement of inventions. Rifles obtained from the West Suton Republic and other steam tech obtained through trade with Erdelicht were used as blueprints to reverse engineer and improve Lothyran tech. The Central Bank started to provide low interest loans towards citizens. Thraxia, Sinkajja, Zarinmero, and Azyeri would use the currency systems of Lothyran and establish branches of the Lothyran Central Bank.

The Grand Republic called many heads of states of other countries to suggest the declaration of an official alliance between countries sharing the same ideologies in order to resist against oppressors - emphasising co-operation among Alaxia. This alliance specifically would be about sharing advanced technology, providing financial aid, and using the same currency.

By 2287, Lothyran was seen as the most powerful country in the world at the loss of nearly 900,000 men. The Lothyran language of the Grand Republic had stuck as the lingua franca between these countries.

Second coalition


With the dissolution of the first coalition, the rest of the world was very worried that the Lothyran power would continue to invade neighbouring countries to depose monarchies or expand their empire. Starting in 2282, the Grand Republic had already began a campaign in Atlantia, in West Alaxia, to liberate them from their colonial oppressors. Thus, the second coalition spearheaded by the Acorian country of Ceironia, the Qateshi country of Ionaea, and the East Alaxian countries of Kusfeld, Ahitereira, and Karkuss formed.

By late 2289, southeast Alaxia had fallen with mixed Azyeri-Lothyran commander Ralda forcing Ahitereira, Kusfeld, and Karkuss to accept humiliating treaties as they fell under the weight of the Grand Peoples Army of 400,000 men under the Grand Legion. The RPA, a mercenary group, joined the ranks of Lothyran, and helped them wage a western front against the island country of Ceironia, and the Ionaean empire to the northwest.

The Battle of Salans taking place in the Atlantian peninsula in 2294, was one of the bloodiest battles of the entire war. Although the Lothyran grand republic was far stronger and better equipped, the Ionaeans had trapped them in the peninsula without any way of reinforcement or escape. Therefore, the entire Lothyran army clashed against the Ionaean army in a large charge. Hundreds of thousands died. Because of the horrific loss of life, the Inoaean Kanen Illin (Queen) Arya agreed to a duel with Lothyran Chancellor Beleth himself. They fought for only 6 minutes, by the sword, and Beleth arose from the battle with a slash on his chest and a bloody sword in the air - Arya had been killed. The Ionaeans soon pulled out of Lothyran. With the withdrawal of Ionaea, Alaxia was truly free. No more Kings could dare defy the might of the people. Despite the victory, Beleth soon after died from his own wounds - leaving the political landscape totally different.

Calm After the Storm

Throughout 2307, Lothyran heavily expanded its armed forces. Lothyran rasied 100,000 men from the mainland to stabilise public orders and put them as reserve forces. Another 150,000 men were to be trained as professional standing force army for emergency situations and were stationed in the Eulea Frontier along with newly constructed star forts. 10,000 men from each puppet were pulled aswell.

Despite control falling in certain areas, particularly those across the sea, the Lothyran Republic continued to exert significant control over nearby vessels well into the 2300s and past Beleth's death. The Lothyran style of administration had stuck, with many revolutions following in his footsteps, and constitutions, parties, and limited democracy becoming popular. Many look back on Beleth as a hero and of the republic as better under his control.

Third coalition

In 2310, with the stability of the empire crumbling without a figurehead and large administrative costs and a rise in resentment, the Lothyran government issued the Hegemony Document. This set out to expand Lothyran's influential and hegemony sphere, while decreasing unnecessary administrative costs. The idea was to reform the relationships between central government and vassal states. For all vassals, whether reform was major or minor, would the use of the Lothyran currency and central be mandated, but the document elsewhere set out these new policies:

  • Tier One, for minor reforms. The Dominion of Zarinmero, the Protectorate of Tusinmero, and the Republic of Atlantia was to be maintained the status quo with further Lothyran language education and citizen conversion. It was regarded as a close by important vassal.
  • Tier Two, for minor reforms with caution. The Dominion of Thraxia and Arstotzka Protectorate were to receive Lothyran langauge education and citizen conversion, with specific instructions to avoid physical forces there.
  • Tier Three, for some reforms. The Republic of Eulea was given relative autonomy, with close ties politically, and large scale financial commitments from Lothyran's central government to provide materials and money for rebuilding alongside low interest loans.
  • Tier Four, for major reforms. The Republic of Sinkajja, despite being close, was given major autonomy. There would be support politically with the Lothyran administrative framework and an alliance - but no military or financial aid would be given.
  • Tier Five, for near-independence reforms. The Republic of Azyeri were to see increased freedoms, presumed to be eventual independence, but the wording was vague.
  • Tier Six, for independent reforms. The Hveden Federation and Second Republic of Durbinia was to be given total independence with the retreat of all Lothyran administrative and military positions after a short time. However, they did maintain the Lothyran currency and central bank.
  • Tier Seven, for total immediate independence. The Federation of Lazar was given independence immediately with all Lothyran administration branches withdrawing within weeks due to the occupations of Quadi. However, some high officials in Lazar would remain Lothyran. For this tier alone, use of the Lothyran currency and central bank was not expressly mandated.

States closer to Lothyran, bar Sinkajja, saw little reforms, while states further away were given near total independence.

By 2311, Neo-Sinkajjan nationalists with the recent chaos in the region begin gaining tractions. Funding of pro-Sinkajjan groups and anti-Lothyran groups began very quickly and many major activists in Sinkajja and beyond believe this is the time of the fall of the Lothyran empire and ask for support to invade the grand republic. Throughout 2312, action from the central government of Lothyran is relatively quiet as many politicians begin to see the current Chancellor as incompotent and weak. Outside powers view the Lothyrans as weak and idle and soon the balance of power must shift away from them.

