List of International Concord Proposals: Difference between revisions

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Line 135:
|To approve the [[International Concord Treaty on the Lawful Conduct of War]]
Line 161:
|Recognize and admit the Dwarf States (Scoitlan, Zerrikania, Dramadal, Dwarf Confederacy)
to the International Concord, and deploy peacekeepers to ensure the peaceful transfer of
Line 186 ⟶ 187:
|TreatyTo approve the treaty for the [[International Recognition of Ownership of the Sea and Air]]
Line 202 ⟶ 203:
|SC 2461-09-1
|'''''[[International Concord Security Committee|Security Committee]]'''''
|To approve the International Concord [[Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty]]
Line 227 ⟶ 228:
|LoosenTo loosen the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to allow more nations to invest in wholly
domestic nuclear power programs
Line 322 ⟶ 323:
|To Sanction Horyuxia and Fazar for their invasion of Thraxia, and require them to withdraw all
troops from Thraxian territory
(''See: [[Thraxian Conflict]]'')
Line 375 ⟶ 377:
|'''''[[International Concord Security Committee|Security Committee]]'''''
|Send in International Concord Peacekeepers to topple the Erdelichtian Government, for their
development and use of illegal biological and chemical weapons, and their murder of foreign
embassy staff
Line 434 ⟶ 437:
|To approve the International Concord Treaty on the Enforcement of International Intellectual Property Protection
Property Protection
Line 484 ⟶ 488:
|Dismantle the nations of Scoitlan, Zerrikania, Dramadal, Dwarf Confederacy, and the Daevite
Republic for their repeated warcrimes, and create a new Cralasian-run government over the
entire region.
Line 497 ⟶ 502:
| colspan="7" |
|Investigate accusations of genocide against the government of [[Ruslan Union|Ruslan]]
|Admit the Cralasian Free State to the International Concord
|Impose sanctions on Ruslan due to their ongoing genocide
|Impose sanctions on Fazar for their invasion of Vernikia
(''See: [[Second Vernikian War]]'')
|{{C|High_Kingdoms}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|HKA]]
|Impose sanctions on Vernikia for violations of the [[International Recognition of Ownership of the Sea and Air|IROSA]] and [[International Concord Treaty on the Lawful Conduct of War|ICTLCW]]
|Free Cralasian State be admitted to the body on the condition that plebiscites be held in all
lands the FCS claims but which are currently recognized as part of other IC member states
|Passed<ref>The governments of Sinnamahong, Yasja-Kanusphra, and Scoitlan refused to hold the plebiscites, preventing the FSC's admission</ref>
|Allow The Free Cralasian State to send a non-voting Temporary Speaker to the ICGA
|SC 2500-07-1
|'''''[[International Concord Security Committee|Security Committee]]'''''
|End the sanctions emplaced on Erdelicht in measure 2491-02-1 if they dismantle their nuclear
arsenal under IC oversight, turn over war criminals, and agree to ongoing yearly inspections
|SC 2500-07-2
|'''''[[International Concord Security Committee|Security Committee]]'''''
|Take the Erdelichtian nuclear weapons in exchange for barring intervention into the ongoing
civil war
|Condemn Ceironia for firing upon surrendering ships
|Enforce Concord oversight over Ceironian military operations in Vernikia, in anticipation of
Ceironian warcrimes
|{{C|High_Kingdoms}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|HKA]]
|Prohibit smoking in the General Assembly building
|To make mass sodomy an international crime
|To sanction Ladros for ridiculous proposals
|{{C|High_Kingdoms}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|HKA]]
|Implement microphones and cameras into the General Assembly room, to record meetings and
release the recordings into the public domain
|Ban everyone besides IC Delegates, IC Security, and Select Reporters from the General
Assembly Room
|Create an international task force to provide security for the International Concord
|Expand the powers, capabilities, and size of the International Accord's armed forces to properly
carry out resolutions against obstructive state actors.
|Abolish the International Concord Security Committee
|Send International Police to Investigate and aprehend warcriminals in the ongoing war in Cralas
(''See: [[Third Sinma-Cralasian War|Third Sinma-Cralas War]]'')
|Send International Police to Investigate and aprehend warcriminals in Erdelicht
|Send International Police to Investigate and aprehend warcriminals in Ruslan
|Impose Sanctions upon [[Ciyuga]] and [[Solan]] for deploying troops into the region and thereby
escalating violence in the ongoing war
(''See: [[Third Sinma-Cralasian War|Third Sinma-Cralas War]]'')
|Deploy IC peacekeepers to stop ethnic violence in the Free Cralasian State Territory and to
oversee the conduct of the Cralasian Ground Forces.
|Create demilitarized autonomous zones within the Cralasian majority regions of the Sinma states
in which plebiscites will be held after 30 years to determine which nation the regions will join
|Amend the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to allow nations not mentioned in the treaty to fully
independently conduct research into and construct nuclear reactors for civilian purposes
|Remove the permanent seats from the Security Committee, making all seats temporary
|Impose sanctions on [[Azyeri-Bordo]] for violating measure SC 2478-06-1
|Proposal to make bribery of concord member states or representatives to sway a vote illegal
under international law
|'''''[[International Court]]'''''
|Authorize a full investigation into the alleged violations of measure SC 2478-06-1
|To set up a dedicated anti-corruption division of International Police, to enforce 2501-06-02
|Reform the IC Charter to remove "redundant articles" and add "new amendments"
|Limit the amount of proposals any delegate can make in a month to 1 for General members, and
2 for Security Committee members
|'''''[[International Court]]'''''
|Authorize a full investigation into the "surrendering ship" incident of July 2500
|Create a system for formally categorizing IC proposals; [YYYY] - [MM] - [Proposal #]
|To fund the creation of a training ground for IC emergency response teams in the International
|To fund coordination between international police and local police forces to apprehend
international criminals
|To ban the transport of nuclear weapons to space and proclaim all celestial bodies (excluding
Oikia and Paidi) international territory
|To embargo Azyeri until their air forces comply with measure SC 2478-06-1
|'''''[[International Court]]'''''
|Grant the International Court the permission to pursue investigations without GA approval
and to grant the International Court the role of handling cased between two sovereign nations
|SC 2501-11-1
|'''''[[International Concord Security Committee|Security Committee]]'''''
|International Concord Security Committee Proposal for Peace in North-Western Qatesh
(''See: [[Third Sinma-Cralasian War|Third Sinma-Cralas War]]'')
|Passed<ref>The governments of Sinnamahong, Yasja-Kanusphra, Scoitlan, and the FCS refused to comply</ref>
|SC 2501-12-1
|'''''[[International Concord Security Committee|Security Committee]]'''''
|"Plan B"; AKA Direct Concord Intervention into the ongoing war in order to put an end to the
fighting and genocides
(''See: [[Third Sinma-Cralasian War|Third Sinma-Cralas War]]'')
|To Amend Section 2, SubSec 2 of the International Concord Treaty on the Lawful Conduct of War
|To Amend Section 2, SubSec 12 of the International Concord Treaty on the Lawful Conduct of War
|To Amend Section 2, SubSec 13 of the International Concord Treaty on the Lawful Conduct of War
|To Amend Section 2, SubSec 14 of the International Concord Treaty on the Lawful Conduct of War
|To Amend Section 2, SubSec 15 of the International Concord Treaty on the Lawful Conduct of War
|To Amend Section 1, SubSec 1 of the International Concord Treaty on the Lawful Conduct of War
|To Amend Section 2, SubSec 15 of the International Concord Treaty on the Lawful Conduct of War
|To Amend Section 2, SubSec 16 of the International Concord Treaty on the Lawful Conduct of War
|To Amend Section 2, SubSec 17 of the International Concord Treaty on the Lawful Conduct of War
|To Amend Section 2, SubSec 1 of the International Concord Treaty on the Lawful Conduct of War
|To Amend Section 1, SubSec 1 of the International Concord Treaty on the Lawful Conduct of War
|SC 2502-01-1
|'''''[[International Concord Security Committee|Security Committee]]'''''
|To place [[Sinnamahong]] under an International Concord Mandate, giving the Concord total power
over foreign policy, and veto power over domestic laws, to ensure protection of minorities
|To organize the [[International Concord World Food Program]]
|To organize the [[International Concord Environmental Protection Program]]
|SC 2502-01-2
|'''''[[International Concord Security Committee|Security Committee]]'''''
|To approve the International Concord-Free Cralas Peace Agreement
(''See: [[Third Sinma-Cralasian War|Third Sinma-Cralas War]]'')
|To allow the consumption of alcohol in the General Assembly Room
|Admit Ruslan's new government back<ref>Ruslan had withdrawn from the Concord in July, 2500</ref> into the International Concord, provided they hand over
alleged war criminals from the previous regime for trial
|Admit Morinya into the International Concord
|Admit the Free Cralasian State as a full voting member of the International Concord
|{{C|ThraxFlagOld}}[[Thrax]] (?)
|Allow Aid workers and Peacekeepers to aid the Erdelictian Government in their Civil War
(''See: [[Second Erdelichtian Civil War]]'')
|A ban on perjury within the International Concord as a whole
|Create a food security program for North Qateshi families displaced by the ethnic violence
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