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{{Infobox country|conventional_long_name=NërozicNerodic Socialist Republic of Sinkayya
|native_name={{unbulleted list|item_style=font-size:95%;
| <hr/>{{Sinkajji Script|Text=sinkaçahi jihùriya neerozìhneeruzìh haym'matadjihêymataS}}<br />{{Resize|80%|{{nobold|Sinkajjahi Jihùriya NërozìhNëruzìh Haym'matadjiHêymataš}}}}}}
|image_coat=[[file:Coat of Arms of Sinkajja.png]]
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|legislature=Supreme Nayroda of Sinkayya
|government_type={{unbulleted list
| Federal [[Yaxovism|Yaxovist]] one-party bicameral directorial socialist republic (2417-2511)
| <br>Unitary [[Yaxovism|Yaxovist]] one-party unicameral directorial socialist republic (2511-present)}}
|currency=Sinkajji Diňar
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'''Sinkayya''' ([[Sinkayyi language|Sinkajji]]: {{Sinkajji Script|Text=sinkaçà}} ''Sinkajjà'' [sinkaça']), officially the '''NërozicNerodic Socialist Republic of Sinkayya''' ([[Sinkayyi language|Sinkajji]]: {{Sinkajji Script|Text=sinkaçahi jihùriya neerozìhneeruzìh haym'matajihêymataS}} ''Sinkajjahi Jihùriya NayrozìhNëruzìh Haym’matajiHêymataš'') is a yaxovist socialist republic located in West Alaxia. Its capital and largest city is [[Širandeh]], located by the [[Golden Bay]]. It borders [[Atlantia]] to the west, [[Ginsukyo]] and [[Jimaria]] to the south, [[Tushinmero]] to the east and [[Ruskvy]] to the north.
Several empires have established themselves in its territory, and at several points in history, it had been a major center of trade. The river network of the Jùr has been an important artery for commerce throughout its history, connecting [[Central Alaxia]] to [[Vehperša]] and [[Eulea (Historical Region)|Eulea]].
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{{main|Nërozic Union}}
The question on whether should federalism be pursued arose shortly after Independence. Albeit originally opposed by Yaxov in "Ùstin’yi Mayani",
the majority of the Congress would eventually vote in favour with the consideration of groups such as the Ašryani and Saxazì as ethnocultural minority groups waranting the creation of republics for fullfillment of their self-representation, alongside the aknowledgement of smaller groups such as the Sinkajji ThaiqsTuriko and the Sinkajji Elven.
Political considerations were also at play, such as the rise of [[Unionism]] in the neighbouring [[Eulean Union]] and the conditions givenstipulated by the [[RepublicTreaty of SevajaGotehan|treaty of gotehan]] in regards to jointhe unification with the [[Republic of Sevaja]].
===The Great War===
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==Recent History==
=== Transition ===
The Union would be dissolved in 14 May, 2511 by a decision of the Maghisttariya of Nations after long tribulation, started by the ousting of the Governour of Ašryanijja in 2489 upon uncovery of his collusion with the Ašryo-Avašyani ethnonationalist, Rašurdist [[Rozéaryanne]] factionalist movement.
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The leading investigations and discovery of the extent of the network led to the debate over over-bureaucracy, the extra level of complexity added by the federalization, issues regarding the lack of control over effective state budget oversight by union and its necessity in the modern day.
84% of the votes were favourable for an unitary system, thus officially ending the Nayrozan Union.
=== Internal Strife and SKJjn's Revolution ===
All of these culminated in the [[Jjov'yin Lejjat]],
Internal strife within the party steadly rose as result of the investigations,
as the scandals reignited demands for change, and more specifically, a list of immediate demands stipulated by the Sinkajjahi Kemaytajiyi Jjovnëlar;
of which, some included the immediate resignation of [[National Maghistariyya of Sinkayya|President of the Maxisttariyya]] Yaxov Marxan and his cabinet, including the remainder of the collective leadership; The introduction of stricter work regulations, increased labour inspection and accountability over business held in condominium with foreign companies, both private and state owned, and the nationalization of non-public logistic infrastructure.
Accreting to that, rising geopolitical tensions, specially within and between members of the WAUF, including the then recent rise of a far-right party within [[Ginsukyo]] ultimately led to general protests and the eventual removal of the incumbent maxisttariyya.
Ňaryeňa Konaxandèh and Maryanjjana Kastradèh, figures that became proeminent during the protests would rise, respectively, as general secretary of the [[Sinkajjì Kemaytàji Harkêt|SYKS]] and president of the national maxisttariyya.
The brief period of joint rule would be marked by deep factionalism within the party, however it'd also see the removal of several former members under charges of corruption including in relation to the joint ginsukyo-sinkajja owned high-speed railway.
Following a scandal involving letters filled with anthrax, Maryanjjana, whom had stepped down briefly prior, and another member of her cabinet would be arrested, and several members of a clandestine pro-west alaxian integration organization with ties to [[Thrax]] would be sentenced to life in prison, all of them under charges of conspiracy. General crackdown of remaining groups whom had relations to both parties and Muriil Tisran's faction <small>(former minister of internal affairs)</small> would follow, cementing control under the Ňaryeňiyyi and ending the factionalist period in Sinkajjà.
=== Ňaryeňiyi Sinkajja ===
The country would later partake in the [[West Alaxian War]], on the side of the [[DMSO]]. Most of its contribution regardedconsisted tacticalin operationslow-level engagements in thenorthern ginsukyo and east northatlantia, reconnaisance, intelligence and equipment production.
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The economy is majorily dominated by State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and Collective Enterprises, such as Worker Cooperatives.
Most of the GDP is accounted by industrial manufacture, mainly of the chemical, electronic and material industriessectors.
Within manufacture the areas with highest GDP productionimpact are, in order:
* Textiles and Clothing.
* Metallurgy (Steel, AlumminiumAluminium, and others) and Metalworking.
* Natural gas, Syngas and products derivated from Carbon (Fuels, Graphite, Coke, Oils).
* ProductsElectronics (Consumer, Avionics), Electronic parts (Transistors, integrated circuits, etc.) and products derivated from Silicon and Silica (Semi-conductors, Silica gels and Silicon Wafers).
* Metallurgy (Steel, Alumminium, and others).
* Healthcare and Medicinals.
* Medicinal Industry.
Other areas of significant activity are Software Engineering<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="">[1]</a></sup>, Automotive Manufacture, Energy, and Tourism.
* Products derivated from Silicon and Silica (Semi-conductors, Silica gels and Silicon Wafers).
Other areas of significant activity are Software Engineering<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="">[1]</a></sup>, Energy, and Tourism.
{{main|Elections in Sinkayya|Politics of Sinkayya}}
Sinkayya is the first and only Yaxovist socialist republic in Oikia.
It follows the delegate model of representation.