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The Illuaq Despotate
Anthem Unknown
Capital Illuaq City
Major Cities n/a
Related Countries High Kingdoms of Alaxia


Demonym Qallunaat
Head of State Amaqjuaq I
Legislature Central Parliament, Illuaq City
Ruling party Traditional Party of Illuaq
Most Recent Election
Languages Illuaqi
Ethnicities 40% Ahitereiran
30% Illuaqi-Ahitereiran
30% Illuaqi
Religion 90% Bokanism
10% Illuaqi Paganism
Population 41,850
GDP per capita
Driving Side Left
Armed Forces
Naval Forces
Air Forces
Nuclear Arsenal

Illuaq is a small tribal nation in the North of the Arctic, it was found by Ahitereiran explorers, and to this day, Ahitereira and Illuaq are close to each other.


Ahitereiran Explorers

A group of Ahitereiran researchers (around 10 of them) went to the northern lands of the Arctic in a vast expedition, in which for 2 decades they would dedicate their studies to the language and the people of Illuaq, in which they would learn their language, experience their foods and lifestyle. This led to the exposition of Ahitereiran ideals and way of living to the small tribe, and as such, in the next following years, more money would be invested in the research in how to optimize the living spaces of the Arctic.

This led to the first written forms of Illuaq being invented using the Anternian Script, and a large influx of Ahitereiran immigrants coming to Illuaq interested in its vast resources. They would intermingle with the natives, and would adopt their language, mostly as a form of respect for the natives. This would lead to a rejuvenation of the Illuaq land, language and customs, now fit into a modern paradigm.

Illuaq would remain still fairly small until the migrant Qallunaat would come back in 2468 XY.

Economic Revolution

The Illuaq Nation was finally officialized when the great Elder of the Tribe, Amaqjuaq, in talks with various prominent figures (Oil Barons, Activists, Natives), decided on a form of governmental form based on Native Traditions and various political Ideas of the Modern South. Such would be in the form of a Constitutional Elected Monarchy, where the Tribe Elder would be the elected Cerimonial Monarch, the real governmental power would be held by the Ahitereiran-Influenced Parliaments, with the existence of Prime-Ministers and the such.

The governments would order various economic plans, each all to be done in 5-years time. They would focus on the extraction of the various resources and investment on tech to make the icy lands more habitable. This would result in various greenhouses, and vertical farming. Many hot reserves of water would've been found as well, in which vast tubing and plumbing were created to heat roads and other types of infrastructure.

The High Kingdoms of Alaxia would continue to support the Illuaq, due to the vast amount of migrants from Ahitereiran descent living there.