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I got on my knees and looked up at Durbin, who looked at my back with sunken greed-filled black beady eyes, covered partway by flabby flaps of skin. I immediately began to wrap my mouth around Durbins nipple, but the moment I did it he turned into a hog. It was even more exhilerating now; Durbins already long chest hair sprouted to cover his whole body, his nose was even more sunken back, and that flame on Durbins pig's head made me wonder how long it will be until his head will drip greasy blobs of burnt fat. I began to suck on the teat of the pig, and got a mouthful of pure fat that coated her teeth and tongue and the inside of her mouth. I tasted sugar in it; did Durbin produce his own glucose? I can feel myself gaining weight oh-so-steadily, until I became Violet Beaugarde-style fat. I continued to look around Durbin; his great greasy flaps of obese skin, covering him. I knew I had to take another bite, so I got back in again. The hog's sunken flabby folds of fat began to sway, and I took another suck out of his rubbery nipple. Immediately, I began to burst at the seams; the creamy fat of Durbin slowly began to fill every pore of my skin; I began to bloat like a dead frog; and as she touched Durbins skin, I felt the thin trickle of sweat and organic cream produced by Durbins fat-filled sacks. I longed for another bite, but now I can't move, but Durbins pure tallow was so rich and so thick I went in for a third bite. Durbin warned him in a quiet, blubbering voice: "You will get banned", I sucked on it hard one last time, and then collapsed.