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==Recent History==
The Union would eventually be dissolved in 14 May, 2511 by a decision of the Maghisttariya of Nations after long tribulation, started by the ousting of the Governour of Ašryanijja in 2489 upon uncovery of his collusion with the Ašryo-Avašyani ethnonationalist, Rašurdist [[Rozéaryanne]] factionalist movement.
In the period immediately following
a ban was issued on all flags related to the group, citing and controversialy reaffirming the motion that banned Unionist symbols within Sinkayya following the [[Battle of Ardansàh]]
Criticism over the state of the Union and the effect federalism had in its later years led to the formulation of a plebscite
The leading investigations and discovery of the extent of the network led to the debate over over-bureaucracy, the extra level of complexity added by the federalization, issues regarding the lack of control over effective state budget oversight by union and its necessity in the modern day.
The leading investigations and discovery of the extent of the network led to the debate over over-bureaucracy, the extra level of complexity added by the federalization, issues regarding the lack of control over effective state budget oversight by union and its necessity in the modern day.
General insatisfaction over the state of the Union was shared by the general population which eventually led to the issuing of a plebiscite over the federation.
74% of the votes were favourable for an unitary system, thus officially ending the Nayrozan Union.
7484% of the votes were favourable for an unitary system, thus officially ending the Nayrozan Union.