Conservative Party of Empherias

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The Conservative Party of Empherias, more commonly known in Empherias as the Conservatives, or Raleigh-Konservatif is a right wing political party in the High Kingdom of Empherias. The party was founded in 2109 making it the oldest surviving political party. The party was initially created to combat the royalist sentiment and support in Empherias against the Alamekas-Royalists in early elections in the 2100s. It eventually evolved to become more right-wing and traditionalist during the 23rd and 24th centuries. Eventually, it dissolved entirely in 2424 and merged with the Empherian Liberal Party following a political crisis. Conservative voters shifted to voting for the Liberals but remained in a faction of the party called the "New Conservative Bloc". This remained until it split away from the party in 2436 to form the New Conservative Party, which renamed to just the Conservative Party of Empherias in 2477.

The Conservatives is currently the fourth largest party in Empherias, holding 6 seats following the 2499 election. The current leader is James Armisen Bleaker. The last Conservative Prime Minister was Wigfred Marksdottir (2378-2388). The first leader was Ernest Raleigh who consolidated conservative support but lost the first election in 2110. He resigned in 2115 leading to the rule of David Lloyd Johnson (2120-2130) who won the 2120 general election and became the first Conservative Prime Minister.

Raycist, sexist, anti-immigrant party, led by Boris Conson who is a stinky Ceironian born Empherian who was bribed 30,000,000 Ceironian Dollars by some Fazarian gas tycoon owner. This was uncovered in the Polereg Papers. Slogan is cope, seethe, mald with a big thumbs up.