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The economy is majorily dominated by State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and Collective Enterprises, such as Worker Cooperatives.
Most of the GDP is accounted by industrial manufacture, mainly of the chemical, electronic and material industriessectors.
Within manufacture the areas with highest GDP productionimpact are, in order:
* Textiles and Clothing.
* Metallurgy (Steel, AlumminiumAluminium, and others) and Metalworking.
* Natural gas, Syngas and products derivated from Carbon (Fuels, Graphite, Coke, Oils).
* ProductsElectronics (Consumer, Automotive, Avionics), Electronic parts (Transistors, integrated circuits, etc.) and products derivated from Silicon and Silica (Semi-conductors, Silica gels and Silicon Wafers).
* Metallurgy (Steel, Alumminium, and others).
* Medical and Medicinal.
* Medicinal Industry.
* Products derivated from Silicon and Silica (Semi-conductors, Silica gels and Silicon Wafers).
Other areas of significant activity are Software Engineering<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="">[1]</a></sup>, Energy, and Tourism.
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{{main|Elections in Sinkayya|Politics of Sinkayya}}
Sinkayya is the first and only Yaxovist socialist republic in Oikia.
It follows the delegate model of representation.