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{{main|Nërozic Union}}
The question on whether should federalism be pursued arose shortly after Independence. Albeit originally opposed by Yaxov in "Ùstin’yi Mayani",
the majority of the Congress would eventually vote in favour with the consideration of groups such as the Ašryani and Saxazì as ethnocultural minority groups waranting the creation of republics for fullfillment of their self-representation, alongside the aknowledgement of smaller groups such as the Sinkajji ThaiqsTuriko and the Sinkajji Elven.
Political considerations were also at play, such as the rise of [[Unionism]] in the neighbouring [[Eulean Union]] and the conditions givenstipulated by the [[RepublicTreaty of SevajaGotehan|treaty of gotehan]] in regards to jointhe unification with the [[Republic of Sevaja]].
===The Great War===