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|leader_title1=President of the National Maghisttariya
|leader_name1= Ňaryeňa Konnaxantêš
|legislature=Supreme Nayroda of Sinkayya | Sinkajjàhi Vajjran Nayroda
|government_type={{unbulleted list | Federal Yaxovist one-party bicameral directorial socialist republic <br>(2417-2511) | Unitary Yaxovist one-party unicameral directorial socialist republic (2511-present)}}|currency=Sinkajji Diňar|GDP_nominal=$314.602B|GDP_nominal_year=2516|GDP_PPP=$185.383B|GDP_PPP_year=2516|GDP_PPP_per_capita=$5,538|GDP_nominal_per_capita=$9,399|population_estimate=33.47 M|population_estimate_year=2516|HDI=0.705
'''Sinkajjà''' or '''Sinkayya''' (Sinkayyi: '''''Sinkajjà''''' <small>Standard Sinkayyan Pronounciation:</small> [sinkaça]) officially known as the '''Nayrozan Socialist Republic of Sinkayya''' (Sinkayyi: ''Sinkajjahi Jihùriya Nayrozìh Haym’matadji'') is a socialist republic located in West Alaxia. The capital and largest city is [[Širandeh]], by the [[Golden Bay]]. It borders [[Atlantia]] to the west, [[Ginsukyo]] and [[Jimaria]] to the south, [[Tushinmero]] to the east and [[Ruskvy]] to the north.