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Republic of Blia

Flag of Blian
Anthem: "Hymn To Liberty"
Location of Blian
Official languagesBlian
• President
Chadikós Daskalakis

The Republic of Blia is a developing country in the middle of the continent of Qatesh. It is bordered by Solan to the East, Awlari and Arcaton to the West, and Sinnamahong to the North. The population sits at roughly 70,000,000, and continues to grow at a rate of .30% a year. It is a full member of the Organization of Free Nations, and has recently begun a militarization campaign to assert it's power in the Hethmalep Sea region.

Early in it's history, Blia was an important part of the Assassin - Templar war, and the first monarch of Blia, Farocles The Far-Sighted, was an Assassin himself. He and his inner circle organized many raids into the Templar dominated Solan, and the country continued to be a base of operations for the Assassins all the way up until the invasion by the Empire of Cayuga.