Pippin Pierre

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Pippin Edgar Pierre (born 2 November 2469) is an Empherian politician who served as Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Empherias within the High Kingdoms of Alaxia between 24 July 2507 and 10 January 2514. He had served as Leader of the Nationalist Party from 25 February 2497 until the end of his tenure as Prime Minister in 2514. He fought in the 2499, 2501 and 2506 Provisional Elections, but lost all three coming third, fourth and fourth respectively. Pierre's party got into government following the 2506 election due to a coalition with the Liberal party. On PM Turner's resignation in 2507, no contender from the Liberals were prepared for the role and so Pierre was made Prime Minister, boosting nationalist roles in government. He headed the National Coalition government resulting from 2508 to 2511 to deal with the global financial crisis and fought again in the 2511 Provisional Election where he won a plurality with 291 seats.

Early Years[edit | edit source]

He was born in Esthullen

Education[edit | edit source]

He was educated at

Early Career[edit | edit source]

First term as MP (2473-2475)[edit | edit source]

Out of office jobs (2475-2487)[edit | edit source]

Second term as MP (2487-2489)[edit | edit source]

Election as Leader of the Nationalists[edit | edit source]

2499 Provisional Election campaign[edit | edit source]

2501 Provisional Election campaign[edit | edit source]

2506 Provisional Election campaign and the coalition[edit | edit source]

Incumbency in the 2511 Provisional Election campaign[edit | edit source]

Career post-premiership[edit | edit source]

Private Life[edit | edit source]