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Revision as of 17:02, 12 August 2023 by Angelorap19 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Solarism''' is an Solanice religion, worshipping the eight major gods and econmpasses a collection of beliefs and mythological stories. Until the Solan Empire, Solarism was not regarded as one religion but rather as a collection of agreed beliefs until consulor Demipho Adauctus gathered up multiple priests to Solidify the religion and establish a canon in 62 XY. The High-Elder residing in Solitude was given authority to add or remove stuff from canon. With the emergen...")
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Solarism is an Solanice religion, worshipping the eight major gods and econmpasses a collection of beliefs and mythological stories. Until the Solan Empire, Solarism was not regarded as one religion but rather as a collection of agreed beliefs until consulor Demipho Adauctus gathered up multiple priests to Solidify the religion and establish a canon in 62 XY. The High-Elder residing in Solitude was given authority to add or remove stuff from canon. With the emergence of the Second Empire the new Emperor stopped the religion from being Syncretist and thus a new and final canon was established that is still followed even today by more than 400,000,000 people.


Early on Solarism was decentralized, the 1st Empire centralized it however after soon it fell the city of Solitude was losing its authority and as a result when the New Emperor of the 2nd Empire arose he decentralized it into 11 Orcale centers. Today there are more than 11 oracles however the original ones are the most powerful.