Second Sinkayyan Republic: Difference between revisions

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{{Infobox country|native_name=EvànatDêvanat Sinkajjahi Jihùriya Nayrozih Haym’matadji
|conventional_long_name=FirstSecond Nayrozan Socialist Republic of Sinkayya
|image_flag = [[file:si_first_republic.png|250px]]
|national_anthem=[[Legisat, Sinkajjayi kudečne!]]
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|government_type=Unitary Yaxovist one-party unicameral socialist republic (2395-2417)}}
The [[FirstSecond Sinkayyan Republic]] was the state formed immediately after the [[Sinkayyan Revolution|Independence]] of Sinkayya up to the [[Establishment of the Nayrodan Union]].
== History ==