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Revision as of 02:27, 16 July 2021 by (talk) (Expanding on the country's history)
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Holy Erdelicht Reich
Anthem "The Chant of The One"
Capital Friedrichsburg
Major Cities
Related Countries United Republic of Tupa'lei (Neighbor, Rival)
Demonym Erdelichtian
Head of State Her Most Holy Royal Highness Astrid Ferdinand Ausgewähltlicht
Legislature Erdelichtian General Staff

Erdelichtian Council

Ruling party Royalist Faction
Most Recent Election N/A
Languages Erdelichtian
Ethnicities Erdelichtian (Majority)

Sutonese (Minority)

Tupa'Leian (Minority)

Religion Cult of The One
GDP per capita
Driving Side
Armed Forces
Naval Forces
Air Forces
Nuclear Arsenal


The Erdelichtian Reich (Meaning Empire of the Land of Light in the erdelichtian language), also known as just Erdelicht, is a nation in the far Northwest of Acoria. A extremely religious, traditional and xenohpobic place, where since time imemorial the priesthood and the army have called the shots and where the mere idea of democracy is seen as laughable at best and treasonous at worst. Despite many setbacks in their history and a period of colonization, the Reich has managed to secure most of its territorial integrity until the modern times, and constinues to this day to be a thorn on the side of anyone who wants to see the region peacefull and stable under their influence, for the Erdelichtian are untamable, and ambitious.


The history of the Erdelichtian people is inherently linked to that of their religion, for the main unifying factor amongst their people was always their unique faith known today as The Cult of the One. Most documents regarding the early history of Erdelicht are religious in nature, and the only source besides oral tales and foreign hearsay to try and discern what the past of the country was like.

All tales, however, seem to agree that the focal point of erdelichtian culture, faith and government came from a peninsula in the southwestern part of the island, where today now stands Friedrichsburg, capital and holy city of the erdelichtian faith. It was amongst the tribes of that peninsula that a unique happening would change their country's history forever.

A Light in the North

All tales about erdelichtian origin, be they religious or secular, agree on a primordial point: a main factor for it happening was the figure of Friedrich Karl, first emperor and leader of the Erdelichtian faith.

According to the religious writings, the emperor was born a simple man amongst the many tribes and cities that ruled over the peninsula, and would grow to be a respected warrior in his community. Alas, his life was destined to so much more than simply war, for the gods themselves decided that he was worthy of conducting their task, or The God.

This is where the founding mythos of the erdelichtian faith begins: according to the legends, Friedrich Karl recieved visions from The God, which told him that all the gods in the world where, in some way or another, an aspect of Him, and that he was extremely tired of seeing all of them fighting amongst themselves, and thus decided to entrust a capable man with the task of bringing unity to the universe.