List of religions

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This is a list of religions

Major religions

Symbol Religion name brief description Sects Extra
Bokanism Most widely practiced religion in the world

Named for the prophet Boka Worships the God Auster

Mutaarism, found in Palakkinen

Luceroanism, found in the High Kingdoms

Bokanist Church
Vermanism Religion found in Vernikia, Alsara and Bronzefeld Skatos, Demonas
Jovokoyan Religion found in northern Solan and Scoitlan.
Korakai Sutons primary religion
Solarism Main religion of Solan
Cinderism The traditional religion of the Rhal
Ruckinia Popular across Western Qatesh

The Second most widely practiced religion Believes the universe is in a cycle of death and rebirth

Western Ismemai Religion present in North-West Qatesh. Yasjan Orthodox Church, Eastern Reformist Church, Nalsatan Church, Church of Cidk
Eastern Ismemai Religion present across North Qatesh. Orderism
Yildirim Present across Kiavalar.
Valkyrism Religion common in Ceironia
Church / Cult of The One Religion practiced in Erdelicht