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'''Euleanism''', '''Eulean Unionism''', or '''Pan-Eulean Nationalism''', is the Ideology throughout West Alaxian advocating the reformation of the [[Eulea|Eulean Republic]] and/or [[Eulean Union]].
== TheHistory Euleanof MythEuleanism ==
=== The Eulean Myth ===
The concept of Eulea first emerged in the 24th Century, as a result of the [[Beletharian Wars]]. A Thraxian man created the idea of Eulea sometime around the year 2295, claiming that it was a long-held myth in the cultures of [[Atlantia]], [[Ginsukyo]], [[Sinkayya]], and [[Thraxia]], dating back thousands of years, and possibly into prehistory. Despite no credible historical basis for these claims, the myth quickly caught on among nationalist revolutionary groups in the region, which was at the time under [[Lothyran]] control.
[[File:EuleaOriginalFlag.png|thumb|Flag of the First Eulean Republic]]
==== The First Eulean Republic ====
The myth soon blossomed into reality, when, in 23XX, the [[Eulea|Eulean Republic]] was able to form, encompassing modern-day Ginsukyo, Sinkayya, and most of Thraxia. Still heavily influenced by Lothyran, it was little more than a puppet for the vast majority of it's existence. It would not take long for cracks to appear, however, as just thirty eight years after Eulea had formed, the '''Ginsukyan Restoration Front''' had seized control of the government. This nationalist takeover soon led to conflict, as Sinkayyan and Thraxian nationalists rebelled in response, along with a number of religious extremists, soon leading to the permanent fracturing of the state, and the region's eventual takeover by outside colonial powers.
=== Colonial Influences ===
With West Alaxia under the thumb of [[Fazar]] and [[Azyeri Empire|Azyeri]], the idea of Eulea once more rose to prominence as a means of jointly resisting the occupation.
[[File:EuleanUnion.png|thumb|Flag of the Eulean Union]]
==== The Second Eulean Union ====
In 2412, in the midst of the [[The Great War|Great War]], this second wave manage to succeed, public support bringing about the Second Eulean Union as a semi-independent country, consisting of Ginsukyo, Thraxia, and eventually Atlantia. However, it too would go on to suffer Ginsukyan rebellion, as the Ginsukyan Led Anti-Unionist "RRG" would begin waging a war on the Eulean Union starting in 2418 and lasting all the way to 2439. With the rebels finally defeated, Eulea would be perceived to violate the terms of it's independence from Fazar by demanding Fazar cede it's remaining colonial possessions in West Alaxia. In response, Eulea would be invaded and annexed as a state of the [[Imperial Combine]] during the [[Eulean War]].
Eulea would remain a state of the Combine until 2448, when the Combine was dissolved, and Atlantia, Ginsukyo, and Thrax became three independent countries.
=== Modern Resurgence ===
see also: ''[[West Alaxian War]]''
With West Alaxia once more under the occupation of foreign powers, the Eulean movement has begun to gain steam again, especially in [[Atlantia]], and to a lesser extent [[North Geclaria|North]] and [[South Geclaria|South Gelcaria.]]
== Euleanism in West Alaxian Nations ==
=== Euleanism in Atlantia ===
=== Euleanism in Ginsukyo ===
Popular support for Euleanism has waxed and waned within Ginsukyo, with opposition often being the highest during the periods in which Ginsukyans actually lived under Eulean rule.
=== Euleanism in Hannokar and Pelegros ===
While there exist some historical and cultural ties between Thraxia, Hannokar and Pelegros, unification with Thraxia or Eulea has proven unpopular in the islands.
=== Euleanism in Jimaria ===
Euleanism has consistently been very unpopular within the nation of [[Jimaria]]. Despite the modern territories of Jimaria not encompassing any historical incarnation of the Eulean State, Thraxia long attempted to spread Euleanism into the country, and the ideology long funded Thraxian claims over the Jimarian region of Avathraxia.
=== Euleanism in Thrax ===
=== Euleanism in Tuzal ===
Now largely dominated by Fazarian settlers and their descendents, Euleanism is very unpopular within Tuzal. Including Tuzal in a hypothetical Eulean state has also had its detractors, as it was among the demands by the Eulean Union which led to the nation's annexation.
=== Euleanism in Sinkayya ===
While a founding member of the First Eulean Republic, Euleanism is not very popular in modern Sinkayya.