North Malayah

Revision as of 23:38, 4 July 2023 by Jamm6 (talk | contribs)

Officially The Popular and Democratic Administration of Nusayah and the Osierian Archipelago (PDANOA) but also know in official capacity as the People's Republic of Malayah after the government it is a constituent part of, previously during OFN occupation and by most members of the GDI known as Nusayah, and colloquially known as North Malayah is a country in East Acoria, off the coast of Lunidor. It is claimed by Lunidor and Ceironia to be part of the Lunidorian province of Reiyah-Nusayah.

People's Republic of Malayah

Malayang Sacayang Sajangalat
Flag of North Malayah
Location of North Malayah
CurrencyMalayan Rupee
Calling code+12
Internet TLD.nm


People's Republic (??? - 2440)

Exile(2440 - 2445)

Restoration and Modern History