List of International Concord Proposals: Difference between revisions

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Thisbeebetweentwobetflyland inThis page contains a list of every proposal made before the [[International Concord]] [[International Concord General Assembly|General Assembly]] and [[International Concord Security Committee|Security Committee]]
Note: The Format used for naming proposals in this list was only formally adopted in July, 2501. Earlier proposals have been re-formatted for consistency.
For the percent in favor and against, nations which abstained from the vote are excluded, meaning the present demonstrate only the ratio of members who voted for or against.
Security Committee members have the permission to Veto any proposal relating to military matters, and the Security Committee as a whole has the power to overturn any measures for any reason
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Line 855 ⟶ 857:
|Passed<ref>The governments of Sinnamahong, Yasja-Kanusphra, Scoitlan, and the FCS refused to comply</ref>
|To remove Sinnamahong from the International Concord, due to their ongoing genocide, and the
actions of their delegate on the assembly floor<ref>Referring to the murder of the Cralasian Temporary Speaker by the Sinnamahese Delegate on November 22nd, 2501</ref>
Line 1,016 ⟶ 1,027:
|Admit the [[Cralasian Free State|Free Cralasian State]] as a full voting member of the International Concord
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|{{C|ThraxFlagOldHvede}}[[ThraxHvede]] (?)
|Allow Aid workers and Peacekeepers to aid the Erdelictian Government in their Civil War
(''See: [[Second Erdelichtian Civil War]]'')
Line 1,047 ⟶ 1,058:
|End sanctions on Ruslan
|{{C|Hvede}}[[Hvede]] (?)
|To have Security Committee vetoes and overturns overruled in a 3/4ths majority vote of the
General Assembly, providing the vote is conducted with at least 4/5ths of members voting
|Amend the [[International Recognition of Ownership of the Sea and Air|IROSA]] to provide freedoms for civilian aviation
|Arrange an IC investigation into rising temperatures and sea levels
|To create an IC fund and dispatch aid workers to the devastated areas of Suton in the wake of
the Hurricane
|To amend the [[International Recognition of Ownership of the Sea and Air|IROSA]] to grant the right for civilian airlines to fly through national airspace
without explicit permission
|To amend the [[International Recognition of Ownership of the Sea and Air|IROSA]] to grant the right for civilian airlines to land in a nation for repair and refuel
without explicit permission
|To amend the [[International Recognition of Ownership of the Sea and Air|IROSA]] to explicitly grant the right for civilian airlines to fly from another nation to
their home country without explicit permission of the departing country
|To amend the [[International Recognition of Ownership of the Sea and Air|IROSA]] to explicitly grant the right for civilian airlines to fly between two foreign
countries, if the flight has a stop in the home country
|To amend the [[International Recognition of Ownership of the Sea and Air|IROSA]] to explicitly grant the right for civilian airlines to fly between two airports in a
foreign country, with stopping at an airport in the home country
|To amend the [[International Recognition of Ownership of the Sea and Air|IROSA]] to explicitly grant the right for civilian airlines to fly between two foreign
countries, if the flight does not have a stop at an airport in the home country
|To amend the [[International Recognition of Ownership of the Sea and Air|IROSA]] to explicitly grant the right for civilian airlines to fly within a foreign country,
assuming the line starts or ends in the home country
|To amend the [[International Recognition of Ownership of the Sea and Air|IROSA]] to explicitly grant the right for civilian airlines to fly between two airports
within a foreign country, without stopping at any point in the home country
|{{C|Hvede}}[[Hvede]] (?)
|To amend the IC Charter to have SC Overturns overruled by a 3/4th majority of the General
|To amend the IC Charter to make all permanent Security Committee seats into temporary seats,
but remove the consecutive term limit for temporary seats
|To amend the IC Charter with Section 8; Any proposal or measure which has been vetoed or
overturned, may not be proposed again for a period of one year. This includes both proposals
of identical wording, and those of wording as to produce the same outcome as the original
proposal. The International Court will determine these later cases when applicable.
|To amend the IC Charter's Section 8 to read; Any proposal or measure which has failed to be
passed, either by veto, overturn, or by losing a vote, may not be proposed again for a period
of one year. This includes both proposals of identical wording, and those of wording as to
produce the same outcome as the original proposal. The International Court will determine
these later cases when applicable.
|To forbid Security Committee members who voted in favor of a proposal to then vote in
favor of overturning that same proposal
|Passed<ref>As Security Committee votes are conducted in private, this measure has generally been deemed unenforceable</ref>
|Impose Sanctions upon [[Heboi Vyllitareh|Heboi]] for their ongoing genocide against the local rodentid and elven
|SC 2504-02-1
|'''''[[International Concord Security Committee|Security Committee]]'''''
|Impose a full naval blockade upon the Island of Heboi
|Impose sanctions on Ceironia for their acts supporting the genocidal regime in Heboi
|To remove the current government of Heboi from the International Concord
|To make the voting of the Security Committee Public. IE; to have the manner in which each SC
delegate voted on any given SC vote revealed to the General Assembly
|75%<ref>In Compliance with Measure 2504-03-2:
For - Ciyuga, Ceironia, HKA, Suton, Jimaria, Azyeri
Against - Lunidor, Nordleg
Abstain - Fazar</ref>
|To convene an official IC conference to determine possible world measures and goals to
alleviate climate change, and to dedicate funds to the WISE meteorology caucus in order to set
up a dedicated Climate Change board to create and present a bi-decennial report on climate
change to the Concord.
|A joint, one way mission to the planet Adelfi, to establish diplomatic contact between the native
population and Oikia
|To make the voting of the Security Committee Public. IE; to have the manner in which each SC
delegate voted on any given SC vote revealed to the General Assembly
|Void<ref>Impermissible under Section 8, Subsection 1 of the Concord Charter</ref>
|To send IC investigators to Sinkajja to find evidence of sapient right abuses and other crimes
To impose sanctions upon Sinkajja for sapient right abuses and other crimes
|Void<ref>Due to the Thraxian Delegate attempting to change the wording of the proposal during the vote</ref>
|Proposals which are adopted by the General Assembly with more than 4/5ths of voting members
in support, cannot be overturned or reversed, unless by a vote of the General Assembly in which
greater than 4/5ths of voting members support overturn.
|Any IC proposal which affects a disagreement between two or more countries must receive
approval from all involved countries before being implemented, unless any country involved is
deemed a terrorist state.
|To force any SC member using their Veto power to provide a detailed explanation for their veto
|Livestream meetings of the Security Committee publically
|The TV Cameras within the IC General Assembly are to focus on the Vernikian and Alsaran
delegates whenever they look unengaged in the affairs of the IC, including whenever they; sleep,
yawn, get visibly tired, stretch, and look at their watches
|If a proposal is overturned by the Security Committee, they must collectively present a document
explaining their reasoning
|Overturned<ref>After all SC members abstained from the GA vote in protest; their stated reasoning for the overturn was; "We don't have to." </ref>
|Since Security Committee votes are conducted in secret, have the same always apply to the
General Assembly
|SC 2504-08-1
|'''''[[International Concord Security Committee|Security Committee]]'''''
|Limit the number of proposals the Alsaran Delegate can make in a given month to One (1)
|Passed<ref>The Alsaran Delegate petitioned the International Court to override the proposal, on the grounds the Security Committee could not single out any single nation's delegation. The court upheld it as within the powers of the Security Committee.</ref>
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