Prime Minister of Grensalbourg

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The Prime Minister of Grensalbourg is an elected office in Grensalbourg that is the head of the executive and legislature branches of the government.

History[edit | edit source]

During the government of the State of Grensalbourg, there were two rulers of the nation. These were a representative from both Empherias and Palakkinen in a diarchy. Because of the circumstances of the Treaty of Grensalbourg, the representative from Empherias was given generally more power and was appointed head of the legislative branch and thus the de-facto prime minister. Whereas the Palakkinen representative was appointed head of the executive branch.

With the declaration of the Kingdom of Grensalbourg in 2449, the head of state became Rijkdottir Roxanne I rather than the Palakkinen representative, and therefore the role of the head of executive and head of legislature merged similarly to Empherias. The role became held by the same person as general elections were held to elect a prime minister with Egad Harmala becoming the first Palakkine head of the legislature.

Powers[edit | edit source]

List of prime ministers[edit | edit source]