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Zexaria returned with but 180,000 men, constantly being harassed by nimble Ceironian cavalrymen sabotaging him and picking off the wounded and weak. But a few months later, he surrendered, as the Ceironians launched a campaign in the south to retake the city of Oceanius from Zexaria, and in the north he was being pushed back. The first civil war was over.
==The Second & Third Civil Wars [310 - 314 XY]==
The Second Civil war began on 310 XY after a major event in Ceironias history - the first attempted conquest of Kashini. Thousands of warriors strutted across the great interior Steppe on their way to conquer what was known as the Kashini Horde at the time, and integrate them into Ceironia. However, at the beginning of the voyage, the Imperium Ceironium was met with internal strife as the highly influential Lord Adius raised a sufficiently large army several hundred thousand in strength. The Imperium Ceironium was forced to recall its forces after repelling the Kashini horde away from the inland of Ceironia, its men made the long march back. Thousands perished in the march back home. From starvation, to dehydration, to Kashini raids.
Few returned back home to Ceironia ready to fight against Adius's forces. Thousands more were conscripted from the imperium's countryside. This lead to major resentment to the government in Latango, however, to them it was seen as a worthy sacrifice it meant the imperium would continue. The now grown forces were on a level playing field with the Adius legions. Their first battle was only a few hundred km away from modern day Zirthu, on a river crossing. Adius excellently used his cavalry to pose a massive distraction, making it seem like his force was heading towards the coast. This managed to elude the inexperienced ceironian generals - who sent most of their forces south. Adius used this window to cross the river at night, with the cavalry in the south baiting additional ceironians across the rivers then picking them off in skirmishes.
Lord Adius lead the primary force against the weakened Ceironian side guard. They were expertly smashed through with minimal losses and heavy casualties inflicted on the Ceironians. Adius's forces pushed south and with the assistance of some loyal townsfolk in the region being used as recon, as well as the cavalry in the south further distracting the now only remaining force in the area, Adius's legion smashed straight through the Ceironian formation, ending the battle in but a few hours. Adius began his march to Latango before eventually arriving and forcing a surrender.
==The First Coalition War [399 - 421 XY]==
Ceironia vs Kashini-Eglyia
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