Malkey Accords

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The Malkey Accords was a confidential series of agreements made between the Prime Minister of Empherias John Malkey, the Prime Minister of Ahitereira, and the High Chancellor of Kiavalar, signed on 5 June 2516.

Although other minor agreements were signed, and highly confidential matters discussed, the main outcome of the accords was the agreement by all three heads of governments that if Fazar were to join the High Kingdoms of Alaxia as an equal member, Grensalbourg would also join the union as an equal member. Malkey argued that Fazarian membership would divert power away from East Alaxia further towards Central Alaxia and Qatesh, and that it's large population that voted more right-wing would put left-wing candidates at a disproportionate disadvantage. As such, he argued for Grensalbourg - a nation of many ethnic Empheris and high left-wing popularity - to be admitted to the union too to balance out presidential elections and counterbalance the number of nations in different spectrums of the union.