List of elections in Empherias

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Elections for leadership within the Council of the Elite

Election Date Elected prime minister Party Votes Second place Votes Abstentions Total MCEs
1995 16 September 1995 George Montgomery Royalists 217 Rhetorists 30 0 247
2010 3 April 2010 Beaumont Ives 260 167 16 443
2014 24 December 2014 Alistair Cyril 296 144 0 440
2017 1 May 2017 213 202 25 440
2020 1 May 2020 219 218 3 440
2022 1 May 2022 Viktoria Gascoyne Rhetorists 335 Royalists 104 1 440
2024 5 May 2024 Horatio Lowe Royalists 224 Rhetorists 215 46[CE 1] 485
2027 5 May 2027 Viktoria Gascoyne Rhetorists 242 Royalists 227 16[CE 2] 485
2029 15 November 2029 Viktoria Gascoyne 283 198 4[CE 3] 485
2032 3 May 2032 Lewis Sword 241 234 10[CE 4] 485
2035 25 May 2035 Henry Alamekas Royalists 245 Rhetorists 239 5 489
2039 1 May 2039 255 221 13[CE 5] 489
2043 11 May 2043 Frederick Robyn-Fitz Rhetorists 266 Royalists 200 21[CE 6] 487
2047 7 July 2047 274 203 10[CE 7] 487
2051 14 July 2051 Henry Alamekas Royalists 231 Rhetorists 215 37[CE 8] 483
2061 3 July 2061 Elizabeth Stone 291 165 47[CE 9] 503
2069 9 July 2069 James Sinister 268 191 55[CE 10] 514
2074 5 September 2074 245 226 45[CE 11] 516
2078 15 July 2078 Charlotte Wallace Rhetorists 253 Royalists 242 25[CE 12] 520
2081 23 July 2081 Henry Alamekas Royalists 269 Rhetorists 249 12[CE 13] 530
2083 16 November 2083 Henry-Cellar Alamekas 261 255 14[CE 14] 530
2085 7 September 2085 Maria Oswald Rhetorists 265 Royalists 263 7[CE 15] 535
2089 11 September 2089 Henry-Cellar Alamekas Royalists 277 Rhetorists 247 18[CE 16] 542
2095 16 July 2095 Duncan Mackenzie-King Rhetorists 269 Royalists 267 6[CE 17] 542
2097 3 May 2097 Edward Alamekas Royalists 267 Rhetorists 260 15[CE 18] 542
2099 16 September 2099 Nanou Keys Rhetorists 278 Royalists 260 32[CE 19] 570
2104 5 September 2104 272 270 28[CE 20] 570
Mar 2106 4 March 2106 280 279 22[CE 21] 581
Jul 2106 11 July 2106 286 285 10[CE 22] 581
Dec 2106 4 December 2106 Henry Russell Royalists 287 Rhetorists 281 13[CE 23] 581

Elections to the First and Second Parliament

The First Parliament (2110 - 2282)

The Second Parliament (2282 - 2395)

Elections to the Third and Fourth Parliament

The Third Parliament (2395 - 2443)

The Fourth Parliament (2443 - 2448)

This parliament saw the fewest general elections: just 2445 and 2448.

Elections as a devolved country in the High Kingdoms of Alaxia

2448 to present

Local elections

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