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=== Revolutionary period ===
{{main|Revolutionary period of Empherias}}
{{hatnote|2395 Revolution of Empherias|extraclasses=boilerplate seealso}}
{{hatnote|extraclasses=seealso|=== The 2395 Revolution of Empherias}}====
{{See also|2395 Revolution of Empherias}}{{See also|Brekenreidkegt Brekepaine}}{{See also|Aerogastnicht}}
==== Territorial Expansion ====
=== Alaxian period ===
{{main|Alaxian period of Empherias}}
====Brekenreidkegt Brekepaine<ref>Brekepaine translated into English means, "breaking point".</ref>====
Following decades of out of touch politicians continuously winning in Parliament, due to the bad representation system, having dukes and high titled men and women being allowed to vote, many people are angry. The most angry are the middle class in the suburbs of the largest cities: [[Wynnoa]], [[Esthullen]] and [[Rommes]], who are upset that the gap between them and the upper class were increasing. the ''"Brekenreidkegt Brekepaine"'' was a novel written by poet [[Lewis Rhommel|'''Lewis Rhommel''']] in late 2394 criticising the institution of pointless suppression of voting by the lower and middle classes. The [[Brekenreidkegt]]<ref>The Brekenreidkegt building was named the "broken imperial castle" by locals during it's construction due to a fault in it's design leading to many archways looking broken. The imperial castle stems to it's origins as being a fort used by the monarch to stay in occasionally. Eventually, it became used as a town hall for the local town. The original Empherian name, Brekein Reikimpur Kegstel became abreviated and shortened until it's modern name.</ref> being the local name for a town hall in southwest Esthullen which had been notorious for often comical voting margins and gerrymandering. The building was seized in the early morning at around half past four by around five hundred middle class civilians, with hundreds of lit torches and common weapons such as cricket bats, fencing swords and cooking knives. However, the pure amount of people forced the doors to break under pressure and the people to swarm through the front gates. One of the leaders of this protest was '''Edgard Morrison''', an avid populist, who wanted to convince the corrupt Duke in the area to free up voting regulations and allow people to vote and elect a new representative of the people. This was important as a new tax law, which would've raised taxes, was about to be passed by the government of the nation. Windows smashed, royal guards stabbed and killed, and the Duke fled the scene and declared an emergency to '''[[Rijkse James VII of Empherias]]'''.
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